Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Part Number 7820-0802-003
For software version 8.0
May 2000
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Product name and model
Software and hardware options
Software version
If supplied by your carrier, Service Profile Identifiers (SPIDs) associated with your line
Your local telephone company’s switch type and operating mode, such as AT&T 5ESS
Custom or Northern Telecom National ISDN-1
Whether you are routing or bridging with your Lucent product
Type of computer you are using
Description of the problem
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85x11 Book Template (Preliminary)
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85x11 Book Template (Preliminary)
Customer Service ..................................................................................................................... iii
What is in this guide.............................................................................................................. xvii
What you should know ......................................................................................................... xvii
Documentation conventions................................................................................................. xviii
Chapter 1
Performing Basic Configuration.................................................... 1-1
Introduction to basic configuration........................................................................................ 1-1
Connecting to a new unit ....................................................................................................... 1-3
New APX 8000 unit........................................................................................................ 1-3
New MAX TNT or DSLTNT unit.................................................................................. 1-3
Configuring the shelf-controller IP address on a nonredundant unit..................................... 1-4
Setting the system date........................................................................................................... 1-5
Setting the system name......................................................................................................... 1-5
Setting the log level................................................................................................................ 1-5
Configuring a default gateway............................................................................................... 1-6
Configuring basic DNS information...................................................................................... 1-6
Pinging the TAOS unit from a local host............................................................................... 1-7
Recommended basic security measures................................................................................. 1-7
Changing the Admin password....................................................................................... 1-8
Securing the serial port ................................................................................................... 1-8
Assigning a Telnet password .......................................................................................... 1-8
Requiring acceptance of the pool address....................................................................... 1-9
Ignoring ICMP redirects ................................................................................................. 1-9
Disabling directed broadcasts ......................................................................................... 1-9
Configuring SNMP access to the unit........................................................................... 1-10
Overview of SNMP security.................................................................................. 1-10
Enabling SNMP in the TAOS unit ........................................................................ 1-11
Setting community strings..................................................................................... 1-11
Setting up address security .................................................................................... 1-11
Where to go next.................................................................................................................. 1-12
Chapter 2
(APX 8000)....................................................................................... 2-1
Overview of redundancy operations ...................................................................................... 2-1
Shelf-controller startup and primary election ................................................................. 2-1
Normal operation ............................................................................................................ 2-2
Controller switchover ..................................................................................................... 2-3
Log messages.................................................................................................................. 2-3
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring the APX 8000 for shelf-controller redundancy ................................................. 2-3
Assigning the system IP address..................................................................................... 2-4
Assigning an Ethernet IP address ................................................................................... 2-4
Examples of setting shelf-controller Ethernet IP address........................................ 2-4
Defining the soft IP interface for fault tolerance ............................................................ 2-5
Example of setting the soft IP address..................................................................... 2-5
Configuring shelf-controller redundancy........................................................................ 2-6
Physical interface profiles ....................................................................................... 2-6
Redundancy profile.................................................................................................. 2-6
Switching the primary controller at the command-line interface ................................... 2-8
Resetting shelf controllers and clearing controller NVRAM ......................................... 2-8
Resetting the controllers .......................................................................................... 2-8
Clearing NVRAM.................................................................................................... 2-9
Obtaining status information about redundant shelf controllers............................................ 2-9
Viewing controller up time............................................................................................. 2-9
Viewing controller status.............................................................................................. 2-10
Setting up a trap to monitor the secondary controller................................................... 2-11
Clearing the fatal-error history log ............................................................................... 2-11
Chapter 3
Tray Operations (APX 8000)........................................................... 3-1
Overview of the Thermal profile for fan tray operations....................................................... 3-1
Example of configuring thermal controls ....................................................................... 3-2
Related log messages...................................................................................................... 3-3
Thermal alarms ............................................................................................................... 3-3
Thermal status reporting ........................................................................................................ 3-4
Fanstatus command......................................................................................................... 3-4
Thermalstatus command................................................................................................. 3-5
Chapter 4
Configuring Ethernet Cards........................................................... 4-1
Introduction to Ethernet slot cards......................................................................................... 4-1
Full-duplex 10/100Mbps Ethernet-2 slot card................................................................ 4-1
Full-duplex 10/100Mbps Ethernet-3 slot card................................................................ 4-1
Upgrading to the Ethernet-2 and Ethernet-3 slot cards................................................... 4-2
Overview of Ethernet configuration ...................................................................................... 4-2
Understanding the Ethernet-related profiles .......................................................................... 4-2
Ethernet profile ............................................................................................................... 4-2
IP-Interface profile.......................................................................................................... 4-3
Configuring duplex mode on the 100Mbps Ethernet port ..................................................... 4-3
Chapter 5
.......................................................................................................... 5-1
Overview of configuring modem cards ................................................................................. 5-1
Specifying modem negotiation settings ................................................................................. 5-2
Specifying modem modulation for Series56 II and III modem cards.................................... 5-3
Configuring an additional AT answer string for modem calls............................................... 5-3
Series56 II and III Call-Route profiles................................................................................... 5-4
Preventing Series56 II and III cards from delaying Frame Relay connections ..................... 5-5
Hybrid Access card implementation...................................................................................... 5-5
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Chapter 6
Introduction to MultiDSP....................................................................................................... 6-1
48-port MultiDSP card.................................................................................................... 6-2
96-port MultiDSP card.................................................................................................... 6-2
Card configuration constraints........................................................................................ 6-3
Using 48-port and 96-port MultiDSP cards............................................................. 6-3
Using Series56 cards with MultiDSP cards............................................................. 6-3
Supported MultiDSP services ................................................................................................ 6-3
Data................................................................................................................................. 6-3
PHS ................................................................................................................................. 6-4
Voice over IP (VoIP) ...................................................................................................... 6-4
Obtaining status information about a MultiDSP card............................................................ 6-5
Displaying information about all installed cards ............................................................ 6-5
Displaying information about an installed MultiDSP card............................................. 6-5
Verifying that installed software and software versions are correct............................... 6-6
Configuring a MultiDSP card ................................................................................................ 6-6
Verifying that MultiDSP services are enabled ............................................................... 6-7
Verifying call routes for MultiDSP services................................................................... 6-8
Viewing call-routing database entries ................................................................... 6-10
Verifying that configurations are correct for related services ...................................... 6-10
Adding an additional MultiDSP service ....................................................................... 6-10
Chapter 7
Configuring T1 Cards ..................................................................... 7-1
Introduction to T1 .................................................................................................................. 7-2
ISDN PRI........................................................................................................................ 7-2
Nailed or unchannelized T1............................................................................................ 7-2
Channelized line-side vs. trunk-side T1 ......................................................................... 7-2
Overview of T1 configuration................................................................................................ 7-3
Making a profile the working profile..................................................................................... 7-6
Assigning names to T1 line profiles ...................................................................................... 7-7
Enabling a line ....................................................................................................................... 7-8
Specifying the framing and encoding .................................................................................... 7-8
Configuring ISDN PRI signaling........................................................................................... 7-8
Configuring ISDN network-side emulation........................................................................... 7-9
Configuring overlap receiving on PRI lines .......................................................................... 7-9
Configuring inband robbed-bit signaling............................................................................. 7-11
Configuring NFAS .............................................................................................................. 7-13
Configuring a single NFAS group................................................................................ 7-13
Configuring multiple NFAS groups ............................................................................. 7-13
Configuring ISDN NFAS for Japanese switch types.................................................... 7-15
Configuring clocking ........................................................................................................... 7-17
Configuring the front-end transceiver.................................................................................. 7-17
Configuring channel usage................................................................................................... 7-18
Assigning telephone numbers to switched channels............................................................ 7-19
Configuring trunk groups..................................................................................................... 7-20
Configuring nailed channels ................................................................................................ 7-21
Configuring a back-to-back T1 connection ......................................................................... 7-21
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Specifying analog encoding for TAOS unit codecs............................................................. 7-22
Configuring specialized options........................................................................................... 7-22
Sample T1 configuration...................................................................................................... 7-23
Default Call-Route profiles.................................................................................................. 7-24
Chapter 8
Introduction to T1 FrameLine................................................................................................ 8-1
Overview of supported features ............................................................................................. 8-1
Frame Relay.................................................................................................................... 8-2
Routing protocols............................................................................................................ 8-2
Overview of T1 FrameLine configuration............................................................................. 8-2
Configuring the clock source ................................................................................................. 8-3
Chapter 9
Introduction to E1 .................................................................................................................. 9-2
ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI)................................................................................ 9-2
Nailed or unchannelized E1............................................................................................ 9-2
Overview of E1 configuration................................................................................................ 9-2
Understanding configuration requirements............................................................................ 9-4
Making a profile the working profile..................................................................................... 9-5
Assigning names to E1 line profiles ...................................................................................... 9-6
Enabling a line ....................................................................................................................... 9-7
Configuring a back-to-back connection................................................................................. 9-7
Specifying the framing........................................................................................................... 9-7
Specifying E1 signaling ......................................................................................................... 9-8
Configuring ISDN PRI signaling........................................................................................... 9-8
Configuring ISDN network-side emulation........................................................................... 9-9
Configuring E1 R1 signaling ............................................................................................... 9-10
Configuring E1 R2 signaling ............................................................................................... 9-10
Configuring DPNSS signaling............................................................................................. 9-12
Configuring overlap receiving on PRI lines ........................................................................ 9-13
Configuring clocking ........................................................................................................... 9-13
Configuring the front-end E1 transceiver ............................................................................ 9-13
Configuring channel usage................................................................................................... 9-14
Assigning telephone numbers to switched channels............................................................ 9-14
Configuring trunk groups..................................................................................................... 9-14
Configuring nailed channels ................................................................................................ 9-15
Specifying analog encoding for TAOS unit codecs............................................................. 9-16
Default Call-Route profiles.................................................................................................. 9-16
Chapter 10
Introduction to E1 FrameLine.............................................................................................. 10-1
Overview of supported features ........................................................................................... 10-1
Frame Relay.................................................................................................................. 10-2
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Routing protocols.......................................................................................................... 10-2
Overview of E1 FrameLine configuration........................................................................... 10-2
Example E1 FrameLine configuration.......................................................................... 10-3
Administrative profiles for E1 FrameLine........................................................................... 10-4
Admin-State profile ...................................................................................................... 10-5
Device-State profile ...................................................................................................... 10-5
Administrative commands and status information............................................................... 10-5
Configuring the clock source ............................................................................................... 10-6
Chapter 11
Configuring T3 Cards .................................................................... 11-1
Introduction to T3 ................................................................................................................ 11-1
Overview of T3 configuration.............................................................................................. 11-1
Understanding T3 configuration requirements .................................................................... 11-2
Understanding T3 slot card profiles..................................................................................... 11-3
T3 profile ...................................................................................................................... 11-3
Call-Route profile ......................................................................................................... 11-3
T1 profiles..................................................................................................................... 11-4
Assigning a name to a T3 profile......................................................................................... 11-4
Enabling a line ..................................................................................................................... 11-5
Configuring the T3 physical link ......................................................................................... 11-5
Configuring clocking ........................................................................................................... 11-5
Chapter 12
Introduction to SWAN......................................................................................................... 12-1
Overview of SWAN configuration ...................................................................................... 12-1
Understanding SWAN card configuration requirements..................................................... 12-2
Making a profile the working profile................................................................................... 12-3
Assigning a name to a SWAN profile.................................................................................. 12-4
Enabling a line ..................................................................................................................... 12-4
Specifying a nailed group .................................................................................................... 12-4
Specifying the SWAN internal clock speed......................................................................... 12-5
Frame Relay configuration................................................................................................... 12-6
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Introduction to unchannelized DS3...................................................................................... 13-1
Supported features................................................................................................................ 13-1
Overview of unchannelized DS3 configuration................................................................... 13-2
Using the UDS3 profile........................................................................................................ 13-2
Configuring the UDS3 physical link.................................................................................... 13-2
Configuring DS3-ATM Cards........................................................ 14-1
Introduction DS3-ATM........................................................................................................ 14-1
Overview of DS3-ATM settings.......................................................................................... 14-1
Examples of DS3-ATM configurations ............................................................................... 14-3
Configuring redundant cards ........................................................................................ 14-3
Looping back the line ................................................................................................... 14-4
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Chapter 15
(MAX TNT/DSLTNT)....................................................................... 15-1
Introduction to OC3-ATM................................................................................................... 15-1
Overview of OC3-ATM settings.......................................................................................... 15-1
Using OC3-ATM ports as a clock source ............................................................................ 15-3
Example of an OC3-ATM configuration............................................................................. 15-4
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Configuring STM-0 Cards............................................................. 16-1
Introduction to STM-0 ......................................................................................................... 16-1
Using STM and T1 profiles ................................................................................................. 16-2
Sample STM-0 configurations............................................................................................. 16-2
Example of configuring an STM profile....................................................................... 16-2
Example of configuring a T1 data trunk....................................................................... 16-3
(DSLTNT)........................................................................................ 17-1
Introduction to DSL technologies........................................................................................ 17-1
IDSL overview.............................................................................................................. 17-1
ADSL overview ............................................................................................................ 17-2
SDSL overview............................................................................................................. 17-3
DSL configuration................................................................................................................ 17-4
Configuring switched connections....................................................................................... 17-4
Configuring nailed connections ........................................................................................... 17-5
Configuring data transfer rates............................................................................................. 17-6
Configuring data transfer rates for ADSL lines............................................................ 17-6
Configuring data transfer rates for SDSL lines ............................................................ 17-7
Configuring per-session data transfer rates .................................................................. 17-8
Configuring per-session data rate limits.............................................................. 17-10
Configuring DSLPipe Plug and Play ................................................................................. 17-12
How Plug and Play works........................................................................................... 17-12
DHCP server requirements ......................................................................................... 17-13
TFTP server requirements .......................................................................................... 17-14
DSLPipe default configuration ................................................................................... 17-14
Configuring the DSLTNT........................................................................................... 17-15
Configuring BOOTP Relay ................................................................................. 17-15
Configuring the SDSL profile ............................................................................. 17-15
Configuring a Frame Relay profile...................................................................... 17-16
Configuring a Connection profile........................................................................ 17-17
Configuring IDSL voice connections ................................................................................ 17-17
Incoming calls............................................................................................................. 17-18
Outgoing calls............................................................................................................. 17-18
Configuring the DSLTNT........................................................................................... 17-18
Configuring the IDSL profile .............................................................................. 17-18
Configuring trunk groups .................................................................................... 17-20
Configuring the Pipeline............................................................................................. 17-21
Configuring the Configure profile....................................................................... 17-21
Sample DSL configurations............................................................................................... 17-22
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Sample Frame Relay IDSL configuration .................................................................. 17-22
Configuring the DSLTNT ................................................................................... 17-23
Configuring the Pipeline...................................................................................... 17-25
Sample ADSL nailed PPP connection........................................................................ 17-26
Configuring the ADSL profile............................................................................. 17-27
Configuring the Connection profile..................................................................... 17-27
Configuring the DSLPipe .................................................................................... 17-28
Configuring the Connection profile..................................................................... 17-30
Configuring the IP-Route profile......................................................................... 17-31
Configuring the SDSL profile ............................................................................. 17-32
Configuring the Frame-Relay profile .................................................................. 17-32
Configuring the DSLPipe-S................................................................................. 17-33
Configuring the Connection profile..................................................................... 17-34
Configuring the SDSL profile ............................................................................. 17-36
Configuring the Frame-Relay profile .................................................................. 17-36
Configuring the DSLPipe-S................................................................................. 17-36
Chapter 18
Signaling System 7 (SS7)............................................................. 18-1
Introduction to SS7.............................................................................................................. 18-1
System requirements for SS7 operations ............................................................................. 18-2
TAOS unit as terminator of data calls in an SS7 network............................................ 18-2
Interface between a signaling gateway and TAOS unit................................................ 18-4
Incoming calls............................................................................................................... 18-4
Continuity tests ............................................................................................................. 18-4
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway................................................................................ 18-4
Specifying the SS7 control protocol ............................................................................. 18-6
Configuring transport-layer options.............................................................................. 18-6
System IP address considerations................................................................................. 18-7
Example of a basic configuration ................................................................................. 18-8
T1 lines as SS7 data trunks........................................................................................... 18-8
Example of configuring a T3 card for SS7 data .................................................... 18-9
Example of configuring a T1 data trunk................................................................ 18-9
E1 lines as SS7 data trunks......................................................................................... 18-10
V.110 bearer capability for SS7 calls using IPDC...................................................... 18-11
SS7 link establishment timer ...................................................................................... 18-11
Two-wire continuity check on T1 and E1 lines.......................................................... 18-11
Outgoing continuity tests on T1 and T3 ..................................................................... 18-13
Digital milliwatt tone support on T1 and T3 .............................................................. 18-13
Analog milliwatt tone and variable tone support........................................................ 18-13
Reporting VoIP call statistics ..................................................................................... 18-14
When the unit reports VoIP statistics .................................................................. 18-14
ss7nmi debug-level command ............................................................................. 18-15
Statistics and error reporting on SS7 connections ...................................................... 18-15
Command output when no errors are detected .................................................... 18-15
Command output showing errors ........................................................................ 18-18
Cause codes for SS7 ASGCP calls to the TAOS unit........................................................ 18-19
SS7 IPDC support for call ID and disconnect cause codes ........................................ 18-20
IPDC generation of a globally unique call ID ..................................................... 18-20
Global-Call-ID parameter.................................................................................... 18-20
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Start and Stop records.......................................................................................... 18-21
Disconnect cause codes ....................................................................................... 18-21
SNMP support for SS7....................................................................................................... 18-23
Chapter 19
Configuring Call Routing ............................................................. 19-1
Network, host, and dual-purpose devices ............................................................................ 19-1
Understanding the call-routing database.............................................................................. 19-2
How call routes affect device usage ............................................................................. 19-3
Modem usage and database sort order.......................................................................... 19-3
HDLC channel usage and database sort order.............................................................. 19-4
Trunk line usage and sort order .................................................................................... 19-5
Working with Call-Route profiles........................................................................................ 19-5
Call-Route profile settings............................................................................................ 19-5
Outbound call routing by trunk group .......................................................................... 19-6
Multilink Frame Relay requirements with Hybrid Access ........................................... 19-7
Example with two E1 lines in an MFR bundle...................................................... 19-7
Example with six E1 lines in an MFR bundle....................................................... 19-8
Concentrating multilink calls on one Hybrid Access card ........................................... 19-8
Dedicating Series56 cards to modem processing ......................................................... 19-9
Enabling Series56 cards to handle HDLC processing.................................................. 19-9
Another way to route incoming calls (deprecated) .............................................................. 19-9
Call routing algorithms ...................................................................................................... 19-10
Localization of call routes within a quadrant.............................................................. 19-10
How the system finds a route...................................................................................... 19-11
Details of how a route is chosen ................................................................................. 19-12
First pass: trunk group number............................................................................ 19-12
Second pass: ISDN subaddresses ........................................................................ 19-12
Third pass: telephone numbers............................................................................ 19-12
Fourth pass: destination device addresses ........................................................... 19-13
Fifth pass: source device addresses ..................................................................... 19-13
Last pass: comparison routing type ..................................................................... 19-13
Appendix A
Provisioning the Switch ................................................................. A-1
Provisioning the switch for T1 access................................................................................... A-1
What you need from your T1 service provider..................................................................... A-2
What you need from your E1 service provider..................................................................... A-2
Index.......................................................................................... Index-1
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Figure 13-1 Example of unchannelized DS3 slot card application ..................................... 13-1
Figure 14-1 DS3-ATM interface to ATM network............................................................. 14-1
Figure 15-1 OC3-ATM interface to ATM network............................................................. 15-1
Figure 16-1 Example STM-0 configuration ........................................................................ 16-1
Figure 17-1 DSLPipe unit obtaining its configuration (Plug and Play) ............................ 17-13
Figure 17-2 Incoming and outgoing voice calls ................................................................ 17-18
Figure 17-3 IDSL connection with a Pipeline................................................................... 17-22
Figure 17-4 Sample ADSL PPP connection...................................................................... 17-26
Figure 17-5 Example SDSL setup with interface-based routing....................................... 17-30
Figure 17-6 Example SDSL setup with system-based routing.......................................... 17-34
Figure 18-1 TAOS terminating data calls in an SS7 network ............................................. 18-2
Figure 19-1 Trunk group 8 connecting to a TAOS unit ...................................................... 19-6
Figure 19-2 Matching call information to a database entry............................................... 19-11
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Table 1-1 Basic TAOS unit configuration tasks ................................................................ 1-2
Table 5-1 Modem configuration tasks ............................................................................... 5-2
Table 7-1 T1 line configuration tasks ................................................................................ 7-3
Table 9-1 E1 line configuration tasks ................................................................................ 9-2
Table 11-1 T3 line configuration tasks .............................................................................. 11-2
Table 12-1 SWAN-card configuration tasks...................................................................... 12-2
Table 12-2 SWAN card configuration ............................................................................... 12-2
Table 13-1 Unchannelized DS3 line configuration tasks................................................... 13-2
Table 17-1 DSL data rate configuration parameters .......................................................... 17-6
Table 18-1 Signaling gateway platforms and protocol support ........................................ 18-1
Table 19-1 Fields in a call-routing database entry ............................................................ 19-2
Table A-1 T1 access provisioning information.................................................................. A-1
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
About This Guide
What is in this guide
This guide provides the following instructions for an APX 8000™, MAX TNT®, or
DSLTNT™ multiservice access concentrator:
Basic configuration of your unit
Configuring shelf controller redundancy (APX 8000 only)
Configuring Ethernet and modem cards
Configuring T1, E1, DS3, and other network slot cards
Configuring the unit in a Signaling System 7 (SS7) network
Configuring call routing
Provisioning the switch
Note: This manual describes the full set of features for APX 8000, MAX TNT, and DSLTNT
units running True Access™ Operating System (TAOS) software version 8.0.2 or later. Some
features might not be available with earlier versions or specialty loads of the software.
This manual hereafter refers to your product as a TAOS unit except when referring to features
specific to a particular unit.
Warning: Before installing your TAOS unit, be sure to read the safety instructions in the
Access Networks Safety and Compliance Guide. For information specific to your unit, see the
“Safety-Related Electrical, Physical, and Environmental Information” appendix in your unit’s
hardware installation guide.
What you should know
This guide is for the person who installs, configures, and maintains a TAOS unit. To configure
a unit, you need to understand the following:
Wide Area Network (WAN) concepts
Local Area Network (LAN) concepts
Dial-in LAN connections such as Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) and Multilink PPP (MP)
Connection cost management and accounting
Frame Relay
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
IP routing
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Documentation conventions
Network security
Documentation conventions
Following are all the special characters and typographical conventions used in this manual:
Convention Meaning
Monospace text Represents text that appears on your computer’s screen, or that could
appear on your computer’s screen.
Boldface mono- Represents characters that you enter exactly as shown (unless the char-
space text
acters are also in italics—see Italics, below). If you could enter
the characters but are not specifically instructed to, they do not appear
in boldface.
Represent variable information. Do not enter the words themselves in
the command. Enter the information they represent. In ordinary text,
italics are used for titles of publications, for some terms that would
otherwise be in quotation marks, and to show emphasis.
[ ]
Square brackets indicate an optional argument you might add to a
command. To include such an argument, type only the information
inside the brackets. Do not type the brackets unless they appear in bold
Separates command choices that are mutually exclusive.
Points to the next level in the path to a parameter or menu item. The
item that follows the angle bracket is one of the options that appears
when you select the item that precedes the angle bracket.
Represents a combination keystroke. To enter a combination key-
stroke, press the first key and hold it down while you press one or
more other keys. Release all the keys at the same time. (For example,
Ctrl-H means hold down the Control key and press the H key.)
Press Enter
Means press the Enter, or Return, key or its equivalent on your com-
Introduces important additional information.
Warns that a failure to follow the recommended procedure could result
in loss of data or damage to equipment.
Warns that a failure to take appropriate safety precautions could result
in physical injury.
Warns of danger of electric shock.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Documentation set
Documentation set
The APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT documentation set consists of the following manuals.
• Read me first:
Access Networks Safety and Compliance Guide
Contains important safety instructions and country-specific compliance information
that you must read before installing a TAOS unit.
TAOS Command-Line Interface Guide
Introduces the TAOS command-line environment and shows how to use the
command-line interface effectively. This manual describes keyboard shortcuts and
introduces commands, security levels, profile structure, and parameter types.
Installation and basic configuration:
APX 8000 Hardware Installation Guide
Shows how to install APX 8000 hardware and includes APX 8000 technical
MAX TNT/DSLTNT Hardware Installation Guide
Shows how to install MAX TNT and DSLTNT hardware and includes technical
specifications for these units.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide (this guide)
Shows how to configure the cards installed in a TAOS unit and their line attributes for
such functions as framing, signaling, and channel usage. It also describes how calls
are routed through the system and includes information about configuring the unit in a
Signaling System 7 (SS7) environment. This guide explains shelf controller
redundancy for an APX 8000 unit.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT ATM Configuration Guide
Describes how to configure Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) operations on a
TAOS unit. This guide explains how to configure physical layer attributes and how to
create permanent virtual circuit (PVC) and switched virtual circuit (SVC) ATM
interfaces. It includes information about ATM direct and ATM-Frame Relay circuits.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Frame Relay Configuration Guide
Describes how to configure Frame Relay operations on a TAOS unit. This guide
explains physical layer configuration and restrictions and how to create permanent
virtual circuit (PVC) and switched virtual circuit (SVC) interfaces. It includes
information about Multilink Frame Relay (MFR) and link management, as well as
Frame Relay and Frame Relay direct circuits.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT WAN, Routing, and Tunneling Configuration Guide
Shows how to configure LAN and WAN routing for analog and digital dial-in
connections on a TAOS unit. This guide includes information about IP routing, Open
Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing, Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)
routing, multiprotocol routers, Virtual Routers (VRouters), and tunneling protocols.
MultiVoice™ for MAX TNT Configuration Guide
Shows how to configure the MultiVoice application to run on a MAX TNT unit in
both Signaling System 7 (SS7) and H.323 Voice over IP (VoIP) configurations.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Documentation set
RADIUS: TAOS RADIUS Guide and Reference
Describes how to set up a TAOS unit to use the Remote Authentication Dial-In User
Service (RADIUS) server and contains a complete reference to RADIUS attributes.
Administration and troubleshooting: APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Administration
Describes how to administer a TAOS unit, including how to monitor the system and cards,
troubleshoot the unit, and configure the unit to use the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP).
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Reference
An alphabetic reference to all commands, profiles, and parameters supported on
TAOS units.
TAOS Glossary
Defines terms used in documentation for TAOS units.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Performing Basic Configuration
Introduction to basic configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Connecting to a new unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Setting the system date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Setting the system name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Setting the log level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Configuring a default gateway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Configuring basic DNS information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Pinging the TAOS unit from a local host. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Recommended basic security measures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Where to go next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
Introduction to basic configuration
Table 1-1 lists the sections describing the tasks you must perform for the TAOS unit basic
configuration. The table includes a brief description of each task and lists the commands and
parameters you will use.
For information about more advanced configuration of your TAOS unit, see the following
configuration guide:
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT ATM Configuration Guide
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Frame Relay Configuration Guide
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT WAN, Routing, and Tunneling Configuration Guide
For information about commands, profiles, and parameters, see the
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Reference manual.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 1-1
Performing Basic Configuration
Introduction to basic configuration
Table 1-1. Basic TAOS unit configuration tasks
Description of task
Related commands or parameters
Connect the TAOS unit to a
terminal or workstation and an
Ethernet network.
“Configuring the shelf-controller IP Specify the date and time for the
address on a nonredundant unit” on TAOS unit system clock.
admin> set ip-address
Set the correct date and time with
the Date command.
admin> date ymmddhhmm
Specify the name of the TAOS unit. System profile > Name
This name is used for
Specify the level of event
information that the TAOS unit
displays at the console.
Log profile > Save-level
the TAOS unit can forward packets
for which it has no route.
Specify a Domain Name System
(DNS) server so that you can use
names instead of IP addresses to
reach IP hosts.
IP-global profile > Domain-name
IP-global profile >
IP-global profile >
After configuring the TAOS unit
with its basic settings, you can use
Ping to verify that it is
communicating on the network.
Before making the TAOS unit
accessible to users, Lucent
recommends that you configure
some basic security on the unit.
User > Password
Serial > Auto-Logout
Serial > User
IP-global profile >
IP-global profile>
SNMP profile
1-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Performing Basic Configuration
Connecting to a new unit
Connecting to a new unit
To communicate with a new TAOS unit, you must assign an IP address to the shelf controller.
Once this is done, you can perform further configuration over a LAN using Telnet.
Use the following procedures to connect a new TAOS unit, if you have not already done so,
and assign an Ethernet IP address.
New APX 8000 unit
Use the following procedure to initially set up an APX 8000 unit:
Connect a PC terminal or workstation to the serial port on the shelf controller (see the APX
8000 Hardware Installation Guide). If the APX 8000 is equipped with redundant shelf
controllers, connect to the serial port on the primary controller.
Connect an Ethernet cable between the network and the Ethernet port on the shelf
controller (see the APX 8000 Hardware Installation Guide). If the APX 8000 is equipped
with redundant shelf controllers, connect to the Ethernet port on the primary controller.
Configure an IP address and network mask in the ip-interfaceprofile.
Verify that the connection and IP address are correct by pinging any device on the
on page 2-5 for details).
Exit the terminal or workstation.
Telnet from a workstation on the LAN. The system will prompt you for the username and
User: admin
Password: Ascend
Complete the configuration.
New MAX TNT or DSLTNT unit
Use the following procedure to initially set up a MAX TNT or DSLTNT unit:
Connect a PC terminal or workstation to the serial port on the shelf controller (see the
MAX TNT/DSLTNT Hardware Installation Guide). Ensure that the speed is set to
9600 bps.
Connect an Ethernet cable to the network and to the Ethernet port on the shelf controller
(see the MAX TNT/DSLTNT Hardware Installation Guide).
Configure an IP address and network mask in the ip-interfaceprofile (see
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 1-3
Performing Basic Configuration
Configuring the shelf-controller IP address on a nonredundant unit
Verify that the connection and the IP address are correct by pinging any device on the
admin> ping
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0 ms
Exit the terminal or workstation.
Telnet to the MAX TNT or DSLTNT using a workstation on the LAN. The system will
prompt you for a username and password.
User: admin
Password: Ascend
Complete the configuration.
Configuring the shelf-controller IP address on a
nonredundant unit
for an APX 8000 unit with redundant shelf controllers.
All TAOS units have an Ethernet port on the shelf controller. This Ethernet port is designed for
out-of-band management and light traffic loads. It is not intended to be the primary Ethernet
interface for the system. If your unit will be routing heavy Ethernet traffic, use an Ethernet
To assign an IP address to the Ethernet interface of the shelf controller on a nonredundant APX
8000 or a MAX TNT or DSLTNT, use the Read and List commands to display the controller’s
IP-Interface profile, then set the IP-Address parameter. For example:
admin> read ip-interface {{1 controller 1 } 0 }
IP-INTERFACE/{ { shelf-1 controller 1 } 0 } read
admin> list
interface-address* = { { shelf-1 controller 1 } 0 }
ip-address =
2nd-ip-address =
rip-mode = routing-off
admin> set ip-address =
admin> write
After you assign the unit’s hostname and IP address, you might need to modify the host
information on your local Domain Name System (DNS) server to include the TAOS unit.
1-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Performing Basic Configuration
Setting the system date
Setting the system date
If the system date displayed on your screen is incorrect, set the correct date and time with the
Date command. For example, to set the date and time to October 22, 2000, 8:50 in the
admin> date 0010220850
The format for setting the date and time is ymmddhhmm. Enter the hour in military (24-hour)
Setting the system name
You can assign the TAOS unit a system name of up to 24 characters. Because the system name
is used for authenticating connections, keep it relatively simple and use only standard
Here is an example of how to set the TAOS unit system name:
admin> read system
admin> list
name = ""
system-rmt-mgmt = no
use-trunk-groups = no
idle-logout = 0
parallel-dialing = 5
single-file-incoming = yes
admin> set name = apx01
admin> write
Setting the log level
While you are configuring the TAOS unit, you might want to increase the log level to display
messages that can help you debug configuration settings. First display the current settings, then
enter a new log level.
To display the system-wide event-logging parameters, use the Read and List commands:
admin> read log
LOG read
admin> list
save-level = info
save-number = 100
syslog-enabled = no
host =
facility = local0
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 1-5
Performing Basic Configuration
Configuring a default gateway
To change the log level, specify an option for the Save-Level parameter:
admin> set save-level = [none|emergency|alert|criti-
admin> write
If your local network supports a Syslog server, you can configure the server’s IP address and
the Syslog facility number by setting the Host and Facility parameters in this profile.
Configuring a default gateway
If the TAOS unit does not have a route for the destination address of a packet, it forwards the
packet to the default router. Most sites use the default router (such as a GRF® router or a
UNIX host running the route daemon) to distribute routing tasks among devices. If you do not
configure a default route, the TAOS unit drops packets for which it has no route.
You configure the default route in the IP-Route profile. The name of the default IP-Route
profile is always Default, and its destination is always
To configure the default route, first use the Read and List commands to display the default
IP-Route profile, and then set the Gateway-Address parameter. For example:
admin> read ip-route default
IP-ROUTE/default read
admin> list
name* = default
dest-address =
gateway-address =
metric =1
cost =1
preference = 100
third-party = no
ase-type = type-1
ase-tag = c0:00:00:00
private-route = no
active-route = no
admin> set gateway-address =
admin> set active-route=yes
admin> write
IP-ROUTE/default written
Configuring basic DNS information
The example in this section uses the domain name abc.com and sets the IP address of the
primary Domain Name System (DNS) server on the local network. Setting this basic
information enables you to access IP hosts by name instead of by IP address.
Here is an example that shows how to configure the DNS information:
admin> read ip-global
admin> list
1-6 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Performing Basic Configuration
Pinging the TAOS unit from a local host
domain-name = ""
dns-primary-server =
dns-secondary-server =
netbios-primary-ns =
netbios-secondary-ns =
must-accept-address-assign = no
pool-base-address = [ ]
admin> set domain-name = abc.com
admin> set dns-primary-server =
admin> set dns-secondary-server =
admin> write -f
Pinging the TAOS unit from a local host
After you configure the TAOS unit for IP network access, go to an IP host on the local network
and use the Ping command to verify that the unit can communicate on the network. For
host-1% ping
In addition, you can verify that the TAOS unit is integrated into your DNS system. For
host-1% ping apx01
Recommended basic security measures
The TAOS unit is shipped from the factory with all its security features set to defaults that
enable you to configure and set up the unit without any restrictions. Before you make the
TAOS unit generally accessible, you must change the default security settings to protect the
configured unit from unauthorized access.
Before bringing the TAOS unit online, Lucent recommends performing the following
important security measures:
For additional security measures, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT WAN, Routing and
Tunneling Configuration Guide.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 1-7
Performing Basic Configuration
Recommended basic security measures
Changing the Admin password
A user who knows the password to the Admin level can perform any operation on the
TAOS unit, including changing the configuration. The Admin password is set to Ascendby
default. Lucent recommends that you assign a secret password immediately to prevent
unauthorized users from gaining access to the unit by means of the default password.
Following is an example of changing the Admin password:
default> auth admin
Password: Ascend
admin> read user admin
USER/admin read
admin> set password = secret
admin> write
USER/admin written
Note that the Allow-Password permission is set to No in the Admin login. Although this
setting protects the unit’s passwords, it also prevents the Save command from storing
passwords in a configuration file. To save passwords in a configuration file, you can set
Allow-Password to Yes in the Admin profile, or you can create another User profile for the
purpose of backing up the unit and set Allow-Password to Yes in that profile.
Securing the serial port
By default, when users connect to the serial port on the shelf controller, they are logged in with
the Admin User profile. To secure the serial port with a username and password, proceed as
Read the Serial profile:
admin> read serial { 1 17 2}
Set the User profile to null:
admin> set user =
Set Auto-Logout to Yes:
admin> set auto-logout = yes
This setting automatically logs out the current User profile if the Data Terminal Ready
signal (DTR) is lost on the serial port.
Write the profile:
admin> write
Now users connecting to the serial port must supply a valid username and password for access
to the TAOS unit through the serial port.
Assigning a Telnet password
Lucent recommends that you assign a Telnet password, which can be up to 21 characters in
length, to prevent unauthorized Telnet sessions. A user who opens a Telnet session to the
TAOS unit is prompted to supply this password.
1-8 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Performing Basic Configuration
Recommended basic security measures
Following is an example of assigning a Telnet password:
admin> read ip-global
admin> set telnet-password = SDwiw87
admin> write
IP-GLOBAL written
All users attempting to access the TAOS unit unit via Telnet are prompted for the Telnet
password. They are allowed three tries, each with a 60-second time limit, to enter the correct
password. If all three tries fail, the connection attempt times out.
Requiring acceptance of the pool address
During PPP negotiation, a caller can reject the IP address offered by the TAOS unit and present
its own IP address for consideration. For security reasons, you might want to set the
Must-Accept-Address-Assign parameter to Yes to ensure that the TAOS unit terminates such a
admin> read ip-global
admin> set must-accept-address-assign = yes
admin> write
IP-GLOBAL written
If you enforce acceptance of the assigned address, the Answer-Defaults profile must enable
dynamic assignment, the caller’s configured profile must specify dynamic assignment, and the
caller’s PPP dial-in software must be configured to acquire its IP address dynamically. For
more details, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT WAN, Routing and Tunneling
Configuration Guide.
Ignoring ICMP redirects
The Internet Message Control Protocol (ICMP) was designed to find the most efficient IP route
to a destination. ICMP redirect packets are one of the oldest route-discovery methods on the
Internet. They are also one of the least secure, because ICMP redirects can be counterfeited to
change the way a device routes packets. The following commands configure the TAOS unit to
ignore ICMP redirect packets:
admin> read ip-global
admin> set ignore-icmp-redirects = yes
admin> write
IP-GLOBAL written
Disabling directed broadcasts
Denial-of-service attacks known as “smurf” attacks typically use ICMP Echo Request packets
with a spoofed source address to direct packets to IP broadcast addresses. These attacks are
intended to degrade network performance, possibly to the point that the network becomes
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 1-9
Performing Basic Configuration
Recommended basic security measures
To prevent the TAOS unit router from being used as an intermediary in this type of
denial-of-service attack launched from another network, you must disable the TAOS unit from
forwarding the directed broadcasts it receives from another network. The following example
shows how to disable directed broadcasts that are not generated locally on all IP interfaces of a
TAOS unit with a four-port Ethernet card in shelf 1, slot 12:
admin> read ip-int {{1 c 1} 0}
IP-INTERFACE/{ { shelf-1 controller 1 } 0 } read
admin> set directed-broadcast-allowed = no
admin> write
IP-INTERFACE/{ { shelf-1 controller 1 } 0 } written
admin> read ip-int {{1 12 1} 0}
IP-INTERFACE/{ { shelf-1 slot-12 1 } 0 } read
admin> set directed-broadcast-allowed = no
admin> write
IP-INTERFACE/{ { shelf-1 slot-12 1 } 0 } written
admin> read ip-int {{1 12 2} 0}
IP-INTERFACE/{ { shelf-1 slot-12 2 } 0 } read
admin> set directed-broadcast-allowed = no
admin> write
IP-INTERFACE/{ { shelf-1 slot-12 2 } 0 } written
admin> read ip-int {{1 12 3} 0}
IP-INTERFACE/{ { shelf-1 slot-12 3 } 0 } read
admin> set directed-broadcast-allowed = no
admin> write
IP-INTERFACE/{ { shelf-1 slot-12 3 } 0 } written
admin> read ip-int {{1 12 4} 0}
IP-INTERFACE/{ { shelf-1 slot-12 4 } 0 } read
admin> set directed-broadcast-allowed = no
admin> write
IP-INTERFACE/{ { shelf-1 slot-12 4 } 0 } written
Configuring SNMP access to the unit
For Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) access, an SNMP manager must be
running on a host on the local IP network, and the TAOS unit must be able to find that host by
means of either a static route or RIP. In addition to these restrictions, the TAOS unit has its own
SNMP password security (community strings), which you must set up to protect the TAOS unit
from being reconfigured from an unauthorized SNMP station.
Overview of SNMP security
The SNMP profile contains SNMP-readable information about the unit and its SNMP security.
There are two levels of security:
Community strings limit access to the TAOS unit to the community of SNMP managers
who know the strings.
Address security excludes SNMP access unless it is initiated from a specified IP address.
1-10 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Performing Basic Configuration
Recommended basic security measures
Following are the parameters related to SNMP security:
enabled = no
read-community = public
read-write-community = write
enforce-address-security = no
read-access-hosts = [ ]
write-access-hosts = [ ]
contact = ""
location = ""
queue-depth = 0
Enabling SNMP in the TAOS unit
If you leave the Enabled parameter in the SNMP profile set to No (the default), SNMP utilities
cannot access the TAOS unit. The following commands enable SNMP on a unit:
admin> read SNMP
SNMP read
admin> set enabled = yes
admin> write
SNMP written
Setting community strings
You can specify up to 32 characters as the Read-Write-Community string. The following
example changes the default community strings:
admin> read snmp
SNMP read
admin> list
enabled = yes
read-community = ******
read-write-community = *****
enforce-address-security = no
read-access-hosts = [ ]
write-access-hosts = [ ]
contact = ""
location = here
queue-depth = 0
admin> set read-community = private
admin> set read-write-community = secret
admin> write
SNMP written
Setting up address security
If the Enforce-Address-Security parameter is set to No (its default value), any SNMP manager
that presents the correct community name is allowed access. If the parameter is set to Yes, the
TAOS unit checks the source IP address of the SNMP manager and allows access only to those
IP addresses listed in the Read-Access-Host and Write-Access-Host arrays. Each array can
include up to five host addresses.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 1-11
Performing Basic Configuration
Where to go next
In the following example, commands enforce address security and specify a trusted address for
read and write access:
admin> read snmp
SNMP read
admin> list
enabled = no
read-community = public
read-write-community = write
enforce-address-security = no
read-access-hosts = [ ]
write-access-hosts = [ ]
contact = ""
location = ""
admin> set enforce-address-security = yes
admin> set read-access 1 =
admin> set write-access 2 =
admin> write
SNMP written
Where to go next
For APX 8000 units with two shelf controllers, proceed to Chapter 2 to configure
shelf-controller redundancy. Then proceed to the appropriate chapters to configure slot cards
for your unit.
For APX 8000 units with a single shelf controller and for MAX TNT and DSLTNT units,
proceed to the appropriate chapters to configure slot cards for your unit.
1-12 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Shelf-Controller Redundancy
(APX 8000)
Overview of redundancy operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Configuring the APX 8000 for shelf-controller redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Obtaining status information about redundant shelf controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
Overview of redundancy operations
The APX 8000 can operate with a single shelf controller or with two redundant shelf
controllers. When the APX 8000 runs with two shelf controllers, one controller takes on the
active role of primary controller while the other performs as the passive, secondary controller
that automatically takes over control of the system if the primary controller fails. In an APX
8000 with a single shelf controller, no controller redundancy exists.
In an APX 8000 with two shelf controllers, the primary shelf controller performs all controller
operations for the APX 8000:
Managing the slot cards
Maintaining a central repository of the unit’s configurations (including the current
NVRAM configuration)
Performing call control and processing operations
Managing all centralized functions, such as SNMP access and communication with a
RADIUS server.
In addition, all profiles are modified on the primary controller. When a configuration change is
made on the primary controller, the entire configuration is copied to the secondary controller.
The secondary controller must be loaded with the same boot and operational code as the
primary controller.
Shelf-controller startup and primary election
When an APX 8000 with redundant controllers boots up, each shelf controller passes the
power-on self tests (POST) during the boot code loading process. The controllers establish
communication with each other over the packet bus, and exchange context information
(Redundancy profile and Redundancy-Stats profile information) through the heartbeat
protocol. Each controller has its own context (known as Context[1] or Context[2]), which is
associated with the controller’s serial number. The controllers use the context information to
track each other’s status.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 2-1
Configuring Shelf-Controller Redundancy (APX 8000)
Overview of redundancy operations
The controllers next elect the controller that will be primary. The election process is based on a
hierarchical list of complex criteria. The first criterion in the list is evaluated and if the
criterion is found to be true, one of the controllers is made primary. If the criterion is found to
be false, the next criterion in the list is evaluated.
Following is an example of the initial criteria that might be used to designate the primary
If one controller is missing, the existing (current) controller is made primary.
If one controller is not communicating, the current controller is made primary.
If both controllers are communicating, the controllers use the Redundancy profile’s
Primary-Preference setting to determine which controller is primary.
If Primary-Preference is set to No-Preference, the controller that last acted as the
primary controller is made primary.
If a primary controller is still not determined, additional criterion are evaluated. If all election
criteria fail to designate a primary controller, the controller with more resources (for example,
more RAM) is made primary.
If the criteria cannot determine which controller is primary, the system selects the right
controller (slot 42) to be primary and the left controller (slot 41) becomes the secondary
Once a controller is elected as primary, the primary controller proceeds to load operational
code. When the primary is finished loading its code, the secondary controller loads its
operational image and gets a copy of the profiles.
Note: Both controllers must load the same boot and operational code version.
Normal operation
During normal operation, the two shelf controllers communicate with each other over the
packet bus in a back-and-forth heartbeat, exchanging context information. The status lights on
each controller indicate the following activities:
The heartbeat (HRT) status light on each controller visually indicates that the heartbeat
protocol is active by blinking on and off every 4 seconds in a regular pattern that alternates
between the two controllers. In a TAOS unit that has only one shelf controller, the HRT
status light flashes on for 40 milliseconds every 4 seconds.
The primary (PRI) status light on each controller is lit if the controller is the primary and is
off if the controller is secondary.
The operational (OPR) status light is lit when the operational code is successfully loaded
onto the controller.
The secondary controller does not perform controller operations unless the primary controller
resets or fails, or if you change the functionality of the shelf controllers. The secondary
controller’s main role is to monitor the primary and be ready to take over primary controller
functions. The secondary controller maintains the current configuration and the fatal-error
history log.
2-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Shelf-Controller Redundancy (APX 8000)
Configuring the APX 8000 for shelf-controller redundancy
Controller switchover
If the primary controller fatals, the secondary controller automatically takes over as primary
controller. The new primary (old secondary) downs all slot cards and then brings the system
back up. All connections are dropped. After the primary shelf controller comes up, the slot
cards are reset. The system is now ready to take new calls. Each time a controller is selected as
the primary controller, an entry is made in the fatal-error history log.
A switchover, when control passes from the primary controller to the secondary, is initiated by
one of the following occurrences:
The primary controller has a hardware or software problem that causes the module to
reset. The secondary is assigned to act as the primary.
You enter the switchover command, Redundant-Controller-Switch at the
command line interface, which switches control from the primary to the secondary
APX 8000 slot cards communicate with the primary controller through the packet bus. The
primary controller is assigned virtual slot number 43, through which communication with the
slot cards occurs. If a switchover occurs, the new primary controller inherits virtual slot
number 43.
Log messages
Log messages are issued to notify you of significant events related to shelf controller
redundancy. For example, the following cases result in a log message:
A shelf controller becomes primary.
A fatal log entry is generated when a shelf controller has a software crash.
A controller becomes primary when no secondary controller is present.
The primary controller loses heartbeat communication with the secondary controller.
The primary controller establishes heartbeat communication with the secondary controller.
Configuring the APX 8000 for shelf-controller
Setting up the APX 8000 for shelf-controller redundancy includes the following tasks:
Assigning the system IP address
Assigning the shelf-controller Ethernet IP address
Assigning the soft IP address
Configuring shelf-controller redundancy
You can use the redundant-controller-switchcommand-line interface command to
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 2-3
Configuring Shelf-Controller Redundancy (APX 8000)
Configuring the APX 8000 for shelf-controller redundancy
Assigning the system IP address
To configure an APX 8000 that has redundant shelf controllers, you must map system IP
settings to the unit’s soft IP interface. The soft IP interface is associated with the shelf
controller that is currently primary.
Set the IP-Global profile’s System-IP-Addr parameter to the address of the soft IP interface.
System-IP-Addr must not be set to a particular physical interface, such as the address of a shelf
controllers. In a redundant shelf-controller system, the physical address of the primary
controller changes according to which controller is currently primary, and the system IP
address must be a single, unchanging address that always maps to the current primary
Assigning an Ethernet IP address
An APX 8000 creates an IP interface for the Ethernet port of each shelf controller. The
IP-Interface profile index is based on each controller’s slot number. The left controller slot on
the TAOS unit is number 41, and the right controller slot is 42.
To list the IP interfaces, use the Dircommand, as follows:
admin> dir ip-interface
6 06/17/1999 03:06:00
19 06/21/1999 23:54:02
19 06/25/1999 17:45:30
{ { any-shelf any-slot 0 } 0 }
{ { shelf-1 left-controller 1 } 0 }
{ { shelf-1 right-controller 1 } 0 }
The IP interface profile indicated by {{ shelf-1 left-controller 1 } 0}is for the
shelf controller in the first controller slot. The IP profile indicated by {{ shelf-1
right-controller 1 } 0}is for the shelf controller in the second controller slot. The
IP-Interface profile with the zero index {{ any-shelf any-slot 0 } 0}is reserved
for the soft IP interface.
Examples of setting shelf-controller Ethernet IP address
Each shelf controller needs to be assigned an IP address. Following are examples that show
how to configure the Ethernet IP addresses.
In the following example, the shelf controller in the left controller slot position (slot 41) is the
primary controller. The primary controller is assigned the address
admin> read ip-interface { { 1 41 1 } 0 }
IP-INTERFACE/{ { shelf-1 left-controller 1 } 0 } read
admin> set ip-address =
admin> write
IP-INTERFACE/{ { shelf-1 left-controller 1 } 0 } written
The following commands assign the address to the secondary (right) shelf
controller. The commands must be performed on the primary (left) controller.
admin> read ip-interface { { 1 42 1 } 0 }
IP-INTERFACE/{ { shelf-1 right-controller 1 } 0 } read
2-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Shelf-Controller Redundancy (APX 8000)
Configuring the APX 8000 for shelf-controller redundancy
admin> set ip-address =
admin> write
IP-INTERFACE/{ { shelf-1 right-controller 1 } 0 } written
After you assign IP addresses to the controllers, you can verify that the TAOS unit is a valid IP
host on its configured networks by pinging other hosts on those networks, as shown in the
following example:
admin> ping
PING 56 Data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0 ms
--- Ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0/0/0 ms
Defining the soft IP interface for fault tolerance
The APX 8000 supports an internal soft IP interface that is always available. It is associated
only with the primary controller and is hidden from the secondary controller.
The APX 8000 sets up the soft IP interface after you power on the unit and a controller
becomes primary. If a switchover occurs and the secondary controller becomes primary, the
soft IP interface is initialized and associated with the new primary controller. The soft IP
interface address is reachable as long as one IP interface on the APX 8000 (on an Ethernet
card, for example) is operational.
The IP-Interface profile with the zero index is reserved for the soft IP interface. For example,
the first line of the following dircommand output shows the zero index:
admin> dir ip-interface
6 06/17/1999 03:06:00
19 06/21/1999 23:54:02
19 06/25/1999 17:45:30
{ { any-shelf any-slot 0 } 0 }
{ { shelf-1 left-controller 1 } 0 }
{ { shelf-1 right-controller 1 } 0 }
If RIP is enabled, the APX 8000 advertises the soft IP interface address as a host route (with a
prefix length of /32) using the loopback interface. If RIP is not enabled, routers one hop away
from the APX 8000 must have a static route to the soft interface address.
Example of setting the soft IP address
You activate the soft IP interface by entering an IP address for {{ any-shelf any-slot
0} 0}. The following example shows how to set the soft IP address to
admin> read ip-interface { 0 0 0 }
IP-INTERFACE/{ { any-shelf any-slot 0 } 0 } read
admin> set ip-addr =
admin> write
IP-INTERFACE/{ { any-shelf any-slot 0 } 0 } written
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 2-5
Configuring Shelf-Controller Redundancy (APX 8000)
Configuring the APX 8000 for shelf-controller redundancy
Configuring shelf-controller redundancy
When setting up shelf-controller redundancy, you might need to configure the following
Physical interface profiles (such as IP-Interface, Serial, Ethernet, Ether-Info)
Redundancy profile
Note: Lucent recommends that you modify profiles on the primary controller only. Modified
profiles are sent to the secondary controller.
During profile configuration, the writeand deletecommand-line interface commands
check for permission before allowing you to write or delete any profile. Profile writes or
deletes are not allowed on the secondary controller, but you can force implementation of the
commands if you use the -fcommand option. When you use -f, a warning message alerts
you that a profile written on the secondary might be overwritten by a transfer from the primary
Physical interface profiles
The profiles of the physical interfaces, such as IP-Interface, Serial, Ethernet, and Ether-Info,
are indexed by each controller’s slot number. The left shelf-controller slot is 41, and the right
shelf-controller slot is 42.
For example, to read the IP Interface profile for the shelf controller in the left controller slot,
enter the following command:
admin> read ip-interface { { 1 41 1 } 0 }
The APX 8000 has only one shelf, which is identified as shelf-1.
Redundancy profile
The Redundancy profile maintains each controller’s configuration information (context). The
shelf controllers exchange context information during heartbeat communications and use it to
track each other’s status. The context information for each controller is stored as an array and
is identified as Context[1] or Context[2].
Configuration of the Redundancy profile primarily involves the following subprofiles and
Primary-Preference is a parameter that allows the user to indicate a preference for electing
a controller as primary.
Context is a subprofile that contains context subprofiles for both controllers, Context[1]
and Context[2].
Context [N] is a subprofile that contains the context information for an individual
controller (Context[1] or Context[2]).
Note: Configuration of the Redundancy profile parameters must be done only on the primary
controller. Profiles written on the secondary controller can be overwritten.
Use the readand writecommand-line interface commands to make Redundancy the
working profile and list the Redundancy profile contents.
2-6 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Shelf-Controller Redundancy (APX 8000)
Configuring the APX 8000 for shelf-controller redundancy
admin> read redundancy
admin> list
context = [ { } { } ]
primary-preference = no-preference
The following example shows how you can configure the Primary-Preference parameter to
indicate a preference for the controller in the right shelf-controller slot to be elected primary:
admin> read redundancy
admin> set primary-preference = right-controller-preferred
admin> write
Note: Primary-Preference settings remain in effect after a reboot. For example, if the left
controller is configured with a particular setting, after a reboot the left controller still retains
that setting.
The Redundancy-Stats profile contains system-maintained statistical information about each
controller. The statistical information for each controller is located in Context-Stats[1] or
The following example shows how you can view the contents of the Redundancy-Stats profile:
admin> read redundancy-stats
admin> list
context-stats = [ { monitoring secondary defer-to-running-primary
admin> list context 1
[in REDUNDANCY-STATS:context-stats[1]]
state = monitoring
function = secondary
select-reason = defer-to-running-primary
prior-function = no-function
last-reboot = crash
fan = { 317834728 }
admin> list context 2
[in REDUNDANCY-STATS:context-stats[2]]
state = monitoring
function = primary
select-reason = communication-loss
prior-function = no-function
last-reboot = crash
fan = { 317838764 }
The Redundancy and Redundancy-Stats profiles are visible through SNMP.
Refer to the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Reference for additional information about the
Redundancy and Redundancy-Stats profiles.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 2-7
Configuring Shelf-Controller Redundancy (APX 8000)
Configuring the APX 8000 for shelf-controller redundancy
Switching the primary controller at the command-line interface
You can manually switch primary shelf-controller functionality to the secondary controller by
entering the command redundant-controller-switchat the command-line interface.
This command causes the primary controller to give up bus (slot card) ownership and allow the
other controller to become primary. The switchover to the secondary controller occur only if
the secondary controller is present. After the bus is released, the old primary shelf controller
reboots and assumes the role of secondary controller.
Switchover takes place only if the following conditions are met:
The secondary controller is present.
The primary controller currently controls the bus.
The secondary controller requests control of the bus, which is the normal operating state
of the secondary controller. The secondary controller is ready to automatically gain bus
ownership whenever the primary releases its ownership.
After you use the redundant-controller-switchcommand, a prompt appears that
asks for confirmation of your request. To switch primary controller functionality to the
secondary controller without being prompted for confirmation, use the -fcommand option, as
admin> redundant-controller-switch -f
When the command is entered on the primary controller, controller functionality is switched to
the secondary controller. When the switchover command is entered on the secondary
controller, no switchover occurs.
If the switchover command is entered on the primary when the secondary is not requesting
control of the bus, no switchover occurs:
admin> redundant-controller-switch
The remote controller is not requesting the bus,
it cannot become PRIMARY!
If the switchover command is entered on the primary controller when only one controller is
present, a notice is displayed:
admin> redundant-controller-switch
There is no remote controller!
Resetting shelf controllers and clearing controller NVRAM
The shelf controllers can be reset from the command line with the resetcommand. The
controller’s NVRAM can be cleared from the command line with the nvramcommand. The
use of these commands is described in this section.
Refer to the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Reference for additional information on the reset
and nvramcommand-line interface commands and command options.
Resetting the controllers
The resetcommand resets one or both APX 8000 redundant shelf controllers. When you
reset the unit, it restarts, and all active connections are terminated. All users are logged out, and
2-8 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Shelf-Controller Redundancy (APX 8000)
Obtaining status information about redundant shelf controllers
the default security level is reactivated. In addition, a system reset can cause a WAN line to
temporarily be shut down due to momentary loss of signaling or framing information. After a
reset, the unit runs power-on self-tests (POST).
The reset -rcommand resets the secondary controller or both controllers. The reset -f
command resets the controller where the command is invoked. When the primary controller is
reset, the secondary controller automatically takes over control and becomes primary.
Following is an example of what you enter to reset both controllers:
admin> reset -r b
Clearing NVRAM
The nvramcommand clears NVRAM and resets one or both APX 8000 redundant shelf
The nvram -rcommand clears NVRAM and resets the secondary controller or both
controllers. The -f, -t, -u, and -ccommand options apply to the controller where the
command is invoked. When the nvramcommand is performed on the primary controller and
NVRAM is cleared and the controller reset, the secondary controller automatically takes over
control and becomes primary.
Enter the following command to clear NVRAM and reset the secondary shelf controller:
admin> nvram-r s
Enter the following command to clear NVRAM and reboot both shelf controllers:
admin> nvram-r b
Obtaining status information about redundant shelf
You can use the following methods to obtain information about the redundant shelf controllers:
The command-line interface uptimecommand indicates the length of time the
controllers have been operational.
The command-line interface showcommand provides status information about the
redundant shelf controllers.
The Trap profile parameter Secondary-Controller-State-Change-Enabled allows a trap to
be sent to the NavisAccess™ manager whenever the secondary controller goes in or out of
Following are descriptions of these methods.
Viewing controller up time
The uptimecommand reports the length of time the primary controller has been operational.
It also indicates the time elapsed since the secondary controller started communications with
the primary. If a controller reboots or if communication between the two controllers is
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 2-9
Configuring Shelf-Controller Redundancy (APX 8000)
Obtaining status information about redundant shelf controllers
disrupted and then reestablished, the uptimecommand reports the time elapsed since the
secondary controller reestablished communications with the primary.
The uptimecommand does not report the version number of code used by the controllers, but
instead reports the primary or secondary status of each controller. The code version is obtained
with the versioncommand.
The following example shows the uptimecommand entered on the primary controller. The
-aoption displays the up time for all slot cards.
admin> uptime -a
{ shelf-1 slot-3 }
{ shelf-1 slot-12 }
{ shelf-1 slot-16 }
{ shelf-1 slot-19 }
{ shelf-1 slot-23 }
{ shelf-1 slot-32 }
{ shelf-1 slot-34 }
0 days 00:08:53 8.0
0 days 00:08:53 8.0
0 days 00:08:53 8.0
0 days 00:08:53 8.0
0 days 00:08:53 8.0
0 days 00:08:53 8.0
4ether2-card 0 days 00:08:53 8.0
{ shelf-1 left-controller } [...] 0 days 00:40:37 ( SECONDARY )
{ shelf-1 right-controller } [...] 0 days 00:41:21 ( PRIMARY )
The following example shows the uptimecommand entered on the secondary controller:
admin> uptime -a
{ shelf-1 left-controller } [...] 0 days 00:40:37 ( SECONDARY )
{ shelf-1 right-controller } [...] 0 days 00:41:21 ( PRIMARY )
Viewing controller status
The showcommand reports the communications status of the primary and secondary
controllers and indicates which controller (left or right) is the primary and secondary shelf
When the showcommand is entered on either the primary or secondary shelf controller, UPis
reported for the other controller’s status if the current controller is able to communicate with
the other controller. DOWNis displayed if the other controller is present but not communicating
with the current controller. If the other controller is not present, the status of that controller is
reported as ABSENTwith the show -acommand.
The following example displays the showcommand entered on the primary controller, when
the right controller is primary:
admin> show
Controller { right-controller } ( PRIMARY ):
{ left-controller )
{ shelf-1 slot-1 0 }
{ shelf-1 slot-3 0 }
{ shelf-1 slot-12 0 }
{ shelf-1 slot-16 0 }
{ shelf-1 slot-19 0 }
{ shelf-1 slot-23 0 }
{ shelf-1 slot-32 0 }
{ shelf-1 slot-34 0 } UP
2-10 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Shelf-Controller Redundancy (APX 8000)
Obtaining status information about redundant shelf controllers
The following example displays the showcommand entered on the secondary controller when
the right controller is primary:
admin> show
Controller { left-controller } ( SECONDARY ):
{ right-controller )
Setting up a trap to monitor the secondary controller
In the Trap profile, you can configure the Secondary-Controller-State-Change-Enabled
parameter to send a trap to the NavisAccess manager whenever the secondary controller goes
in or out of service. When the parameter is set to yes, a trap is sent when the secondary
controller goes in or out of service. When the parameter is set to no, no trap is sent.
Use the readand listcommands to make Trap the working profile and list its contents. Use
the setcommand to modify the settings in the profile.
The following example shows how to set the parameter to not send a trap to the NavisAccess
admin> set secondary-controller-state-change-enabled=no
Clearing the fatal-error history log
The clr-historycommand clears the fatal-error history log. In systems with redundant
shelf controllers, the clr-historycommand-line interface command is intended only for
use on the primary controller. The fatal-error log cannot be cleared on the secondary controller,
unless you force implementation of the command by using the -fcommand option.
When clr-history -f is used on the secondary controller, a warning message appears to
alert you that the cleared log can still be overwritten during transfer of information from the
primary controller during heartbeat communications.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 2-11
Configuring the Thermal Profile for Fan
Tray Operations (APX 8000)
Overview of the Thermal profile for fan tray operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Thermal status reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Overview of the Thermal profile for fan tray operations
On the APX 8000, an on-board digital temperature chip on the shelf controller and a
temperature device at the intake end of the fan controller are used to measure incoming
ambient air temperature. The APX 8000 fan tray is capable of running at different speeds, and
of adjusting as needed to dissipate system heat or reduce unnecessary fan noise.
You control fan tray operations by configuring the Thermal profile. Following are the relevant
settings, shown with default values:
fantray-lownoise-rpm = 2500
operation-mode = full-speed-only
low-temperature-trigger = 34
high-temperature-trigger = 40
alarm-temperature-trigger = 55
Number of revolutions per minute (RPM) of the fan tray when
the low noise speed has been selected. Valid values range from
2000 to 3000, with a default of 2500.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 3-1
Configuring the Thermal Profile for Fan Tray Operations (APX 8000)
Overview of the Thermal profile for fan tray operations
Mode of operation in which the fan tray runs. When the
parameter is set to full-speed-only, the fans in the fan
tray operate at full speed at all times. (This is the default mode.)
When set to lownoise-speed-only, the fans operate at the
low noise speed (as specified in the Fantray-Lownoise-RPM
setting) at all times. When the parameter is set to
auto-regulationmode, the fan speeds are controlled
dynamically on the basis of temperature. In
auto-regulationmode, the fans run at low noise speed
when the system starts up. The system monitors the unit
temperature, and when it reaches a high-temperature threshold
(as specified in the High-Temperature-Trigger setting), it
switches the fans to full speed and logs a message. When the
unit temperature falls below the low-temperature threshold (as
specified in the Low-Temperature-Trigger setting), the system
switches the fans back to low noise speed.
Low-Temperature-Trigger Low-temperature threshold setting, from 0 to 60 degrees
Celsius (32 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit). If the fan tray is in
auto-regulation mode and this threshold is crossed, the system
switches the fans to low noise speed and logs a message. If you
specify a higher value than the High-Temperature-Trigger
setting, the system displays an error message when you attempt
to write the profile.
High-Temperature-Trigger High-temperature threshold setting, from 0 to 60 degrees
Celsius (32 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit). If the fan tray is in
auto-regulation mode and this threshold is crossed, the system
switches the fans to full speed and logs a message. If you
specify a lower value than the Low-Temperature-Trigger
setting, the system displays an error message when you attempt
to write the profile.
Alarm-Temperature-Trigger Temperature threshold setting, from 0 to 60 degrees Celsius (32
to 140 degrees Fahrenheit). If this threshold is crossed, the
system generates an Alarm event, the Alarm Relay on the shelf
controller is turned on, and the Alarm status light on the front
panel of the fan tray illuminates.
Example of configuring thermal controls
The commands in the following example show how to configure the fan tray to run the fans at
2500 RPM until the unit reaches a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees
Fahrenheit), at which time the system switches the fans to full speed and maintains that setting
until the unit temperature drops below 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit). If the
system ever reaches a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit), the system
triggers alarms.
admin> read thermal
admin> set operation-mode = auto-regulation
3-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring the Thermal Profile for Fan Tray Operations (APX 8000)
Overview of the Thermal profile for fan tray operations
admin> write
THERMAL written
admin> list
fantray-lownoise-rpm = 2500
operation-mode = auto-regulation
low-temperature-trigger = 30
high-temperature-trigger = 37
alarm-temperature-trigger = 50
Related log messages
When the fan tray is in auto-regulation mode, the system can generate the following Info log
messages to indicate that the system has switched the fans from low noise to full speed, or vice
LOG info, Shelf 1, Slot 42, Time: 10:31:39--
Fantray now running in lownoise-mode (30 C)
LOG info, Shelf 1, Slot 42, Time: 10:34:40--
Fantray now running at full speed (37 C)
If you modify the fan operation mode setting in the Thermal profile, the system generates an
Info log message such as the following:
LOG info, Shelf 1, Slot 42, Time: 11:06:44--
Fantray set to run in Auto-regulation mode
Thermal alarms
When the temperature of the system reaches the Alarm-temperature-trigger threshold specified
in the Thermal profile, the system is in an alarm state. When this happens, the following events
The system generates an Error log message such as the following:
LOG error, Shelf 1, Slot 42, Time: 11:10:23--
Temperature Alarm triggered (50 C)
The Alarm relay on the shelf controller is enabled. This turns on whatever signal is
connected to the Alarm relay on the shelf controller.
The Alarm status light in the fan tray front panel turns ON.
When the temperature falls back 2 degrees Celsius below the Alarm temperature trigger
threshold, the alarm state is cleared and the following events occur:
The system generates a Warning log message such as the following:
LOG warning, Shelf 1, Slot 42, Time: 11:11:33--
Temperature Alarm cleared (48 C)
The Alarm relay on the shelf controller is disabled.
The Alarm status light in the fan tray front panel turns OFF.
The 2-degree temperature cushion retards system response slightly so that the Alarm state is
not triggered repeatedly around a threshold.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 3-3
Configuring the Thermal Profile for Fan Tray Operations (APX 8000)
Thermal status reporting
Thermal status reporting
A power-on self test (POST) is run on the fan tray of the APX 8000 during the BOOT loader
and during the operational load. If the fan tray POST fails, the POST failure status light
(amber) flashes 10 times and the following log message is generated:
LOG emergency, Shelf 1, Slot 42, Time: 15:23:57--
post failed, type (10)
In addition, two new commands are supported for displaying information about the fan tray
and the unit’s thermal status. Both commands, along with the automatic fan tray speed
regulation, are available on both shelf controllers in a redundant system.
Fanstatus command
The fanstatuscommand displays fan tray status information such as the fan revolutions
per minute (RPM), status (OK or BAD), and the unit’s ambient temperature. Note that the
current fan mode can be displayed as either full speed or low noise. For example, the following
output shows the fan mode set to full speed with an ambient temperature of 33 degrees Celsius
(91.4 degrees Fahrenheit):
admin> fanstatus
APX8000 Fantray status
Fantray ambient temperature: 33 C
Current fan mode: Full-speed
Fan #
The following command output shows the fan mode set to low noise with an ambient
temperature of 27 degrees Celsius (80.6 degrees Fahrenheit):
admin> fanstatus
APX8000 Fantray status
Fantray ambient temperature: 27 C
Current fan mode: Low-noise
Fan #
3-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring the Thermal Profile for Fan Tray Operations (APX 8000)
Thermal status reporting
Thermalstatus command
The thermalstatuscommand displays a number of temperature-related values to show
the overall thermal status of the unit. For example, it displays:
Ambient temperature at fan tray intake.
Shelf controller temperature.
High, Low, and Alarm temperature thresholds.
Slot card temperature for slot cards that support temperature reporting. Currently, no slot
cards support thermal information reporting.
Power supply thermal status, and whether the power supplies are in an overheated state.
Fan tray status, including the fan tray operational mode, number of revolutions per minute
at low-noise speed, and current revolutions per minute of each fan.
For example:
admin> thermalstatus
System Thermal status
Ambient temperature at intake : 27 C (80 F)
Shelf controller temperature : 35 C (95 F)
High temperature threshold : 36 C (96 F)
Low temperature threshold : 32 C (89 F)
Alarm temperature threshold : 38 C (100 F)
Slot cards:
(no slot cards contain thermal information)
Power supply thermal status
Power Supply #
Fantray status
Fan operational mode: auto-regulation
Low-noise RPM:
Current fan mode:
Fan #
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 3-5
Configuring Ethernet Cards
Introduction to Ethernet slot cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Overview of Ethernet configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Understanding the Ethernet-related profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Configuring duplex mode on the 100Mbps Ethernet port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Introduction to Ethernet slot cards
This chapter explains how to install and configure the Ethernet slot cards. For information
about configuring IP routing, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT DSLTNT WAN, Routing and
Tunneling Configuration Guide.
The following Ethernet slot cards are available for the platforms indicated:
10/100Mbps Ethernet-2 card with three 10Mbps ports and one 100Mbps
port—APX 8000, MAX TNT and DSLTNT units
10/100Mbps Ethernet-3 card with a single 100Mbps port—APX 8000 and MAX TNT
Full-duplex 10/100Mbps Ethernet-2 slot card
The Ethernet-2 card has three 10BaseT ports and one full-duplex 100BaseT port. If you are
replacing an older Ethernet card with the new Ethernet-2 card, you must create new Ethernet
Full-duplex 10/100Mbps Ethernet-3 slot card
The Ethernet-3 slot card has one full-duplex 10/100Mbps port that is designed to have a high
packet-per-second throughput to support Voice over IP (VoIP). The Ethernet-3 card autosenses
10Mbps or 100Mbps but does not support autonegotiation, in which Ethernet devices negotiate
a common speed and duplex mode.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 4-1
Configuring Ethernet Cards
Overview of Ethernet configuration
Upgrading to the Ethernet-2 and Ethernet-3 slot cards
To upgrade from an existing 10Mbps or 10/100Mbps Ethernet card to an Ethernet-2 or
Ethernet-3 slot card, proceed as in the following example:
Remove the existing Ethernet slot card.
Enter the Slot command with the -roption to remove the existing Ethernet profiles. For
example, if the Ethernet card was in slot 1:
admin> slot -r 1
slot 1 removed
Install the Ethernet-2 or Ethernet-3 slot card.
Configure Ethernet profiles for the new card as explained in the following sections of this
Overview of Ethernet configuration
The Ethernet slot cards provide multiport Ethernet routing capabilities. The configuration of
each port on an Ethernet slot card is identical to the configuration of the Ethernet port on the
shelf controller. (For complete information about configuring the Ethernet ports for routing,
see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT WAN, Routing, and Tunneling Configuration Guide.)
All TAOS units have an Ethernet port on the shelf controller. This Ethernet port is designed for
out-of-band management and light traffic loads. It is not intended to be the primary Ethernet
interface for the system. If your TAOS unit will be routing heavy Ethernet traffic, use an
Ethernet card.
Understanding the Ethernet-related profiles
The APX 8000 creates the following profiles when it detects an Ethernet port:
Ethernet profile
IP-Interface profile
SNMP profiles (Admin-State and a Device-State profile)
For an explanation of SNMP profiles, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Administration
Ethernet profile
TAOS creates a default Ethernet profile for each Ethernet port it detects, including the shelf
controller. The Ethernet profile specifies the link-layer configuration for the port.
For example, if an Ethernet-2 card installed in slot 4, you might see a screen similar to the
admin> dir ethernet
5 08/06/1998 17:03:48 { shelf-1 controller 1 }
5 08/06/1998 17:11:46 { shelf-2 slot-4 1 }
5 08/06/1998 17:11:46 { shelf-2 slot-4 2 }
4-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Ethernet Cards
Configuring duplex mode on the 100Mbps Ethernet port
5 08/06/1998 17:11:46 { shelf-2 slot-4 3 }
5 08/06/1998 17:11:46 { shelf-2 slot-4 4 }
If the 10/100 Mbps Ethernet-2 card is installed, the 100Mbps Ethernet port is displayed as
port 4.
IP-Interface profile
TAOS creates a default IP-Interface profile for each Ethernet port it detects, including the shelf
controller. You can create multiple IP interfaces for each physical Ethernet port, but the default
IP-Interface profile must have an IP address, or the other IP-Interface profiles for the same port
will not function. For information about configuring IP-Interface profiles, see the
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT WAN, Routing, and Tunneling Configuration Guide.
Configuring duplex mode on the 100Mbps Ethernet
The Duplex-Mode parameter in the Ethernet profile allows you to set the physical Ethernet
interface of the 100BaseT port on the Ethernet-2 or Ethernet-3 card to full-duplex or
half-duplex mode. Full-duplex mode (the default) provides increased throughput, but
half-duplex mode enables the unit to operate with older equipment that does not support full
The following example sets the port to half-duplex mode:
admin> read ethernet { 1 7 4 }
ETHERNET/{ shelf-1 slot-7 4 } read
admin> list
[in ETHERNET/{ shelf-1 slot-7 4 }]
interface-address* = { shelf-1 slot-7 4 }
link-state-enabled = no
enabled = yes
ether-if-type = utp
bridging-enabled = no
filter-name = ""
duplex-mode = full-duplex
admin> set duplex-mode = half
admin> write
ETHERNET/{ shelf-1 slot-7 4 } written
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 4-3
Configuring Series56 II and
III Modem and Hybrid Access Cards
Overview of configuring modem cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Specifying modem negotiation settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Configuring an additional AT answer string for modem calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Series56 II and III Call-Route profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Hybrid Access card implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
Typically, Series56 II™ and Series56 III Digital Modem slot cards do not require any
configuration. Depending on your network, situations might require you to change the way the
modems operate. This chapter describes how to modifiy modem configuration to
accommodate your networking environment. The chapter also provides some guidelines for
use of Hybrid Access (HDLC) cards.
Note: Modem cards are not supported on DSLTNT units, but DSLTNT units support Hybrid
Access cards.
Overview of configuring modem cards
When you make a change to the modem configuration, the change applies to all the modems in
the APX 8000 or MAX TNT unit. You configure modems in the Terminal-Server profile.
Table 5-1 lists common tasks you might have to perform to customize modem configurations,
the sections describing those tasks, and the associated parameters.
For complete information about the associated parameters, see the
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Reference.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 5-1
Configuring Series56 II and III Modem and Hybrid Access Cards
Specifying modem negotiation settings
Table 5-1. Modem configuration tasks
Description of task
Associated parameters
Some analog modem calls might require
changes to the digital modem’s default
behavior to successfully complete
You might need to change the modulation
of Series56 II and III modems from the
“Specifying modem modulation
for Series56 II and III modem
V.32 and V.34 modems do not successfully
complete modem training after reception of
the V.8bis tone from the APX 8000 and
MAX TNT unit Series56 II and III modems.
Configuring V.34 modulation can help this
You might need to modify the AT answer
strings that the APX 8000 and MAX TNT
“Configuring an additional AT
answer string for modem calls” on
specifying an extra answer string in the
command line interfaces.
Because the Series56 II and III slot cards
the APX 8000 and MAX TNT unit creates
two call route profiles for each channel on
the card: one for a digital call and one for a
modem call.
Specifying modem negotiation settings
Calls from analog modems are directed first to the digital modems, where the connection must
be negotiated before being directed to by the terminal-server software. Options in the
Terminal-Server > Modem-Configuration subprofile allow you to modify the way the digital
modems negotiate a connection.
To specify changes in how the negotiation occurs:
Read the Terminal-Server profile into the editing buffer:
admin> read terminal-server
5-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Series56 II and III Modem and Hybrid Access Cards
Specifying modem modulation for Series56 II and III modem cards
List the parameters in the Modem-Configuration subprofile. For example:
admin> list modem-configuration
v42/mnp = will-v42
max-baud-rate = 33600-max-baud
modem-transmit-level = -13-db-mdm-trn-level
cell-mode-first = no
cell-level = -18-db-cell-level
7-even = no
Modify the parameters as required.
For information about the parameters, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Reference.
Specifying modem modulation for Series56 II and III
modem cards
The Modem-Mod parameter in the Terminal-Server profile allows you to specify the modem
modulation that Series56 II and III modems use. The possible settings are K56-Modulation,
V34-Modulation, and V90-Modulation (the default).
To support the ITU-T standard V.8bis (Voice Call Ready), a 56Kbps modem in the APX 8000
and MAX TNT unit normally sends a tone at the beginning of modem training. This is
commonly referred to as CRe and is a dual tone (1375Hz + 2002Hz) followed by a single tone
at 400Hz with a combined duration of approximately 500ms. Although V.8bis is designed not
to interfere with V.32bis modem negotiation, some V.32 and V.34 modems do not successfully
complete modem training after reception of the V.8bis tone.
Note: If you configure the Series56 II and III modems to use V.34 modulation, they never
exceed the speeds used by V.34 modems (33.6Kbps), and they do not send the V.8bis tone.
To configure modem modulation for calls coming in to Series56 II and III modem cards,
proceed as in the following example:
admin> read terminal-server
admin> set modem-configuration modem-mod = v34-modulation
admin> write
Configuring an additional AT answer string for modem
The AT-Answer-String parameter in the Terminal-Server profile enables you to specify extra
AT commands in the answer string of the system’s modem configuration.
The answer string is the last of four strings that the APX 8000 or MAX TNT sends to the
modem upon answering a call. Commands entered in this string might overwrite settings
specified elsewhere. For example, if the Max-Baud-Rate parameter sets the maximum baud
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 5-3
Configuring Series56 II and III Modem and Hybrid Access Cards
Series56 II and III Call-Route profiles
rate and the AT-Answer-String parameter specifies a different baud rate, the answer string
overwrites the configured maximum baud rate.
Following is the relevant parameter, which is shown with its default setting:
[in TERMINAL-SERVER:modem-configuration]
AT-answer-string = ""
The value of this parameter must be valid AT commands, up to 36 characters. Do not begin the
string with AT. An AT is appended to the beginning of this string automatically before it is sent
to the modem. Also, do not include an A (answer) or a D (dial) command anywhere in the
string. An A command is appended automatically to the end of this string, and a D command in
the answer string causes the call to fail.
Note: Be very careful when entering AT commands in this parameter. The system does not
prevent you from entering incorrect strings.
The following example sets the AT-Answer-String parameter to S37=11, which causes the
following string to be sent to the modem:
When the modem receives this string, it forces a V.32bis 14400 connection.
admin> read terminal-server
admin> set modem AT-answer-string = S37=11
admin> write
Series56 II and III Call-Route profiles
When you install a Series56 II or Series56 III slot card, the TAOS unit creates two call route
profiles for each channel on the card. One for a digital data call and one for a modem voice
call. For example:
admin >callroute -d
# source
tg sa phone
0 0
1:14:01/0 0 0:00:00/0 voice-call-type
1:14:01/0 1 0:00:00/0 digital-call-type 0 0
1:14:02/0 0 0:00:00/0 voice-call-type 0 0
1:14:02/0 1 0:00:00/0 digital-call-type 0 0
1:14:03/0 0 0:00:00/0 voice-call-type 0 0
1:14:03/0 1 0:00:00/0 digital-call-type 0 0
1:14:04/0 0 0:00:00/0 voice-call-type 0 0
1:14:04/0 1 0:00:00/0 digital-call-type 0 0
1:14:05/0 0 0:00:00/0 voice-call-type 0 0
1:14:05/0 1 0:00:00/0 digital-call-type 0 0
Note that in Call-Route profiles, voice-call-typerefers only to a modem call.
5-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Series56 II and III Modem and Hybrid Access Cards
Preventing Series56 II and III cards from delaying Frame Relay connections
Preventing Series56 II and III cards from delaying
Frame Relay connections
If the APX 8000 or MAX TNT has a Frame Relay datalink that uses a single nailed channel,
you must install Series56 II or Series56 III slot cards in lower-numbered slots than the Hybrid
Access (HDLC) slot cards, or dedicate the Series56 cards to modem processing by deleting the
Digital Call-Type profiles. Otherwise, you are likely to experience delays in establishing
Hybrid Access card implementation
Each ISDN call, and each channel of a nailed session, requires an HDLC channel to process
the HDLC-encapsulated data received from or destined to a WAN interface. Because the
following cards require HDLC channels, you might need to install a Hybrid Access card in
your unit:
Eight-port E1 card
Eight-port T1 card
T3 card
The Hybrid Acces card is supported on the DSLTNT. On an APX 8000 or MAX TNT unit,
Series56 II and III cards also provide up to 48 HDLC channels per card.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 5-5
Configuring MultiDSP Cards
(MAX TNT, APX 8000)
Introduction to MultiDSP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
Supported MultiDSP services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Obtaining status information about a MultiDSP card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Configuring a MultiDSP card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
Introduction to MultiDSP
The MultiDSP card is a highly versatile, digital signal processor (DSP) slot card for
MAX TNT and APX 8000 units.
The following services are supported by the MultiDSP card:
Data (digital, analog)
V.110 rate adaption standard for ISDN
Personal Handyphone System (PHS), supporting PHS Internet Access Forum Standards
(PIAFS) 1.0, 2.0, 2.1
Voice over IP (VoIP), including real-time fax functionality (MAX TNT only)
The MultiDSP support provided by a particular MultiDSP card or MAX TNT and APX 8000
unit depends on the following factors:
The type of MultiDSP card(s) installed in the unit
Software licenses (hash codes) currently downloaded on the unit shelf controller
Analog modem service is, by default, always enabled. Each additional MultiDSP service has a
software license (hash code) that must be downloaded to the unit shelf controller for the
particular service to be enabled on a MAX TNT or APX 8000 unit. The hash codes enable
different types of calls to be serviced by the same DSP port on the card.
The MultiDSP services currently enabled (licensed) on MAX TNT and APX 8000 units can be
MAX TNT and APX 8000 units support two types of MultiDSP cards—a 48-port card and a
96-port card. Each MultiDSP card type supports slightly different services. Following are
descriptions of each card.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 6-1
Configuring MultiDSP Cards (MAX TNT, APX 8000)
Introduction to MultiDSP
48-port MultiDSP card
The 48-port MultiDSP card supports up to 48 ports of service.
Note: In MAX TNT and APX 8000 profiles and parameters, the 48-port MultiDSP card is
identified as madd or madd-card.
For a MAX TNT or APX 8000 unit with a 48-port MultiDSP card, Lucent recommends that
you limit the number of enabled MultiDSP services to two. Voice over IP (VoIP) is currently
supported on the MAX TNT only.
When two services are supported by the card, one service must be data and the other can be
V.110 PHS or VoIP. The following possible configurations are supported by the 48-port card:
Data (analog and/or digital) service only
V.110 service only
PHS service only
VoIP service only (MAX TNT only)
Data and V.110 services
Data and PHS services
Data and VoIP services (MAX TNT only)
Downloaded software licenses (hash codes) determine which MultiDSP services are supported
by a particular unit and 48-port MultiDSP card. For example, if a unit is licensed to run both
data and VoIP, the ports on each installed 48-port MultiDSP card can handle data and/or VoIP
96-port MultiDSP card
The 96-port MultiDSP card supports up to 96 ports of service.
Note: In MAX TNT and APX 8000 profiles and parameters, the 96-port MultiDSP card is
identified as madd2-card.
A MAX TNT or APX 8000 unit with a 96-port MultiDSP card installed can have software
licenses for up to two of the following MultiDSP services: data and V.110. The following
possible configurations are supported by the 96-port card:
Data (analog and/or digital) service only
V.110 service only
Data and V.110 services
Downloaded software licenses (hash codes) determine which MultiDSP services are supported
by a particular unit and 96-port MultiDSP card. For example, if a unit is licensed to run both
data and V.110, the ports on each installed 96-port MultiDSP card can handle data and/or V.110
6-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring MultiDSP Cards (MAX TNT, APX 8000)
Supported MultiDSP services
Card configuration constraints
The following constraints affect the mixing of slot cards in MAX TNT and APX 8000 units.
Using 48-port and 96-port MultiDSP cards
You cannot mix 48-port and 96-port MultiDSP cards in the same MAX TNT or APX 8000
unit. However, you can use multiple 48-port or multiple 96-port MultiDSP in the same unit.
Using Series56 cards with MultiDSP cards
The single-slot Series56 II card and the single-slot Series56 III card can be used with a
MultiDSP card in the same MAX TNT or APX 8000 unit. The dual-slot Series56 modem card
cannot be used in a MAX TNT unit that has a MultiDSP card installed.
Supported MultiDSP services
The following sections describe the services (applications) supported by the MultiDSP card.
in a unit.
The MultiDSP card supports calls made through analog modems that comply with standards
such as V.90, and digital calls made through the High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC)
protocol. Digital calls can come from an ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI) line, a Signaling
System 7 (SS7) network, or an E1 line with R2 signaling.
Although analog modem service is enabled by default, additional software licenses might be
required to support digital calls that use particular signaling schemes or protocols. For
example, a software license is required to support the R2 call setup signaling protocol. Also,
software licenses are required to support the Ascend SS7 Gateway Control Protocol (ASGCP)
and the IP Device Control (IPDC) protocol, which are the call setup intermachine trunk (IMT)
protocols for SS7.
For information about configuring a unit for specific types of digital calls, refer to subsequent
chapters in this guide and to the configuration guides listed under “Documentation set” on
page xxi.
V.110 is a rate adaption standard that allows telephones using the digital cellular Global
System for Mobile Communication (GSM) to connect to an ISDN network.
The V.110 service is supported by both the 48-port and 96-port MultiDSP card and requires a
V.110 software license. V.110 support also requires a software license for the associated digital
signaling scheme, which can be PRI, R2, ASGCP IMT/SS7, or IPDC IMT/SS7.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 6-3
Configuring MultiDSP Cards (MAX TNT, APX 8000)
Supported MultiDSP services
V.110 features supported by the MultiDSP card include the following:
Asynchronous, answer-mode only (answer, but no call out), with 1 start bit, 8 data bits,
and 1 stop bit.
Rate-adaptive mode. Supported rates are 2400bps, 4800bps, 9600bps (default), 19200bps
and 38400bps.
The Personal Handyphone System (PHS) provides mobile telephone access to users located in
Japan and other Asian countries. PHS provides data communication services at bandwidths up
to 64Kbps and offers voice communication services.
The MultiDSP card supports the following data PIAFS standards:
PIAFS 1.0: Fixed data rate of 32Kbps.
PIAFS 2.0: Fixed data rate of either 32Kbps or 64Kbps for the duration of a call.
PIAFS 2.1: Data rate that can dynamically switch between 32Kbps and 64Kbps during a
call, depending on the available wireless bandwidth.
A PHS software license is required to support PIAFS 1.0 and 2.0 functionalities. The license
supports fixed data rates of 32Kbps or 64Kbps. The data rate used by the unit is determined by
the rate from the PRI line. PHS service is currently available only with Japan PRI signaling.
To support PIAFS 2.1 functionality, two software licenses are required—the initial PHS
software license for PIAFS 1.0 and PIAFS 2.0, and a separate PHS PIAFS 2.1 software
license. The two licenses are also available bundled into one license package.
Voice over IP (VoIP)
VoIP is a service that offers voice telephony across IP network infrastructures. The MultiDSP
VoIP implementation relies on the MultiVoice Gateway to connect calls to public and private
packet networks. The MulitDSP card’s VoIP implementation supports the International
Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) standard for
H.323 signaling and messaging.
VoIP features supported by the MultiDSP card include the following:
ITU-T H.323 signaling and messaging.
Voice compression and packetization.
Connection of each port to a single DS0 (voice calls).
Cut-through of progress tone signals from the distant Public Switched Telephone Network
Encoding schemes G.711 A-law, G.711 µ-law, G.723.1, G.728, G.729, and RT-24 (a codec
(coder/decoder) developed by Lucent).
Silence suppression and detection for G.729, configured through a MAX TNT unit’s VoIP
profile. Silence suppression is automatically enabled for G.723.1.
Real-time fax (T.38 fax).
6-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring MultiDSP Cards (MAX TNT, APX 8000)
Obtaining status information about a MultiDSP card
A VoIP software license is required for MultiDSP support of the VoIP service. An additional
software license is required for support of real-time fax functionality.
VoIP functionalities, including real-time fax, are configured through the MAX TNT VoIP
For details about VoIP and MultiVoice configuration, refer to the MultiVoice for MAX TNT
Obtaining status information about a MultiDSP card
Information can be displayed about all installed cards or only an installed MultiDSP card.
Displaying information about all installed cards
The showcommand displays the following information about currently installed slot cards,
including the MultiDSP card:
Location of all installed cards by shelf number, slot number, and item or port number,
including the MultiDSP card
Status of each card (for example, if the card is Up or Down)
Type of cards currently installed
Note: The 48-port MultiDSP card is displayed with the name madd or madd-card. The
96-port MultiDSP card is displayed with the name madd2-card.
Use the showcommand to confirm that the MultiDSP card is listed as one of the installed
cards and is shown installed in the correct slot. For example, in a MAX TNT unit the command
displays the following information if the unit has only one shelf (shelf 1) and a 96-port
MultiDSP card is installed in slot 3:
admin> show
Shelf 1 ( standalone ):
{ shelf-1 slot-3 0 }
Displaying information about an installed MultiDSP card
Use the showcommand with the MultiDSP card shelf number and slot number to display the
following information about a particular installed MultiDSP card:
The card’s ports by shelf number, slot number, and port number
Status of each port (for example, whether the port is Up or Down)
The port service type (for example, modem)
Enter the showcommand, along with the shelf number and port number, to confirm that all
MultiDSP card ports are shown in the listing.
Note: For the 96-port MultiDSP card, the show shelf slot command displays
96 modems (ports). For the 48-port card, only the odd-numbered modems (1, 3, ..., 95) are
active. The modem -a command verifies that only 48 modems are available on the 48-port
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 6-5
Configuring MultiDSP Cards (MAX TNT, APX 8000)
Configuring a MultiDSP card
For example, enter the following command to display information about a 96-port MultiDSP
card (identified as madd2-card) installed in shelf 1, slot 10 of a MAX TNT unit:
admin> show 1 10
{ shelf-1 slot-10 0 }
{ shelf-1 slot-10 1 }
{ shelf-1 slot-10 2 }
{ shelf-1 slot-10 3 }
{ shelf-1 slot-10 96 }
Verifying that installed software and software versions are correct
The dircodecommand displays descriptions and version numbers of all software currently
installed on the unit’s flash memory card.
Use the dircodecommand to verify that the software version numbers for the system (shelf
controller) and MultiDSP card (shown as madd-card) are correct.
The following example shows the installed software versions for a MAX TNT system (shelf
controller) and 48-port MultiDSP card:
admin> dircode
Flash card code directory:
Card 1, directory size 16
shelf-controller 1838073 Thu Jan 6 19:15:52 2000 Version 8.0.0
1336282 Thu Jan 6 19:16:00 2000 Version 8.0.0
Configuring a MultiDSP card
When a unit detects the presence of a card in one of its slots, the unit creates default profiles
appropriate for that type of card. Some default profiles might need to be reconfigured when a
new card is installed in a slot.
Minimal configuration is required to set up MultiDSP services on a unit. Licensed MultiDSP
services are automatically enabled. Depending on the type of MultiDSP card installed, 48 or 96
default call routes are created for each enabled service when the card is installed.
Configuration might be required for implementing VoIP MultiVoice functionality. VoIP
MultiVoice configuration is described in the MultiVoice for MAX TNT Configuration Guide.
MultiDSP configuration includes the following tasks:
Verifying that the correct software licenses are loaded on the MAX TNT or APX 8000
unit and that the desired MultiDSP services are enabled. The Base profile provides this
Confirming that the call routes are correct for the desired MultiDSP services. The
Call-Route profile controls call routing in the unit. The unit automatically generates call
routes for modem calls and licensed services when a MultiDSP card is installed or when
the slot -rand slot -ucommands are issued.
6-6 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring MultiDSP Cards (MAX TNT, APX 8000)
Configuring a MultiDSP card
Verifying that all other configurations associated with the MultiDSP services have been
performed. For example, for VoIP MultiDSP support, all required configurations for VoIP,
real-time fax (optional), and other desired MultiVoice features must also be performed.
Adding support for an additional MultiDSP service, if necessary.
Verifying that MultiDSP services are enabled
The Base profile is a read-only, system-wide profile that displays enabled features, network
interfaces, and system information. Included in the Base profile are the MultiDSP services.
The Base profile indicates which MultiDSP services are currently enabled (licensed). Because
the MultiDSP modem function does not require a software license, no modem-related
parameter appears in the Base profile.
Display the Base Profile to verify that desired services are licensed on the unit. Use the get
base command to view the profile.
The following Base profile parameters relevant to the MultiDSP card. Verify that the
appropriate services are supported for your MultiDSP applications.
Base profile parameter
Value if supported
Yes if the unit supports data calls over ISDN (digital) lines.
The parameter is also used by Series56 and Hybrid Access
(HDLC) cards.
Yes for R2 signaling support.
Yes for ASGCP SS7 IMT signaling support.
Yes for IPDC SS7 IMT signaling support.
Enabled if V.110 software is licensed on the unit.
Yes if Personal Handyphone System PIAFS 1.0, PIAFS 2.0
support is licensed on the unit. For PIAFS 2.1 support, the
PHS-2-1-Support parameter must also be enabled by a
software license.
Yes if PIAFS 2.1 support is licensed on the unit. The
PHS-Support parameter must also be enabled by a software
license. (The two PHS licenses are also available bundled
into one package.)
Yes if VoIP is enabled by a software license.
Yes if real-time fax (T.38) is licensed. For real-time fax
support, the VoIP-Enabled parameter must also be enabled
by a separate software license.
The following example shows relevant Base profile parameters and values for a unit installed
with a 48-port MultiDSP card that supports modem calls, digital HDLC calls, and PHS PIAFS
1.0 and PIAFS 2.0 calls (but not PIAFS 2.1 calls):
admin> get base
data-call-enabled = yes
phs-2-1-support = no
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 6-7
Configuring MultiDSP Cards (MAX TNT, APX 8000)
Configuring a MultiDSP card
phs-support = yes
voip-enabled = no
v110-enabled = disabled
rtfax-enabled = no
Verifying call routes for MultiDSP services
You can verify call routes for enabled MultiDSP services by viewing the Call-Route profiles
and the call route entries. Procedures for viewing the Call-Route profiles and entries are
described in this section.
Viewing the Call-Route profile and its Call-Route-Type parameter
When a 48-port or 96-port MultiDSP card is initially detected by the unit, the unit creates
Call-Route profiles for each MultiDSP service—modem, digital, PHS, VoIP or V.110.
Use the dir call-rcommand to display the Call Route profiles. The following example
displays Call Route profiles for a 48-port card (indicated by madd) installed in slot 5 of a
MAX TNT unit:
admin> show
Shelf 1 ( standalone ):
{ shelf-1 slot-5 0 }
admin> dir call-r
30 12/07/1999 10:22:12 {{{shelf-1 any-slot 0} 0} 0}
33 12/10/1999 18:25:32 {{{shelf-1 slot-5 0} 0} 0}
33 12/10/1999 18:25:32 {{{shelf-1 slot-5 0} 0} 1}
33 12/10/1999 18:25:32 {{{shelf-1 slot-5 0} 0} 2}
33 12/10/1999 18:25:32 {{{shelf-1 slot-5 0} 0} 3}
33 12/10/1999 18:25:32 {{{shelf-1 slot-5 0} 0} 4}
The first entry is the system default. The other profiles are for each of the MultiDSP services.
You can edit the profile list to include only currently enabled MultiDSP services.
Each profile contains an index that uses the following format:
{{{shelf slot port} logical-item} entry}
The system index is the following:
{{{shelf-1 any-slot 0} 0} 0}.
Each MultiDSP service has a unique entryfield number. The following table displays the
entrynumber associated with each MultiDSP service type:
Call-Route profile
Associated MultiDSP service type
entryfield number
Analog modem
6-8 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring MultiDSP Cards (MAX TNT, APX 8000)
Configuring a MultiDSP card
Call-Route profile
Associated MultiDSP service type
entryfield number
The following example shows a Call-Route profile for the VoIP service (entryis 3) on a
48-port MultiDSP card installed in slot 5:
33 12/10/1999 18:25:32 {{{shelf-1 slot-5 0} 0} 3}
About the Call-Route-Type parameter
Each Call-Route profile contains the Call-Route-Type parameters specific to that profile. The
Call-Route parameters might require configuration.
One Call-Route parameter, Call-Route-Type, specifies the type of call that the MAX TNT can
route to a host device. The following Call-Route-Type values apply to MultiDSP services.
Call-Route-Type values for
MultiDSP services
Call type for analog mode calls. The unit can route voice
bearer calls, excluding 3.1KHz audio calls, to a host
Call type for digital calls. The unit can route digital calls,
including 3.1KHz audio bearer channels, to a host device.
Call type for PHS calls.
Call type for VoIP calls. VoIP calls can be routed to a host
device that accepts VoIP calls.
Call type for V.110 calls. Digital calls recognized as
containing V.110 rate-adapted bearer channels can be
routed to a host device.
Use the read call-routeand listcommands to view a specific profile’s parameters.
To identify the specific profile, you must include the profile’s index. The following example
shows Call Route parameters for the profile that covers the V.110 service (entryfield is 4),
for a unit with a MultiDSP card in slot 5:
admin> read call-route { { { shelf-1 slot-5 0 } 0 } 4 }
CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-5 0 } 0 } 4 }
admin> list
[in CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-5 } 0 4 }]
index* = { { { shelf-1 slot-5 0 } 0 } 4 }
trunk-group = 0
phone-number = ““
preferred-source = { { any-shelf any-slot 0 } 0}
call-route-type = v110-call-type
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 6-9
Configuring MultiDSP Cards (MAX TNT, APX 8000)
Configuring a MultiDSP card
Viewing call-routing database entries
Unlike the Call Route profiles, entries in a call-routing database are created for the analog
modem service, digital service, and for each licensed MultiDSP service.
When a card comes up, the MAX TNT or APX 8000 unit creates a call-routing database. The
number of database entries created per service depend on the following:
Type (48-port or 96-port) of MultiDSP card being used.
Enabled MultiDSP services. (Analog modem service is always enabled.)
A call route entry is created for each available port and each enabled service. To view the
entries in the call-routing database, use the callroute -acommand.
Note: For the 48-port MultiDSP card, only the 48 odd-numbered ports are available (port 1,
3, 5, ..., 95).
For example, if a 48-port MultiDSP card is installed in slot 5 of the MAX TNT and the
supported MultiDSP services are data (analog modem and digital) and PHS, 48 call route
entries are created for analog modem service, 48 call route entries are created for digital
service, and 48 call route entries are created for PHS service:
admin> callroute -a
1:05:01/0 0 0:00:00/0 voice-call-type 0 0
1:05:03/0 0 0:00:00/0 voice-call-type 0 0
1:05:95/0 0 0:00:00/0 voice-call-type 0 0
1:05:01/0 1 0:00:00/0 digital-call-type 0 0
1:05:03/0 1 0:00:00/0 digital-call-type 0 0
1:05:95/0 1 0:00:00/0 digital-call-type 0 0
1:05:01/0 2 0:00:00/0 phs-call-type 0 0
1:05:03/0 2 0:00:00/0 phs-call-type 0 0
1:05:95/0 2 0:00:00/0 phs-call-type 0 0
Verifying that configurations are correct for related services
Each MultiDSP service might require additional configuration for setting up that service on the
unit. For additional information and procedures, see the configuration guides listed under
“Documentation set” on page xxi and the latest release note.
Adding an additional MultiDSP service
To enable an additional MultiDSP service, you must perform the following steps:
The unit must have the proper software license for the desired service. For further
information about adding MultiDSP software licenses, contact your Lucent Sales
Once the unit is licensed for the new service, delete the existing profiles for MultiDSP
cards installed in the unit, and bring up the current profiles (that now include the new
For example, if you want to delete the profiles and then bring up the current profiles for a
card installed in slot 5, enter the following commands:
6-10 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring MultiDSP Cards (MAX TNT, APX 8000)
Configuring a MultiDSP card
admin> slot -r 1 5
admin> slot -u
When the MultiDSP cards are brought up, the unit creates new profiles and call route entries
for each service, including the new service.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 6-11
Configuring T1 Cards
Introduction to T1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Overview of T1 configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Making a profile the working profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
Assigning names to T1 line profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
Enabling a line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
Specifying the framing and encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
Configuring ISDN PRI signaling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
Configuring ISDN network-side emulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
Configuring overlap receiving on PRI lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
Configuring inband robbed-bit signaling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
Configuring NFAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
Configuring clocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-17
Configuring the front-end transceiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-17
Configuring channel usage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18
Assigning telephone numbers to switched channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-19
Configuring trunk groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20
Configuring nailed channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-21
Configuring a back-to-back T1 connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-21
Specifying analog encoding for TAOS unit codecs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-22
Configuring specialized options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-22
Sample T1 configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23
Default Call-Route profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-24
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 7-1
Configuring T1 Cards
Introduction to T1
Introduction to T1
A T1 line consists of 24 channels. Each channel can transmit and receive data or digitized
voice. The line uses framing and signaling to achieve synchronous and reliable transmission.
The most common configurations for T1 lines are ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI) and
nailed (leased) or unchannelized T1, including fractional T1. (For information about
In North America and Japan, a T1/PRI line typically supports 23 B channels and one
D channel. But if non-facility associated signaling (NFAS) is in use, more than one ISDN PRI
line on a single T1 card can share a single D channel. PRI configurations are used to receive
multiple, simultaneous ISDN calls from analog-modem and digital-services dial-in traffic.
Another common use of T1/PRI is to connect a Private Branch Exchange (PBX) to a central
office switch.
Nailed or unchannelized T1
Unchannelized T1 lines can be used for nailed connections such as to a Frame Relay network.
In such cases the configuration is static, and the TAOS unit treats the T1 line as if it were a
single connection at a fixed speed, without individual channels.
Typically, when you pay your telephone company for a leased (nailed) line, you pay more for
higher bandwidth. Anything in the range of 0bps to 1.544Mbps can be delivered on a T1 line,
and provisioned at some 64Kbps fraction of the full T1 bandwidth.
Channelized line-side vs. trunk-side T1
Calls entering the telephone network from the TAOS unit must enter the central office (CO)
through an ISDN PRI line. However, calls coming in on a channelized T1 line can enter either
on the line side or trunk side. For best results, ensure that the channelized T1 calls enter the
switch on the trunk side.
T1 lines that terminate on the line side of the switch undergo an additional analog-to-digital
conversion that reduces the data transfer rate. Some service providers and carriers have
agreements to ensure that a T1 always enters the trunk side of the CO switch, but in most
cases, no such agreement exists. The only way to guarantee a digital connection is to make sure
that calls from the TAOS unit enter the CO on the trunk side of the switch over an ISDN PRI or
a trunk-side T1 line.
7-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T1 Cards
Overview of T1 configuration
Overview of T1 configuration
Table 7-1 lists the sections describing common tasks you might have to perform to configure a
T1 line. The table includes a brief description of each task and lists the parameters you will
For information about administering the T1 card, including such tasks as specifying a facilities
data link (FDL) and displaying the status of the lines, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT
Administration Guide.
For complete information about the associated parameters, see the APX 8000/MAX
TNT/DSLTNT Reference.
Table 7-1. T1 line configuration tasks
Description of task
Associated parameters
Before you can edit a profile, you must
make it the working profile.
Assign a name to the T1 profile.
Make a line available for use.
Each T1 line requires framing and
encoding. Framing specifies the format
for the sequence of bits sent on the line.
Encoding affects the way data is
represented by the digital signals on the
You must specify the type of network
switch providing ISDN service on a T1
PRI line.
“Configuring ISDN
network-side emulation” on
ISDN emulation enables you to build,
send, receive, and process ISDN data.
T1 or E1 PRI lines with overlap
receiving enable the TAOS unit to gather
the complete called number from the
network switch via a series of
Information messages, enabling the use
of features such as called-number
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 7-3
Configuring T1 Cards
Overview of T1 configuration
Table 7-1. T1 line configuration tasks (continued)
Description of task
Associated parameters
If the lines use inband signaling, change Signaling-Mode
the signaling mode to robbed bit and
specify the type of robbed bit signaling
to use. You can also specify that the
TAOS unit process the numbers dialed
for use with Dialed Number
Identification Service (DNIS) and
Calling Number Identification (CLID)
Specify non-facility associated signaling Switch-Type
(NFAS) if you want two or more PRI
lines to share a D channel.
“Configuring T1 R1 and
R1 is a multifrequency inband signaling Signaling-Mode
and called-number processing”
known as MFR1 tones as addressing
signals. R1 signaling can optionally be
used with Automatic Number
Identification (ANI), which is similar to
Caller ID (CLID).
Set Clock-Source to specify whether the Clock-Source
T1 line can be used as the master clock
source for synchronous connections.
Also specify the priority of the T1 lines
to be used for clocking.
Set the front-end type of the T1
transceiver to CSU (channel service
unit) or DSX (digital signal cross
connect), depending on the type of
device the TAOS unit connects to.
Specify how each of the 24 channels of a Channel-Usage
T1 line is to be used.
“Assigning telephone numbers
to switched channels” on
Typically, you specify only the
rightmost digits necessary to distinguish
one number from another. These are
called add-on numbers.
A trunk group is a group of channels that Trunk-Group
has been assigned a number.
7-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T1 Cards
Overview of T1 configuration
Table 7-1. T1 line configuration tasks (continued)
Description of task
Associated parameters
You must assign a nailed channel to a
group to make it available for use. The
group number can be referred to in a
Connection or Frame-Relay profile to
specify a permanent leased connection
using that group of nailed channels.
For diagnostic purposes you might
sometimes want to configure a
Signaling-Mode set to Inband (the
back- to-back connectionT1 connection
between ports on two TAOS unit units.
Robbed-Bit-Mode set to
Wink-Start (the default)
Clock-Source set to Eligible (the
data than do codecs connected to E1.
The default for T1 is U-Law, the default
for E1 is A-Law.
Typically, the D channel of a PRI line
uses normal data. However, for some
connections, you might need to invert
the data to avoid transmitting a pattern
that the connection cannot handle
Most installations use the default for the
Idle-Mode setting, which determines
what pattern the D channel looks for to
specify the idle indicator.
The TAOS unit uses call routing to
determine where to route incoming and
outgoing calls. The preferred way to set
up call-routing is to put all call-routing
information in one place: a Call-Route
If you do not use Call-Route profiles,
specify the physical address of a device
to which calls received on this channel
are routed.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 7-5
Configuring T1 Cards
Making a profile the working profile
Making a profile the working profile
When the TAOS unit detects that a T1 card has been installed, it creates a default T1 profile for
each of the eight lines on the card.
In the following display example, the Dir command shows eight default T1 profiles created for
a card installed in slot 2:
admin> dir t1
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 2 }
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 4 }
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 5 }
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 6 }
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 7 }
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 8 }
320 12/20/1996 20:55:31 { shelf-1 slot-2 3 }
317 01/08/1997 09:58:55 { shelf-1 slot-2 1 }
By default, the line is not enabled, which means that it is not available for use. Its default
signaling method is inband, typically used for channelized connections.
To configure a T1 profile, first make it the working profile by reading it into the edit buffer. For
admin> read t1 {1 2 1}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
Once you have read in a profile, it remains the working profile until you read in another
profile. You can use the Set command to change one or more of the profile’s parameters.
To save your configuration changes, use the Write command. For example:
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1} written
To list the parameters in a T1 profile, use the List command, as in the following example:
admin> list
[in T1/{ shelf-1 slot-6 4 }]
name = ""
physical-address* = { shelf-1 slot-6 4 }
line-interface = { no d4 ami eligible low-priority inband +
The following example shows the parameters in a T1 profile:
[in T1/{ shelf-1 slot-6 4 }:line-interface]
enabled = no
frame-type = d4
encoding = ami
clock-source = eligible
clock-priority = low-priority
signaling-mode = inband
robbed-bit-mode = wink-start
default-call-type = digital
switch-type = att-pri
7-6 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T1 Cards
Assigning names to T1 line profiles
nfas-group-id = 0
nfas-id = 0
incoming-call-handling = internal-processing
call-by-call = 0
data-sense = normal
idle-mode = flag-idle
FDL = none
front-end-type = dsx
DSX-line-length = 1-133
CSU-build-out = 0-db
overlap-receiving = no
pri-prefix-number = ""
trailing-digits = 2
t302-timer = 10000
channel-config = [ { unused-channel 9 "" { any-shelf
any-slot +
maintenance-state = no
input-sample-count = one-sample
sendDisc-val = 0
hunt-grp-phone-number-1 = ""
hunt-grp-phone-number-2 = ""
hunt-grp-phone-number-3 = ""
collect-incoming-digits = no
r1-use-anir = no
r1-first-digit-timer = 340
r1-anir-delay = 350
r1-anir-timer = 200
r1-modified = no
Assigning names to T1 line profiles
In a T1 profile, the Name parameter enables you to assign the profile a name. The name can
include up to 16 characters. It is displayed after the line’s physical address in the Dir command
output. For example:
admin> read t1 {1 12 0}
admin> set name = T1 Trunk
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-12 0 } written
admin> dir T1
17 04/17/1997 19:00:02 { shelf-1 slot-12 0 } "T1 Trunk"
For T1 lines, the Line Status window displays the first eight characters of the name if one has
been assigned. For example:
T1 Trunk 1/12/0 LA la la la la la la la
If the name is longer than eight characters, the last character displayed is a plus sign (+).
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 7-7
Configuring T1 Cards
Enabling a line
Enabling a line
By default each T1 line is disabled. To enable the T1 line, read its profile to make it the
working profile, then set the Line Interface subprofile’s Enabled parameter to Yes, as in the
following example:
admin> read t1 {1 2 1}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
admin> set line enabled = yes
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } written
Specifying the framing and encoding
You must specify the framing and the encoding for each T1 line. If you are using ISDN, you
must specify the extended superframe (ESF) format, which consists of 24 consecutive frames,
separated by framing bits. If the line is not configured for ISDN signaling, use D4 framing
(also known as the superframe format), which is the default.
The T1 Encoding value sets the layer-1 line encoding used for the physical links, which affects
the way in which data is represented by the digital signals on the line. The default, alternate
mark inversion (AMI) encoding, is often used, although bipolar with 8-zero substitution
(B8ZS) encoding might be required if the line is configured for ISDN signaling. If set to None,
encoding is similar to AMI, but without density enforcement.
Your T1 service provider must provide the correct framing and encoding values for your lines.
To specify the framing and encoding, set the Frame-Type and Encoding parameters:
admin> read t1 {1 2 1}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
admin> set line frame-type = [esf|d4]
admin> set encoding = [ami|b8zs|none]
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1} written
Configuring ISDN PRI signaling
When you set the signaling mode to ISDN, you must set channel 24 as the D channel. Note that
ISDN signaling often requires ESF framing and B8ZS encoding.
For ISDN signaling you must also specify the type of switch providing T1/PRI service to your
TAOS unit. Obtain the information from your ISDN carrier. (For example, if your carrier is
AT&T, the switch type is ATT-PRI.)
Configure ISDN PRI service as follows:
admin> read t1 {1 2 1}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
admin> set line frame-type = esf
admin> set line encoding = b8zs
admin> set line signaling-mode = isdn
7-8 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T1 Cards
Configuring ISDN network-side emulation
admin> set line switch-type = switchtype
admin> set line channel 24 channel-usage=d-channel
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1} written
To see a complete list of switch types supported on the TAOS unit, refer to the TAOS unit
online help or the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Reference.
Configuring ISDN network-side emulation
You can configure PRI lines to use either network-side or user-side ISDN emulation.
Previously, PRI lines on the TAOS unit supported only user-side emulation. Following is the
relevant parameter, shown with its default setting:
[in T1/{ any-shelf any-slot0 }:line-interface]
isdn-emulation-side = te
ISDN is a nonsymmetrical protocol used by telephone carriers to provide digital services to
end users. There are no ISDN links between telephone carrier Central Offices (COs). ISDN
links exist only between the CO and the customer. Therefore, an ISDN link can be viewed as
having two sides— the network side, or network terminating (NT) equipment, and the user
side, or terminal equipment (TE). The user side can connect only to the network side, and vice
versa. Both the network side and the user side perform the same functions, but the format of
the messages is different. For example, the network side must always set a bit and the user side
must always clear it. These differences allow either side to determine whether the other end is
the right one.
ISDN emulation enables you to build, send, receive, and process ISDN data. ISDN monitoring,
on the other hand, allows you only to decode the ISDN data.
Configuring overlap receiving on PRI lines
Overlap receiving affects the procedure of establishing an incoming call received on a T1 or
E1 PRI line in the TAOS unit. With overlap receiving, the TAOS unit can gather the complete
called number from the network switch via a series of Information messages, enabling the use
of features such as called-number authentication.
The Q.931 specification states that either en-bloc receiving or overlap receiving can be used to
handle an incoming call. With en-bloc receiving, the Setup message received from the network
switch must contain all information required to process the call. With overlap receiving, the
Setup message can contain incomplete called number information, with the remainder of the
call information (if any) sent in one or more additional Information messages after the network
switch receives a Setup Acknowledge message from the called unit.
Following are the relevant parameters, which are shown with sample settings for T1 and E1
[in T1/{ shelf-1 slot-5 1 }:line-interface]
signaling-mode = isdn-nfas
overlap-receiving = yes
pri-prefix-number = 3069
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 7-9
Configuring T1 Cards
Configuring overlap receiving on PRI lines
trailing-digits = 2
t302-timer = 10000
[in E1/{ shelf-1 slot-12 1 }:line-interface]
signaling-mode = isdn
overlap-receiving = yes
pri-prefix-number = 3069
trailing-digits = 2
t302-timer = 10000
To configure overlap receiving, you need to set some or all of the following parameters:
Type of signaling on the T1 or E1 line. It must specify ISDN (or
ISDN-NFAS, for T1) to use overlap receiving. If it is set to any other
value, Overlap-Receiving does not apply.
Enables/disables overlap receiving for incoming calls on the PRI line.
If set to No (the default), the PRI-Prefix-Number, Trailing-Digits, and
T302-Time parameters do not apply for overlap receiving.
PRI-Prefix-Number Portion of the line’s telephone number to be used when matching the
called-party number in the Setup message from the network switch.
The reason for specifying this number is to enable the TAOS unit to
quickly determine when the called-party number is complete when
overlap receiving is in use. The unit uses this number and the specified
number of trailing digits to recognize that the called-party number is
complete, even if the caller did not include a Sending Complete code
(for example, by dialing the pound sign).
Typically, the PRI prefix is an ISDN-subscriber number, that might
include an area code or an area and country code combination (which
must be separated from the ISDN-subscriber number by a hyphen).
With this additional information, the TAOS unit looks for just the first
match of PRI-Prefix-Number against the called-party number in the
Setup message (first with area code, and if that fails, then without area
The default null value disables the T302-Timer optimization.
Number of digits required to follow the prefix number for the
TAOS unit to consider the called number complete. Callers can
indicate Sending Complete by a method such as dialing the pound sign
(#). If a caller does not indicate Sending Complete and the TAOS unit
cannot determine whether the called number is complete, the
TAOS unit waits until the T302 timer expires even if the caller has
dialed all the required digits.
The Trailing-Digits setting enables the TAOS unit to reset the timer
when the specified number of digits has been received. Trailing-Digits
can specify a value from 1 to 6. The default value is 2.
7-10 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T1 Cards
Configuring inband robbed-bit signaling
Number of milliseconds that the system waits for additional called
number information for an incoming call. The valid range is from 100
to 30000 (.10 second and 30 seconds).
The default is 10000 (0.10 seconds).
The TAOS unit begins collecting the trailing digit information, and for
each call Setup message from the switch that does not include
“Sending Complete Information Element,” it starts the T302 timer (the
Setup Ack timer).
The TAOS unit stops the timer when it receives a message that
includes “Sending Complete Information Element.” The TAOS unit
assumes there are no more trailing digit digits to collect when the
T302 timer stops or expires.
The following example enables overlap receiving on an E1 PRI line:
admin> read e1 {1 16 7}
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-16 7 } read
admin> set signaling-mode = isdn
admin> set overlap-receiving = yes
admin> set pri-prefix-number = 049-228-555
admin> set trailing-digits = 4
admin> set t302-timer = 5000
With this configuration, if a caller dials 049-228-555-1212, the TAOS unit matches the prefix,
finds four trailing digits, and immediately begins processing the call. It might use
called-number authentication (if applicable) before establishing a session. Similarly, if a local
caller dials 555-1212, the TAOS unit fails the first match, tries without the country code and
fails again, tries without the area code, and succeeds. It then finds four trailing digits and
begins processing the call.
Configuring inband robbed-bit signaling
When the line is configured for inband signaling, the TAOS unit does not receive
bearer-capability information from the carrier. Therefore, it cannot determine when a call is
voice-service or digital-service. For call-routing purposes, all calls in inband lines are treated
as digital calls. You can change this default by setting the Default-Call-Type parameter.
Trunk-side T1 lines must use wink-start call control, which is the default. It enables the switch
to seize the trunk by going off hook after receiving a 200ms wink.
Line-side T1 lines must use loop-start call control. Regardless of the type of call control
mechanism you choose, the switch must not forward dialed digits to the TAOS unit. Doing so
disrupts the handshaking process during multichannel calls. Lucent recommends that
channelized T1 lines be trunk side rather than line side.
On lines configured for inband signaling, you must specify that the TAOS unit process the
calling and called dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) digits if you want to use Dialed Number
Identification Service (DNIS) and Calling Number Identification (CLID) authentication or
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 7-11
Configuring T1 Cards
Configuring inband robbed-bit signaling
accounting. (On lines configured for PRI signaling, this information is presented as part of the
call setup message and does not require special configuration on the TAOS unit.)
To configure the TAOS unit to process the DTMF digits in a call, use the
Collect-Incoming-Digits and DSP-DTMF-Input-Sample-Count parameters in a T1 profile.
The Collect-Incoming-Digits parameter enables the TAOS unit to process the DTMF digits in
a call. The DSP-DTMF-Input-Sample-Count parameter specifies the number (one or two) of
Goertzel input samples that the TAOS unit computes to decode a DTMF digit. A setting of
Two-Samples creates a more accurate result.
To configure a T1 line for inband (robbed-bit) signaling, proceed as in the following example:
Read in the T1 profile:
admin> read t1 {1 2 1}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
List the Line-Interface subprofile:
admin> list line
default-call-type = digital
collect-incoming-digits = no
Enable the line:
admin> set enabled = yes
Specify inband signaling:
admin> set signaling-mode = inband
Specify the Robbed-Bit-Mode:
admin> set robbed-bit-mode = wink-start
Specify call type:
admin> set default call type = voice
If you are using DNIS or CLID authentication, set the TAOS unit to process the DTMF
digits and specify the sample size used to decode the digits:
admin> set collect-incoming-digits = yes
admin> set dsp-dtmf-input-sample-count = one-sample
Write the profile to save the changes:
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } written
7-12 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T1 Cards
Configuring NFAS
Configuring NFAS
A group of T1 lines configured for NFAS signaling shares a D channel. One line in the group is
configured with a primary D channel, and another line is configured with a secondary
D channel. The secondary D channel is used only if the primary line fails or receives a signal
commanding a change to the other D channel. All lines within an NFAS group must reside on
the same slot card. Your service provider must supply you with the NFAS ID numbers for your
The TAOS unit supports multiple NFAS groups on a single card. An NFAS group contains a
minimum of two PRIs. A T1 card supports up to four NFAS groups, and a T3 card supports up
to 14 NFAS groups. To configure an NFAS group, you must set the NFAS-group-ID parameter.
Lines with the same NFAS-group-ID value are in the same NFAS group.
Configuring a single NFAS group
To configure two T1 lines for NFAS, proceed as in the following example, in which the
administrator configures ports 3 and 4 of the card in slot 2 of shelf 1:
admin> read t1 {1 2 3}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 3 } read
admin> set line enabled = yes
admin> set line signaling-mode = isdn-nfas
admin> set line nfas-id = 0
admin> set channel 24 channel = nfas-primary
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 3 } written
admin> read t1 {1 2 4}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 4 } read
admin> set line enabled = yes
admin> set line signaling-mode = isdn-nfas
admin> set line nfas-id = 1
admin> set line channel 24 channel = nfas-secondary-d
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 4 } written
Configuring multiple NFAS groups
To configure multiple NFAS groups, you must first obtain an NFAS ID for each DS1 from
your service provider and an NFAS group ID for each group of PRI lines that shares a
D channel. Within an NFAS group, all PRIs share the same NFAS-group-ID value and have
unique NFAS-ID values.
Telcos often use NFAS-ID=0 for the PRI with the primary D-Channel, and NFAS-ID=1 for the
PRI with the secondary D channel. You must set both the NFAS-group-ID parameter and the
NFAS-ID parameter for each DS1.
In the following example, an administrator configures two NFAS groups on a T1 card. Each
group contains four DS1s. The example uses the NFAS group IDs 1 and 2, but the actual
values you use depend on how your lines are provisioned.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 7-13
Configuring T1 Cards
Configuring NFAS
admin> read t1 {1 2 1}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
admin> set line signaling-mode = isdn-nfas
admin> set line nfas-id = 0
admin> set line nfas-group-id = 1
admin> set channel 24 channel = nfas-primary
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } written
admin> read t1 {1 2 2}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 2 } read
admin> set line signaling-mode = isdn-nfas
admin> set line nfas-id = 1
admin> set line nfas-group-id = 1
admin> set line channel 24 channel = nfas-secondary
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 2 } written
admin> read t1 {1 2 3}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 3 } read
admin> set line signaling-mode = isdn-nfas
admin> set line nfas-id = 2
admin> set line nfas-group-id = 1
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 3 } written
admin> read t1 {1 2 4}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 4 } read
admin> set line signaling-mode = isdn-nfas
admin> set line nfas-id = 3
admin> set line nfas-group-id = 1
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 4 } written
The following commands configure NFAS group 2, which contains lines 5 through 8:
admin> read t1 {1 2 5}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 5 } read
admin> set line signaling-mode = isdn-nfas
admin> set line nfas-id = 0
admin> set line nfas-group-id = 2
admin> set channel 24 channel = nfas-primary
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 5 } written
admin> read t1 {1 2 6}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 6 } read
admin> set line signaling-mode = isdn-nfas
admin> set line nfas-id = 1
admin> set line nfas-group-id = 2
admin> set line channel 24 channel = nfas-secondary
7-14 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T1 Cards
Configuring T1 R1 and R1-Modified (Taiwan) with ANI and called-number processing
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 6 } written
admin> read t1 {1 2 7}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 7 } read
admin> set line signaling-mode = isdn-nfas
admin> set line nfas-id = 2
admin> set line nfas-group-id = 2
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 7 } written
admin> read t1 {1 2 8}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 8 } read
admin> set line signaling-mode = isdn-nfas
admin> set line nfas-id = 3
admin> set line nfas-group-id = 2
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 8 } written
Configuring ISDN NFAS for Japanese switch types
To introduce non-facility associated signaling (NFAS) support for Japanese switches, TAOS
unit supports implicit identification of the primary D-channel interface and explicit
identification of all other interfaces, as required by Japanese switches.
Following is an example of PRI/T1 line configuration for NFAS with a Japanese switch:
admin> read t1 { 1 1 1}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 1} read
admin> set line-interface signaling-mode = isdn-nfas
admin> set line-interface switch-type = japan-pri
admin> set line-interface nfas-group-id = 0
admin> set line-interface nfas-id = 0
admin> set line-interface channel 24 channel =
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 1} written
Configuring T1 R1 and R1-Modified (Taiwan) with ANI
and called-number processing
R1 is a multifrequency inband signaling system that uses a set of register signals known as
MFR1 tones as addressing signals. Each address (telephone number) is preceded by a KP pulse
and followed by an ST pulse denoting the end of addressing.
R1 signaling can optionally be used with Automatic Number Identification (ANI), which is
similar to Caller ID (CLID). When it is in use, you can specify whether to send an Automatic
Number ID Request (ANIR) to the switch. If you specify that the unit must send an ANIR to
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 7-15
Configuring T1 Cards
Configuring T1 R1 and R1-Modified (Taiwan) with ANI and called-number processing
the switch, you can also specify how long it waits before sending the request, and how long the
ANIR signal lasts.
The following parameters enable R1 signaling on T1 lines and specify the timing of certain
signals from the switch. These parameters are shown with their default settings:
[in T1/{ any-shelf any-slot 0 }:line-interface]
signaling-mode = inband
r1-use-anir = no
r1-first-digit-timer = 240
r1-anir-delay = 350
r1-anir-timer = 200
r1-modified = no
For T1 R1 signaling, you must set Signaling-Mode to R1-Inband.
Enables/disables ANI processing (CLID). It is set to No by
default. If set to Yes, the system performs ANI processing on
incoming calls.
Time in milliseconds to wait for the first digit from the switch after
sending the KP pulse. The default setting is 340 ms. The valid
range is from 0 to 1000.
Time in milliseconds to wait before sending the ANIR signal after
receipt of the ST pulse from the switch. The default setting is
350 ms. The valid range is from 300 to 2000.
Duration in milliseconds of the ANIR signal. The default setting is
200 ms. The valid range is from 180 to 400.
Enables/disables a modified version R1 signaling that is required
in Taiwan. It is set to No by default, which indicates regular R1
signaling (described in the ITU recommendation Q.310- 332).
TAOS units located in Taiwan must set this parameter to Yes.
Following is an example that shows how to configure R1-Modified signaling (Taiwan) with
ANIR in a T1 profile:
admin> read t1 { 1 5 1}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-5 1 } read
admin> set line signal = r1-inband
admin> set line r1-use-anir = yes
admin> set line r1-first-digit-timer = 360
admin> set line r1-anir-delay = 360
admin> set line r1-anir-timer = 220
admin> set line r1-modified = yes
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-5 1 } written
7-16 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T1 Cards
Configuring clocking
Configuring clocking
You can configure the TAOS unit to use any of the T1 lines as a master phase-locked loop
(PLL) clock source for synchronous connections for an entire system. In synchronous
transmission, both the sending device and the receiving device must maintain synchronization
to determine where one block of data ends and the next begins.
From the T1 lines configured as eligible clock sources, the TAOS unit chooses a clock source
on the basis of priority. If multiple T1 lines are configured as eligible clock sources and have
an equal clock priority, the TAOS unit chooses one of them at random. Once chosen as the
clock source, the line used until it becomes unavailable or a higher-priority source becomes
If no eligible external sources are available, the system uses an internal clock generated from
the primary shelf controller. Using the internal clock is generally not recommended.
The Clock-Source diagnostic command displays the current master clock source and any
available clock source. Sources from layer 2 up, which are preferred, are marked with an
To specify a clock source and set a priority, proceed as follows after reading in the line’s T1
admin> set clock-source = eligible
admin> set clock-priority = high-priority
admin> write
Configuring the front-end transceiver
The front-end type of the T1 transceiver can be CSU or DSX.
If you are connecting the TAOS unit to a DSX, set the Front-End-Type to DSX. With this
setting you must also specify the length of the physical T1 line in feet. The value must reflect
the longest line length you expect to encounter in your installation, up to a maximum of
655 feet (200m).
If you are not connecting the TAOS unit to a DSX, set Front-End-Type to CSU. You might also
have to set a line buildout value to specify the amount of attenuation, in decibels, that the
TAOS unit must apply to the line. If the TAOS unit is too close to a repeater, you need to add
some attenuation to reduce the strength of the signal. Ask your service provider whether you
need attenuation and, if so, how much.
To specify DSX settings, proceed as in the following example after reading in the line’s T1
admin> set front-end-type = dsx
admin> set dsx-line-length = 1-133
admin> write
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 7-17
Configuring T1 Cards
Configuring channel usage
To specify CSU settings, proceed as in the following example after reading in the line’s T1
admin> set front-end-type = csu
admin> set csu-build-out = 7.5-db
admin> write
Configuring channel usage
You must specify how each of the 24 channels of a T1 line is to be used. By default, T1
channels are configured as switched. (If you are going to set up the lines for NFAS, see
You can configure each of the 24 channels of a T1 line for one of the following uses:
• unused-channel—Channel is unused. Send the single idle code defined for this
• switched-channel—A switched channel, which will be robbed-bit or D channel,
depending on how the line is configured at a higher level.
• nailed-64-channel—Clear-channel 64Kbps circuit. Does not require any setup
• d-channel—Channel is used for ISDN D channel signaling directed at the appropriate
controller for the physical interface.
• nfas-primary-d-channel—The primary D channel for a group of T1 lines with the
same NFAS ID. All other channels on the NFAS line must be set to
switched-channel, nailed-64-channel, or unused-channel. Within an
NFAS group, only one line should be configured to provide the primary ISDN D channel.
• nfas-secondary-d-channel—The secondary D channel for a group of T1 lines
with the same NFAS ID. All other channels on the NFAS line must be set to
switched-channel, nailed-64-channel, or unused-channel. Within an
NFAS group, you configure only one line to provide the secondary (backup) D channel.
To specify the channel usage:
List the Line-Interface parameters:
admin> list line-interface
Set the Channel-Usage parameter for the first channel:
admin> set channel 1 channel-usage=[unused-channel |
switched-channel |nailed-64-channel| d-channel| nfas-pri-
mary-d-channel| nfas-secondary-d-channel]
admin> write
7-18 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T1 Cards
Assigning telephone numbers to switched channels
Assigning telephone numbers to switched channels
Channel assignments typically specify add-on numbers, not full telephone numbers. Add-on
numbers include only the rightmost digits needed to distinguish one number from another. For
example, if a line is assigned 23 numbers, all of which begin with 212-555-, the add-on
number is the unique set of digits to the right of these common digits.
The most common reason multichannel calls fail to add channels properly is that the calling
unit cannot use the add-on numbers it receives. To avoid this problem, make sure that the
add-on numbers you assign all have the same number of digits.
When a caller initiates a multichannel call, it first dials the base channel and then requests
additional numbers for dialing the additional channels. When it receives add-on numbers, the
caller integrates them with the number it dialed for the base channel as follows:
If the add-on number has fewer digits than the dialed number, the caller pads the add-on
number with the leftmost digits that are included in the dialed number but not in the
add-on number. For example, if the add-on number is 6532 and the dialed-number is
9-212-555-1212, the caller uses 9-212-555-6532 to dial the next channel.
If the add-on number has more digits than the dialed number, the caller discards extra
digits in the add-on numbers, starting with the leftmost digit.
If the add-on number has the same number of digits as the dialed number, the entire
add-on number is used. For example, if 6532 is the add-on number and 6588 is the dialed
number, the caller uses 6532 to dial the next channel.
To assign add-on numbers to the channels of a T1 line, proceed as in the following example:
admin> list line channel
channel-config[1]={switched-channel 9 "" {any-shelf any-slot 0} 0 }
channel-config[2]={switched-channel 9 "" {any-shelf any-slot 0} 0 }
channel-config[3]={switched-channel 9 "" {any-shelf any-slot 0} 0 }
channel-config[24]={switched-channel 9 "" {any-shelf any-slot 0} 0}
admin> set 1 phone = 60
admin> set 2 phone = 61
admin> set 3 phone = 62
admin> set 4 phone = 63
admin> set 5 phone = 64
In a hunt group, a group of channels is assigned the same telephone number. When a call
comes in on that number, the TAOS unit uses the first available channel to which the number is
assigned. Because channels in a hunt group share a common telephone number, the add-on
numbers in the profile are all the same.
The following example shows how to configure two groups of four channels with hunt groups:
admin> set 6 phone = 70
admin> set 7 phone = 70
admin> set 8 phone = 70
admin> set 9 phone = 70
admin> set 10 phone = 72
admin> set 11 phone = 72
admin> set 12 phone = 72
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 7-19
Configuring T1 Cards
Configuring trunk groups
admin> set 13 phone = 72
admin> write
Configuring trunk groups
Like nailed channels that have been assigned a group number, switched channels in a trunk
group can be referred to from a Connection profile and Call-Route profile to direct outbound
calls to use that specific bandwidth. Trunk groups also serve a variety of other purposes, such
as separating lines supplied by different carriers so those lines can be used as backup for each
other if one switch becomes unavailable. The decision to use trunk groups is a global one.
Once you have enabled the use of trunk groups, every switched channel must be assigned a
trunk group number or it will not be available for outbound calls.
Trunk groups limit the number of channels available to multichannel calls, because only
channels within the same trunk group can be aggregated.
To enable trunk groups, open the System profile and set Use-Trunk-Groups to Yes, as in the
following example:
admin> read system
admin> list
name = ""
system-rmt-mgmt = yes
use-trunk-groups = no
idle-logout = 0
parallel-dialing = 2
single-file-incoming = yes
analog-encoding = a-law
sessionid-base = 0
admin> set use-trunk-groups = yes
admin> write
Then assign the channels of each T1 line to a trunk group, as
in the following example:
admin> list line channel 1
channel-usage = switched-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ""
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 0
admin> set trunk-group = 4
admin> list .. 2
channel-usage = switched-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ""
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 0
admin> set trunk-group = 4
admin> list .. 3
channel-usage = switched-channel
trunk-group = 9
7-20 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T1 Cards
Configuring nailed channels
phone-number = ""
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 0
admin> set trunk-group = 4
admin> write
Note: Command history is very useful for repeating commands. Press the Up-Arrow to
redisplay the command, and then press Enter. (For more information, see the TAOS
Command-Line Interface Guide.)
Configuring nailed channels
The number of nailed (leased) channels must be the same at both ends of the connection. For
example, if there are five nailed channels at the local end, there must be five nailed channels at
the remote end. However, channel assignments do not have to match. For example Channel 1
might be switched at the local end and nailed at the remote end.
Note that channels in a nailed group must be contiguous on the T1 line.
When you configure Connection profiles to use the leased connection, you must specify the
Nailed-Group number in the Telco-Options subprofile.
To configure a nailed channel, proceed as in the following example:
admin> list line channel 1
channel-usage = switched-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ""
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 0
admin> set channel = nailed
admin> set nailed = 3
admin> list .. 2
channel-usage = switched-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ""
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 0
admin> set channel = nailed
admin> set nailed = 3
admin> write
Configuring a back-to-back T1 connection
For diagnostic purposes, you might sometimes want to configure a back-to-back T1
connection between ports on two TAOS units. In the T1 profile for one end of the line you
want to connect with a back-to-back connection, specify the following values:
Signaling-Mode set to Inband (the default)
Robbed-Bit-Mode set to Wink-Start (the default)
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 7-21
Configuring T1 Cards
Specifying analog encoding for TAOS unit codecs
Clock-Source set to Eligible (the default)
In T1 profile for the other end of the line, specify the following values:
Signaling-Mode set to Inband (the default)
Robbed-Bit-Mode set to Inc-W-200 or Inc-W-400
Clock-Source set to Eligible (the default)
Connect the two ports with a T1-crossover cable. You can now configure Connection profiles
between the units and dial over the connection as you would over the WAN. (For information
about configuring Connection profiles, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT WAN, Routing
and Tunneling Configuration Guide.)
Specifying analog encoding for TAOS unit codecs
Codecs connected to T1 use a different encoding standard for digitized analog data than do
codecs connected to E1. The default for T1 is U-Law, the default for E1 is A-Law.
To specify the analog encoding, proceed as in the following example:
Open the System profile:
admin> read system
Specify the analog encoding for all the codecs in the TAOS unit:
admin> set analog-encoding = u-law
Write the System profile to save the changes:
admin> write
SYSTEM written
Configuring specialized options
The settings described in this section are not normally used. Depending on your configuration,
however, you might need to change the default values.
Typically, the D channel of a PRI line uses normal data. However, for some connections you
might need to invert the data to avoid transmitting a pattern that the connection cannot handle.
Inversion changes 1s to 0s and 0s to 1s. Both sides of the connection must agree to use inverted
Idle mode determines whether the D channel looks for a flag pattern (01111110) or a mark
pattern (11111111) as the idle indicator. The default setting, Flag-Idle, is usually correct.
To set these options, use the Data-Sense and Idle-Mode parameters:
admin> set data-sense = [normal|inv]
admin> set idle-mode = [mark-idle|flag-idle]
admin> write
7-22 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T1 Cards
Sample T1 configuration
Sample T1 configuration
This section provides an example of how to configure a T1 slot card. The example uses the
following setup:
The card is in shelf 1, slot 2.
All lines use PRI signaling.
Switch type is NTI-PRI.
The line is connected to a DSX and is less than 100 feet (30.5m) long. It therefore uses the
default settings for Front-End-Type and DSX-Line-Length.
All the channels are switched (the default), with the exception of channel 24, which is set
for D channel signaling.
All the channels are assigned to trunk group 9 (the default).
The Default-Call-Type is digital (the default), so all calls received on this card are routed
to the Hybrid Access (HDLC) card.
The rest of the line parameters are left at their default values.
To configure the T1 card as in this example:
Create a new T1 profile:
admin> new t1
T1/{ any-shelf any-slot 0 } read
Set the physical address for the first T1 line:
admin> set physical-address ={ 1 2 1}
This applies the changes to the T1 line in the specified
List the contents of the line profile:
admin> list line-interface
enabled = no
frame-type = d4
encoding = ami
clock-source = eligible
clock-priority = middle-priority
signaling-mode = inband
robbed-bit-mode = wink-start
default-call-type = digital
switch-type = att-pri
nfas-id = 0
call-by-call = 0
data-sense = normal
idle-mode = flag-idle
FDL = none
front-end-type = dsx
DSX-line-length = 1-133
CSU-build-out = 0-db
channel-config = [ { switched-channel 9 "" { any-shelf
any-slot 0 } 0 } { switc+
maintenance-state = no
sendDisc-val = 0
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 7-23
Configuring T1 Cards
Default Call-Route profiles
Enable the line:
admin> set enabled = yes
Set the frame type:
admin> set frame-type = est
Set the line encoding:
admin> set encoding = b8zs
Set the signaling mode:
admin> set signaling-mode = isdn
Set the switch type:
admin> set switch-type = nti-pri
Next, assign all the channels to trunk group 7:
admin> set channel 1 truck-group = 7
10 Press the Up-Arrow key or Ctrl-P to redisplay the Set command you just entered.
11 Use the Left Arrow key or Control-B to change the channel number and trunk group for
all the channels.
12 Change the channel usage of channel 24 to D Channel, because this channel carries the
signaling for the PRI line.
admin> set channel 24 channel-usage = d -channel
13 Write the profile to commit your changes:
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 2 } written
14 Because the T1 lines are all configured similarly, you can write the changes to the rest of
the lines by setting the physical address and then writing the same profile for each of the
admin> set physical-address = { 2 1 2}
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 2 written
admin> set physical-address = { 2 1 3}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 3} written
Continue until you have configured all the lines.
Default Call-Route profiles
When the TAOS unit detects that a T1 card has been installed, it creates on default Call-Route
profile associated with the card. For example
admin> dir call-r
9 12/11/1996 15:58:08 { { { any-shelf any-slot 0 } 0 } 0 }
13 01/06/1997 17:17:10 { { { shelf-1 slot-2 0 } 0 }
This default Call-Route profile routes outbound trunk calls to any line on the card. To handle
inbound modem and LAN-session traffic, you must configure specific call routes. For details,
7-24 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T1 FrameLine Cards
Introduction to T1 FrameLine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
Overview of supported features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
Overview of T1 FrameLine configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
Configuring the clock source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
Introduction to T1 FrameLine
The T1 FrameLine slot card provides 10 unchannelized T1 lines, each of which can be used for
one nailed connection. Associated with each T1 line is a Serial Communications Adapter
(SCA), which is responsible for receiving and transmitting HDLC frames. Because there is
only one SCA per line, only one PPP or Frame Relay link (possibly with multiple DLCIs) can
be active per line.
Unlike other slot cards, such as the Series56 II and Series56 III Digital Modems cards or
Hybrid Access (HDLC) cards, call routing profiles are not used for the FrameLine card and are
ignored if they exist. The data pathway is directed to an on-board SCA device and cannot be
routed to another host card. All packetization of data occurs locally.
Overview of supported features
This section describes the T1 FrameLine slot card’s support for the following protocols:
Frame Relay
Routing protocols
The T1 FrameLine slot card supports PPP as follows:
Only one PPP session per line.
Bandwidth per session is 1-24 DS0 channels.
Channels need not be contiguous.
APX 8000 Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 8-1
Configuring T1 FrameLine Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Overview of T1 FrameLine configuration
Multilink Protocol (MP) and Multilink Protocol Plus (MP+) are not supported. The
connection profile must specify only PPP.
Users are authenticated by the local profile or RADIUS.
Stac compression is not supported.
Frame Relay
The T1 FrameLine slot card supports Frame Relay as follows:
Only one Frame Relay link, possibly containing multiple data-link connection identifiers
(DLCIs), can be active per line.
Bandwidth per link is 1-24 DS0 channels.
Channels need not be contiguous.
Up to 240 permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) are supported per card.
Routing protocols
The T1 FrameLine slot card supports only IP routing.
The T1 FrameLine slot card supports the same RADIUS accounting and authentication as the
digital modem cards.
The T1 FrameLine slot card supports SNMP as follows:
DS1 status and management are the same as for the eight-port T1 card.
The T1 FrameLine slot card supports the accounting Management Information Base
(MIB) for session information.
Overview of T1 FrameLine configuration
Configuring the T1 FrameLine slot card is similar to T1 slot card configuration except that the
T1 FrameLine slot card has the following configuration restrictions:
Signaling-Mode must be set to inband.
The T1 FrameLine card can be used only for nailed Frame Relay or PPP links.
You must set Channel-Usage to either Unused-Channel or Nailed-64-Channel.
If Channel-Usage is Nailed-64-Channel and you are using nailed channels, the
Nailed-Group setting must be unique to the line. Two different T1 lines cannot share a
nailed group.
Unlike the T1 card, channels in the same nailed group do not have to be contiguous. For
example, DS0 channels 1 and 3 can be in the same nailed group, with channel 2 unused.
The following T1 profile parameters are not applicable for the FrameLine card:
8-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000 Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T1 FrameLine Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Configuring the clock source
Data Sense
Configuring the clock source
The T1 FrameLine slot card uses the same system-wide PLL synchronous clock source for
DS1 transmission as do the eight-port T1 and E1 cards. Any of the lines can serve as the clock
source for the unit. To configure the T1 FrameLine card’s clock source, use the same
parameters (Clock-Source and Clock-Priority) that you use for other cards.
All 10 lines must use the same clock source. Clocking on a per-line basis is not supported. The
clock source can be one of the 10 lines, or a line on another slot card, or it can be internally
generated from the primary shelf controller. Using the internal clock is not recommended. For
In addition, if the system clock source is from one of the 10 lines, it affects the timing on the
Time-division multiplexing (TDM) backplane, because TDM timing is based on the clock
source. This relationship exists even though the T1 FrameLine card does not use the TDM
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 8-3
Configuring E1 Cards
Introduction to E1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
Overview of E1 configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
Understanding configuration requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
Making a profile the working profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
Assigning names to E1 line profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6
Enabling a line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7
Configuring a back-to-back connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7
Specifying the framing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7
Specifying E1 signaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8
Configuring ISDN PRI signaling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8
Configuring ISDN network-side emulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-9
Configuring E1 R1 signaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
Configuring E1 R2 signaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
Configuring DPNSS signaling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12
Configuring overlap receiving on PRI lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13
Configuring clocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13
Configuring the front-end E1 transceiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13
Configuring channel usage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14
Assigning telephone numbers to switched channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14
Configuring trunk groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14
Configuring nailed channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-15
Specifying analog encoding for TAOS unit codecs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-16
Default Call-Route profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-16
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 9-1
Configuring E1 Cards
Introduction to E1
Introduction to E1
An E1 line supports 32 64Kbps channels, each of which can be used to transmit and receive
data or digitized voice. The line uses framing and signaling to achieve synchronous and
reliable transmission. The most common configurations for E1 lines are PRI and
unchannelized. (For information about provisioning your E1 line for use with the TAOS unit,
ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI)
In Europe, an E1/PRI line typically supports 30 B channels and one D channel. PRI
configurations are used to receive multiple, simultaneous ISDN calls from analog-modem and
digital-services dial-in traffic. Another common use of E1/PRI lines is to connect a private
branch exchange (PBX) to a central office (CO) switch.
Nailed or unchannelized E1
An unchannelized E1 line can be used for nailed connections such as to a Frame Relay
network. In such cases the configuration is static, and the TAOS unit treats the E1 line as if it
were a single connection at a fixed speed, without individual channels.
Typically, when you pay your telephone company for a leased (nailed) line, you pay more for
higher bandwidth. Anything in the range of 0bps to 2.048Mbps can be delivered on an E1 line,
and provisioned at some 64Kbps fraction of the full E1 bandwidth.
Overview of E1 configuration
Table 9-1 lists the sections describing common tasks you might have to perform to configure
an E1 line. The table includes a brief description of each task, and lists the parameters you will
For complete information about the associated parameters, see the APX 8000/MAX
TNT/DSLTNT Reference.
Table 9-1. E1 line configuration tasks
Description of task
Associated parameters
Before configuring your E1 line, gather the
necessary information from your E1 service
Before you can edit a profile, you must make N/A
it the working profile.
Assign a name to the E1 profile.
Make a line available for use.
9-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring E1 Cards
Overview of E1 configuration
Table 9-1. E1 line configuration tasks (continued)
Description of task
Associated parameters
A back-to-back connection lets you connect
two TAOS units to one another over a
crossover E1 cable.
Framing specifies how the bits are sent on the Frame-Type
Specify the type of signaling used for your E1 Signaling-Mode
You must specify the type of network switch
providing ISDN service on an E1 PRI line.
ISDN emulation enables you to build, send,
receive, and process ISDN data.
R1 is a multifrequency inband signaling
protocol that uses a set of register signals
known as MFR1 tones as addressing signals.
Specify R2 signaling and specify R2-specific Signaling-Mode
configuration options.
Specify Digital Private Network Signaling
System (DPNSS) signaling and associated
T1 or E1 PRI lines with overlap receiving
enable the TAOS unit to gather the complete
called number from the network switch via a
series of Information messages, enabling the
use of features such as called-number
Set Clock-Source to specify whether the E1
line can be used as the master clock source
for synchronous connections.
Also specify the priority of the E1 lines to be
used for clocking.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 9-3
Configuring E1 Cards
Understanding configuration requirements
Table 9-1. E1 line configuration tasks (continued)
Description of task
Associated parameters
Set the front end type of the E1 transceiver to Front-End-Type
Long-Haul or Short-Haul, depending on the
type of termination your line uses.
Specify how each of the E1 channels is to be
Typically, you specify only the rightmost
digits needed to distinguish one number from
another. These are called add-on numbers.
A trunk group is a group of channels that has Trunk-Group
been assigned a number.
You must assign a nailed channel to a group
to make it available for use. The group
number can be referred to in a Connection or
Frame-Relay profile to specify a permanent
leased connection using that group of nailed
The TAOS unit uses call routing to determine Default-Call-Type
where to route incoming and outgoing calls.
The preferred way to set up call-routing is to
put all call routing information in one place: a
Call-Route profile.
If you do not use Call-Route profiles, specify
the physical address of a device to which
calls received on this channel are routed.
Understanding configuration requirements
You need the following information from your E1/PRI service provider:
The telephone numbers assigned to your E1/PRI interface, channel-by-channel
Nailed-up channels (also called private WAN), if any
Unused channels, if any
Switch type (or emulation)—DPNSS only
Switch layers 2 and 3 configuration—Digital Access Signaling System (DASS) 2 and
DPNSS only (A/B end, X/Y end)
9-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring E1 Cards
Making a profile the working profile
Rate adaption protocol—DASS 2 and DPNSS only (X.30 and V.110)
Note: The TAOS unit cannot receive multichannel calls using Multilink Protocol (MP)
encapsulation unless all channels of the call share a common telephone number (namely, a
hunt group). You can request that your service provider supply you with a hunt group.
Making a profile the working profile
When the TAOS unit system detects that an E1 card has been installed, it creates a default E1
profile for each of the eight lines on the card.
In the following display example, the Dir command shows eight default E1 profiles created for
a card installed in slot 2:
admin> dir e1
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 2 }
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 4 }
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 5 }
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 6 }
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 7 }
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 8 }
320 12/20/1996 20:55:31 { shelf-1 slot-2 3 }
317 01/08/1997 09:58:55 { shelf-1 slot-2 1 }
By default, a line is not enabled, which means that it is not available for use. Its default
signaling method is inband, typically used for channelized connections.
To configure an E1 profile, make it the working profile by reading it into the edit buffer. For
admin> read e1 {1 2 1}
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
Once you have read in a profile, it remains the working profile until you read in another
profile. You can use the Set command to change one or more of the profile’s parameters.
To save your configuration changes, use the Write command. For example,
admin> write
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1} written
To list the parameters in an E1 profile, use the List command, as in the following example:
admin> list
physical-address* = { shelf-1 slot-2 1 }
line-interface = { yes esf b8zs eligible middle-priority
isdn wink-star+
The following example shows the parameters in an E1 profile, with sample settings:
[in E1/{ shelf-1 slot-15 5 }]
name = ""
physical-address* = { shelf-1 slot-15 5 }
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 9-5
Configuring E1 Cards
Assigning names to E1 line profiles
line-interface = { no none g703 eligible middle-priority +
back-to-back = false
[in E1/{ shelf-1 slot-15 5 }:line-interface]
enabled = yes
t-online-type = none
frame-type = g703
clock-source = eligible
clock-priority = middle-priority
signaling-mode = isdn
default-call-type = digital
switch-type = net5-pri
incoming-call-handling = reject-all
front-end-type = short-haul
overlap-receiving = no
pri-prefix-number = ""
trailing-digits = 2
t302-timer = 10000
channel-config = [ { unused-channel 9 "" { any-shelf +
layer3-end = x-side
layer2-end = b-side
nl-value = 64
loop-avoidance = 7
number-complete = end-of-pulsing
group-b-answer-signal = signal-b-6
group-b-busy-signal = signal-b-3
group-ii-signal = signal-ii-2
input-sample-count = one-sample
answer-delay = 200
caller-id = no-caller-id
hunt-grp-phone-number-1 = ""
hunt-grp-phone-number-2 = ""
hunt-grp-phone-number-3 = ""
collect-incoming-digits = no
r1-use-anir = no
r1-first-digit-timer = 340
r1-anir-delay = 350
r1-anir-timer = 200
r1-modified = no
[in E1/{ shelf-1 slot-15 5 }:line-interface:channel-con +
channel-usage = unused-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ""
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 1
Assigning names to E1 line profiles
In an E1 profile, the Name parameter enables you to assign the profile a name. The name can
include up to 16 characters. After you assign it, it is displayed after the line’s physical address
in the Dir command output. For example:
9-6 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring E1 Cards
Enabling a line
admin> read e1 {1 12 0}
admin> set name = E1 Trunk
admin> write
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-12 0 } written
admin> dir e1
17 04/17/1997 19:00:02 { shelf-1 slot-12 0 } "E1 Trunk"
For E1 lines, the Line Status window displays either the name (if assigned) or the physical
address. If the name is longer than eight characters, the last character displayed is a plus sign
Enabling a line
By default each E1 line is disabled. To enable an E1 line, read its profile to make it the working
profile, then set Enabled to Yes, as in the following example:
admin> read e1 {1 2 1}
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
admin> set line enabled = yes
admin> write
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } written
Configuring a back-to-back connection
For diagnostics, you can configure DASS-2 or DPNSS lines in a back-to-back connection. A
crossover cable connects an E1 port of one TAOS unit to an E1 port of another TAOS unit. No
switch is required, and the connection is entirely local. One TAOS unit must be set up for data
terminal operation (DTE) operation, and the other for data circuit-terminating equipment
(DCE) operation.
To specify a back-to-back connection, set the Back-to-Back parameter in the E1 profile:
admin> read e1 {1 2 1}
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
admin> set back-to-back = [true|false]
admin> write
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } written
Specifying the framing
The E1 framing mode can be G703 (G.704 with CRC4, the standard framing mode used by
most E1 ISDN and DASS2 providers) or 2DS (G.704 without CRC4, a variant of G.703
required by most E1 DPNSS providers in the United Kingdom). If the line is not configured for
ISDN signaling, you can use the D4 format, also known as superframe.
Your E1 service provider must provide the correct framing values for your lines.
To specify the framing, set the Frame-Type parameter:
admin> read e1 {1 2 1}
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 9-7
Configuring E1 Cards
Specifying E1 signaling
admin> set line frame-type = [G703|2DS|D4|esf]
admin> write
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } written
Specifying E1 signaling
An E1 line’s signaling mode can be any of the following:
DPNSS (DPNSS or DASS 2 signaling)
Channel-associated signaling (CAS). CAS signaling modes includes the following:
E1-R2-Signaling (R2 signaling)
E1-Chinese-Signaling (R2 signaling used in China)
E1-Korean-Signaling (R2 signaling used in Korea)
E1-Metered-Signaling (metered R2 signaling, used in Brazil and South Africa)
E1-P7-Signaling (R2 P7)
In the E1 profile Line-Interface subprofile, configure E1 signaling as follows:
admin> read e1 {1 2 1}
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
admin> set line signaling-mode = signalingmode
admin> write
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } written
Replace signalingmode with one of the modes listed above. If you are using one of the
CAS signaling modes, you must also set the Switch-Type parameter to CAS.
For more information on the E1 signaling parameters, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT
Configuring ISDN PRI signaling
For ISDN signaling you must also specify the type of switch providing E1/PRI service to your
TAOS unit. Obtain the information from your ISDN carrier.
When you set the signaling mode to ISDN, you must also set channel 17 as the D channel.
Note that ISDN signaling often requires ESF framing and B8ZS encoding.
9-8 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring E1 Cards
Configuring ISDN network-side emulation
Configure ISDN PRI service as in the following example:
admin>read e1 {1 15 5}
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-15 5 } read
[in E1/{ shelf-1 slot-15 5 }]
name = ""
physical-address* = { shelf-1 slot-15 5 }
line-interface = { no none g703 eligible middle-priority
isdn +
back-to-back = false
admin>list line-interface
[in E1/{ shelf-1 slot-15 5 }:line-interface]
enabled = no
t-online-type = none
frame-type = g703
clock-source = eligible
clock-priority = middle-priority
signaling-mode = isdn
default-call-type = digital
switch-type = net5-pri
admin> set frame-type = esf
admin> set signaling-mode = isdn
admin> set switch-type = switchtype
admin> set channel 17 channel-usage=d-channel
admin> write
To see a complete list of switch types supported on the TAOS unit, see the TAOS unit
command-line interface online help or the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Reference.
Configuring ISDN network-side emulation
You can configure PRI lines to use either network-side or user-side ISDN emulation.
Previously, PRI lines on the TAOS unit supported only user-side emulation. Following is the
relevant parameter, shown with its default setting:
[in E1/{ any-shelf any-slot0 }:line-interface]
isdn-emulation-side = te
ISDN is a nonsymmetrical protocol used by telephone carriers to provide digital services to
end users. There are no ISDN links between telephone carrier Central Offices (COs). ISDN
links exist only between the CO and the customer. Therefore, an ISDN link can be viewed as
having two sides— the network side, or network terminating (NT) equipment, and the user
side, or terminal equipment (TE). The user side can connect only to the network side, and vice
versa. Both the network side and the user side perform the same functions, but the format of
the messages is different. For example, the network side must always set a bit and the user side
must always clear it. These differences allow either side to determine whether the other end is
the right one.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 9-9
Configuring E1 Cards
Configuring E1 R1 signaling
ISDN emulation enables you to build, send, receive, and process ISDN data. ISDN monitoring,
on the other hand, allows you only to decode the ISDN data.
Configuring E1 R1 signaling
R1 is a multifrequency inband signaling protocol that uses a set of register signals known as
MFR1 tones as addressing signals. Each address (telephone number) is preceded by a KP pulse
and followed by an ST pulse denoting the end of addressing.
The R2 signaling option must be software licensed (hash-code enabled) on the system for R1
signaling to work. If one or more E1 lines on an E1 card are configured for R1 signaling, no
other line on the card can use R2 signaling.
Following are the parameters relevant to R1 signaling, shown with sample values:
[in E1/{shelf-1 slot-13 1}:line-interface]
signaling-mode = r1-inband
switch-type = cas
All other line signaling parameters can be left in their default settings. The following example
specifies R1 signaling on an E1 line in shelf 1, slot 13:
admin> read e1 {1 13 1}
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-13 1 } read
admin> set line signaling-mode = r1-inband
admin> set switch-type = cas
admin> write
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-13 1 } written
Configuring E1 R2 signaling
R2 signaling is an ITU-T standardized signaling protocol, which can be used on E1 digital
trunks for switched circuits. It uses a combination of A/B bit manipulation in channel 16 of the
E1 frame (line signaling), and inband MF tone generation and detection (register signaling).
The relevant specifications are in ITU-T recommendations Q.400 to Q.490. R2 signaling is
widely implemented in international markets where ISDN PRI is not yet available. The default
bandwidth for data calls coming in over E1 channels using R2 signaling is 64Kbps.
To configure R2 signaling, you might need to set some or all of the following parameters:
Type of switch the TAOS unit connects to. For R2 signaling, you must
set Switch-Type to Switch-CAS. When the line is configured for
channel associated signaling (CAS), the TAOS unit does not receive
bearer-capability information from the carrier. Therefore, it cannot
determine whether a call is voice-service or digital-service. For
call-routing purposes, all calls on inband lines are assumed to be
digital calls.
Milliseconds the TAOS unit delays before answering an R2 call.
9-10 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring E1 Cards
Configuring E1 R2 signaling
Number of digits considered to be a complete number on an incoming
call using R2 signaling. You can specify End-of-Pulsing to have the
TAOS unit continue receiving digits until the caller stops sending
them, or you can specify a fixed number of digits (up to 10). In all
cases, the digits received before the call is answered are considered the
called number for call-routing purposes.
Replaces the Group-B-Signal parameter found in earlier releases. It
specifies the group-B signal that the TAOS unit sends before
answering a call, and can be set to a value from Signal-B-1 to
Signal-B-15. The default is Signal-B-6, which is the recommended
setting for E1_R2 Israeli signaling.
Group-B-Busy-Signal Group-B-Busy-Signal specifies the group-B signal that the TAOS unit
sends as a busy signal. When the TAOS unit does not have sufficient
resources to handle the call correctly (for example, if all of its modems
are busy), it sends the group-B signal specified by this parameter. It
can be set to a value from Signal-B-1 to Signal-B-15. The default is
Signal-B-3, which is the recommended setting for E1_R2 Israeli
Group II signal that is sent in the course of an outgoing call,
immediately after acknowledgment by the called end that all necessary
address digits have been received. It is used for outgoing call
Enables or disables the use of caller ID for R2 calls. You must specify
one the following signaling modes to enable the TAOS unit to process
CLID information received from the switch:
For details about configuring CLID authentication in a Connection
profile, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT WAN, Routing, and
Tunneling Configuration Guide.
To configure the line for R2 signaling, proceed as in the following example:
admin> read e1 {1 2 2}
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 2 } read
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 9-11
Configuring E1 Cards
Configuring DPNSS signaling
admin> list line
channel-config=[ { unused-channel 9 "" { any-shelf any-slot+
admin> set line enabled = yes
admin> set line frame-type = 2DS
admin> set line signaling-mode = e1-r2-signaling
admin> set line switch-type = switch-cas
admin> set line number-complete = end-of-pulsing
admin> set line group-b-signal = signal-b-6
admin> set line group-ii-signal = signal-ii-2
admin> set line answer-delay = 200
admin> set line caller-id = get-caller-id
admin> write
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 2 } written
Configuring DPNSS signaling
When you are connecting to a DASS 2 or DPNSS switch, you must set the following
Layer3-End specifies CCITT Layer 3. It must be set to X-Side (its default value).
Layer2-End specifies CCITT Layer 2. It must be set to B-Side (its default value).
NL-Value must be set to 64 (its default value).
Loop-avoidance must be set to 7 (its default value).
Contact the service provider for more details. (These settings are not required for ISDN
In the following example, an administrator configures DPNSS signaling using a Mercury
switch (a variant of DPNSS). The specified framing mode, 2DS, is a variant of G.703 required
by most E1 DPNSS providers in the United Kingdom. To configure an E1 line for DPNSS
signaling, proceed as in the following example:
admin> read e1 {1 2 2}
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 2 } read
admin> set enabled = yes
admin> set signaling-mode = e1-dpnss-signaling
admin> set switch = mercury-dpnss
admin> set frame-type = 2ds
admin> set layer3-end = x-side
admin> set layer2-end = b-side
admin> set nl-value = 64
9-12 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring E1 Cards
Configuring overlap receiving on PRI lines
admin> set loop-avoidance = 7
admin> write
Configuring overlap receiving on PRI lines
Overlap receiving affects the procedure of establishing an incoming call received on a T1 or
E1 PRI line in the TAOS unit. With overlap receiving, the TAOS unit can gather the complete
called number from the network switch via a series of Information messages, enabling the use
of features such as called-number authentication. For information about configuring overlap
Configuring clocking
You can configure the TAOS unit to use any of the E1 lines as a master clock source for
synchronous connections for an entire system. In synchronous transmission, both the sending
device and the receiving device must maintain synchronization in order to determine where
one block of data ends and the next begins.
From the E1 lines configured as eligible clock sources, the TAOS unit chooses a clock source
on the basis of priority. If multiple E1 lines are configured as eligible clock sources and have
an equal clock priority, the TAOS unit chooses one of them at random. Once chosen as the
clock source, the line is used until it becomes unavailable or a higher-priority source becomes
If no eligible external sources are available, the system uses an internal clock generated from
the primary shelf controller. Using the internal clock is generally not recommended.
The Clock-Source diagnostic command displays the current master clock source. Enter the
command on the shelf controller to display which slot (if any) is being used as the clock
source. Enter the command on an E1 card to display which line is used.
To specify a clock source and set a priority, proceed as follows after reading in the line’s E1
admin> set clock-source = eligible
admin> set clock-priority = high-priority
admin> write
Configuring the front-end E1 transceiver
The front-end type of the E1 transceiver can be short haul or long haul. Long haul is only for
lines using 120-ohm termination.
Specify the front-end settings as follows, after reading in the line’s E1 profile:
admin> set front-end-type=[short-haul|long-haul]
admin> write
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 9-13
Configuring E1 Cards
Configuring channel usage
Configuring channel usage
You must specify how each of the 32 channels of an E1 line is to be used. By default, E1
channels are configured as switched. Each of the 32 channels of an E1 line can be configured
for one of the following uses:
Unused-Channel—Channel is unused. Send the single idle code defined for this channel.
Switched-Channel—Switched channel, using either robbed-bit or D-channel signaling,
depending on how the line is configured at a higher level.
Nailed-64-Channel—A clear-channel 64Kbps circuit. This configuration does not require
any setup information.
D-Channel—Channel 16 (channel 17 in the TAOS unit interface) is used for ISDN
D-channel signaling directed at the appropriate controller for the physical interface.
To specify the channel usage:
List the Line-Interface parameters:
admin> list line-interface
Set the Channel-Usage parameter for the first channel:
admin> set channel 1 channel-usage=[unused-chan-
nel|switched-channel |nailed-64-channel|d-channel]
admin> write
Assigning telephone numbers to switched channels
Assigning telephone numbers to switched E1 channels is no different from assigning them to
Configuring trunk groups
Like nailed channels that have been assigned a group number, switched channels in a trunk
group can be referred to from a Connection profile and Call-Route profile to direct outbound
calls to use that specific bandwidth. Trunk groups also serve a variety of other purposes, such
as separating lines supplied by different carriers so those lines can be used as backup for each
other if one switch becomes unavailable. The decision to use trunk groups is a global one.
Once you have enabled the use of trunk groups, every switched channel must be assigned a
trunk group number or it will not be available for outbound calls.
Trunk groups limit the number of channels available to multichannel calls, because only
channels within the same trunk group can be aggregated.
To enable trunk groups, open the System profile and set Use-Trunk-Groups to Yes, as in the
following example:
admin> read system
admin> list
name = ""
system-rmt-mgmt = yes
use-trunk-groups = no
9-14 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring E1 Cards
Configuring nailed channels
idle-logout = 0
parallel-dialing = 2
single-file-incoming = yes
analog-encoding = a-law
sessionid-base = 0
admin> set use-trunk-groups = yes
admin> write
Then assign the channels of each E1 line to a trunk group, as in the following example:
admin> read e1 {1 1 1}
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 1 } read
admin> list line channel 1
[in E1/{ shelf-1 slot-15 1 }:line-interface:channel-con +]
channel-usage = switched-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ""
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 0
admin> set trunk-group = 4
admin> list .. 2
[in E1/{ shelf-1 slot-15 1 }:line-interface:channel-con +]
channel-usage = switched-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ""
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 0
admin> set trunk-group = 4
admin> list .. 3
[in E1/{ shelf-1 slot-15 1 }:line-interface:channel-con +]
channel-usage = switched-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ""
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 0
admin> set trunk-group = 4
admin> write
Note: Command history is very useful for repeating commands. Press the Up Arrow key
to redisplay the command, and then press Enter. (For more information, see the TAOS
Command-Line Interface Guide.)
Configuring nailed channels
The number of nailed (leased) channels must be the same at both ends of the connection. For
example, if there are five nailed channels at the local end, there must be five nailed channels at
the remote end. However, channel assignments do not have to match. For example, Channel 1
can be switched at the local end and nailed at the remote end. Channels in a nailed group must
be contiguous on the E1 line.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 9-15
Configuring E1 Cards
Specifying analog encoding for TAOS unit codecs
When you configure Connection profiles to use the leased connection, you must specify the
Nailed-Group number in the Telco-Options subprofile.
To configure a nailed channel, proceed as in the following example:
admin> list line channel 1
channel-usage = switched-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ""
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 0
admin> set channel = nailed
admin> set nailed = 3
admin> list .. 2
channel-usage = switched-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ""
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 0
admin> set channel = nailed
admin> set nailed = 3
admin> write
Specifying analog encoding for TAOS unit codecs
Codecs connected to T1 use a different encoding standard for digitized analog data than do
codecs connected to E1. The default for T1 is U-Law, the default for E1 is A-Law.
To specify the analog encoding, proceed as in the following example:
Open the System profile:
admin> read system
Specify the analog encoding for all the codecs in the TAOS unit:
admin> set analog-encoding = a-law
Write the System profile to save the changes:
admin> write
SYSTEM written
Default Call-Route profiles
When the TAOS unit detects that an E1 card has been installed, it creates one default
Call-Route profile associated with the card. For example:
admin> dir call-r
9 12/11/1996 15:58:08 { { { any-shelf any-slot 0 } 0 }
0 }
13 01/06/1997 17:17:10 { { { shelf-1 slot-2 0 } 0 } 0 }
9-16 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring E1 Cards
Default Call-Route profiles
This default Call-Route profile routes outbound trunk calls to any line on the card. To handle
inbound modem and LAN-session traffic, you must configure specific call routes. For details,
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 9-17
Configuring E1 FrameLine Cards
Introduction to E1 FrameLine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1
Overview of supported features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1
Overview of E1 FrameLine configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
Administrative profiles for E1 FrameLine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4
Administrative commands and status information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5
Configuring the clock source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6
Introduction to E1 FrameLine
The E1 FrameLine slot card provides 10 E1 FrameLine lines, each of which can be used for
one nailed connection. Associated with each E1 line is a Serial Communications Adapter
(SCA), which is responsible for receiving and transmitting HDLC frames. Because there is
only one SCA per line, only one PPP or Frame Relay link (possibly with multiple DLCIs) can
be active per line.
Unlike other slot cards, such as the Series56 II and Series56 III Digital Modems cards or
Hybrid Access (HDLC) cards, call routing profiles are not used for the E1 FrameLine card and
are ignored if they exist. The data pathway is directed to an on-board SCA device and cannot
be routed to another host card. All packetization of data occurs locally.
Overview of supported features
This section describes the E1 FrameLine slot card’s support for the following protocols:
Frame Relay
Routing protocols
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring E1 FrameLine Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Overview of E1 FrameLine configuration
The E1 FrameLine slot card supports PPP as follows:
Only one PPP session per line.
Bandwidth per session is 1-31 DS0 channels. Channel 1 is not available.
Channels need not be contiguous.
Multilink Protocol (MP) and Multilink Protocol Plus (MP+) are not supported. The
connection profile must specify only PPP.
Users are authenticated by the local profile or RADIUS.
Stac compression is not supported.
Frame Relay
The E1 FrameLine slot card supports Frame Relay as follows:
Only one Frame Relay link, possibly containing multiple data-link connection identifiers
(DLCIs), can be active per line.
Bandwidth per link is 1-31 DS0 channels. Channel 1 is not available.
Channels need not be contiguous.
Up to 120 PVCs are supported per card.
Routing protocols
The E1 FrameLine slot card supports only IP routing.
The E1 FrameLine slot card supports the same RADIUS accounting and authentication as the
digital modem cards.
The E1 FrameLine slot card supports SNMP as follows:
DS1 status and management are the same as for the eight-port E1 card.
The E1 FrameLine slot card supports the accounting Management Information Base
(MIB) for session information.
Overview of E1 FrameLine configuration
Configuring the E1 FrameLine slot card is similar to E1 slot card configuration except that the
E1 FrameLine slot card has the following configuration restrictions:
Signaling-mode must be set to E1-No-Signaling.
Frame-Type must be set to G703.
T-Online-Type must be set to None.
10-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring E1 FrameLine Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Overview of E1 FrameLine configuration
Channel-Usage for channel must be set to Unused-Channel.
For all other channels, Channel-Usage must be set to either Unused-Channel or
Channel 17 is usable.
You cannot have the same nailed group on two different E1 lines.
Unlike the E1 card, channels in the same nailed group do not need to be contiguous. For
example, channels 1 and 3 can be in same nailed group with channel 2 unused.
Only the following E1 profile parameters are applicable for the E1 FrameLine slot card:
Clock Source
For complete information on configuring E1 lines, refer to Chapter 8, “Configuring E1 Cards.”
Example E1 FrameLine configuration
When you install the E1 FrameLine slot card, the MAX TNT or DSLTNT creates 10 E1
profiles. The following is the default line-interface configuration:
enabled = no
t-online-type = none
frame-type = g703
clock-source = eligible
clock-priority = low-priority
signaling-mode = e1-no-signaling
default-call-type = digital
switch-type = net5-pri
front-end-type = short-haul
overlap-receiving = no
pri-prefix-number = ""
trailing-digits = 2
t302-timer = 10000
layer3-end = x-side
layer2-end = b-side
nl-value = 64
loop-avoidance = 7
number-complete = end-of-pulsing
group-b-answer-signal = signal-b-6
group-b-busy-signal = signal-b-3
group-ii-signal = signal-ii-2
answer-delay = 200
caller-id = no-caller-id
hunt-grp-phone-number-1 = ""
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring E1 FrameLine Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Administrative profiles for E1 FrameLine
hunt-grp-phone-number-2 = ""
hunt-grp-phone-number-3 = ""
To configure the E1 FrameLine card:
admin> read E1 {1 2 2}
UE1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 2 } read
admin> set enabled = yes
admin> list channel 1
channel-usage = unused-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ““
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 0
admin> set channel-usage = nailed-64-channel
admin> set nailed-group = 3
admin> list .. 2
channel-usage = unused-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ““
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 0
admin> set channel-usage = nailed-64-channel
admin> set nailed-group = 3
Continue configuring the rest of the channels similarly. When you have finished, write the
admin> write
UE1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 2 } written
Administrative profiles for E1 FrameLine
In addition to the E1 profile described in the previous section, the following administrative
profiles apply to the E1 FrameLine slot card:
Admin-State profile
Device-State profile
Slot-Info profile
T1-Status profile
This section explains the changes to these profiles to support the E1 FrameLine card.
10-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring E1 FrameLine Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Administrative commands and status information
Admin-State profile
When you install the E1 FrameLine slot card, the MAX TNT or DSLTNT creates 20
Admin-State profiles; 10 are associated with the E1 lines and 10 are associated with the SCA
devices that do HDLC framing. Profiles are retained during card resets. The unit deletes these
profiles if you install a different type of card into a slot. You can also delete the profiles using
the Slot command with the –r option.
The profile index is displayed as { shelf slot N }
An Nvalue of 1-10 identifies a E1 line on the card.
An Nvalue of 11-20 identifies an SCA on the card.
An SCA value of 11 is associated with line 1, an SCA of 12 with line 2, and so on.
Device-State profile
The TNT or DSLTNT creates a Device-State profile for each DS0 and each SCA when the E1
FrameLine slot card enters the up state.
You use the DS0-related profiles as you do the eight-port E1 slot card profiles.
You use the SCA related profiles as you do the Series56 II and III Digital Modem cards except
that setting the Reqd-State parameter to Down-Reqd-State when a call is active on that SCA
has no effect.
The profile index is { { shelf slot N } M }
An Nvalue of 1-10 identifies a line on the card.
An Nvalue of 11-20 identifies an SCA on the card.
An Mvalue is the DS0 channel number. Its range is [1..32] for E1. For an SCA, M is
always 0.
Administrative commands and status information
You can maintain the E1 FrameLine slot card as you do the eight-port E1 card:
The Dircode and Show commands display the E1 FrameLine loads as
You can view the status of the SCAs with the HDLC command.
The line status is identical to the line status for the eight-port E1 card.
You can view the errors on each line by opening a session to the card and using the
E1-Stats command.
For more information about diagnostics on the E1 FrameLine card, see the APX 8000/MAX
TNT/DSLTNT Administration Guide.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring E1 FrameLine Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Configuring the clock source
Configuring the clock source
The E1 FrameLine slot card uses the same system-wide PLL synchronous clock source for
DS1 transmission as do the eight-port T1 and E1 cards. Any of the lines can serve as the clock
source for the unit. To configure the E1 FrameLine card’s clock source, use the same
parameters (Clock-Source and Clock-Priority) that you use for other cards.
All 10 lines must use the same clock source. Clocking on a per-line basis is not supported. The
clock source can be one of the 10 lines, or a line on another slot card, or it can be internally
generated from the primary shelf controller. Using the internal clock is generally not
In addition, if the system clock source is from one of the 10 lines, it affects the timing on the
TDM backplane, because TDM timing is based on the clock source. This relationship exists
even though the E1 FrameLine slot card does not use the TDM backplane.
10-6 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T3 Cards
Introduction to T3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1
Overview of T3 configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1
Understanding T3 configuration requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2
Understanding T3 slot card profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3
Assigning a name to a T3 profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4
Enabling a line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5
Configuring the T3 physical link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5
Configuring clocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5
Introduction to T3
The T3 slot card is a communications circuit composed of seven DS2s, each of which includes
four DS1s, each of which in turn is composed of 24 DS0s, for a total of 672 DS0 channels.
On the T3 card, DS2 channel 1 includes DS1 lines 1-4, DS2 channel 2 includes DS1 lines 5-8,
and so on. Each DS1 is similar to a T1 line, except that on the T3 card, a DS1 functions only if
the DS2 and DS3 of which it is a component are operating and in frame.
You can think of the T3 card as 28 T1 lines, because it provides 28 independently configurable
DS1 lines. Each of the DS1 lines has the same capabilities as the DS1 lines on a T1 card. Use
of SNMP for DS1-level management and status monitoring of the T3 card is the same as for
the eight-port T1card. No SNMP or status monitoring is currently available at the DS3 level.
Overview of T3 configuration
Table 11-1 lists the sections describing common tasks you might have to perform to configure
a T3 line. The table includes a brief description of each task and lists the parameters you will
(This chapter describes only the specifics that apply to a T3 card. For information about
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 11-1
Configuring T3 Cards
Understanding T3 configuration requirements
For complete information about the associated parameters, see the APX 8000/MAX
TNT/DSLTNT Reference.
Table 11-1. T3 line configuration tasks
Description of task
Associated parameters
Although you configure the T3 card similarly Clock-Source
to the eight-port T1 card, there are important
differences you must understand before
configuring the card.
The TAOS unit creates a single T3 profile
and 28 T1 profiles for each T3 card in the
Make a line available for use.
make up the T3 card, you must first configure
the T3 physical line parameters in the T3
Any of the T1 lines associated with a T3 card Clock-Source
can be configured as the clock source for the
TAOS unit.
Understanding T3 configuration requirements
Configuring the T3 slot card is very similar to configuring the eight-port T1 slot card, but with
Table 11-2. Differences between T3 card configuration and T1 card configuration
The T3 card supports up to 14 NFAS groups. An NFAS
group can be composed of up to 28 lines, subject to the
limitations of the switch. NFAS is configured in the
same way as for the eight-port T1 card.
11-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T3 Cards
Understanding T3 slot card profiles
Table 11-2. Differences between T3 card configuration and T1 card configuration (continued)
The DS1-level FDL services supported by the T3 card
are the same as for the eight-port T1 card. DS3-level
FDL capabilities such as the Far-End Alarm and
Control Channel (FEAC) and Path Maintenance Data
Link are currently unsupported. (For information on
specifying FDL, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT
Adminstration Guide.)
These parameters are ignored in T1 profiles that apply
to the T3 card.
Understanding T3 slot card profiles
When the TAOS unit first detects the presence of a T3 slot card, it creates the following
profiles for each card:
One T3 profile
One Call-Route profile
28 T1 profiles (one for each DS1 on the T3 card)
T3 profile
When the TAOS unit first detects the presence of a T3 card, it creates a default T3 profile for
the card. For example, after installing a T3 card installed in slot 7, you can verify the creation
of a T3 profile as follows:
admin> dir t3
7 03/21/1997 21:12:03 { shelf-1 slot-7 0 }
The following example shows the parameters in a T3 profile, with sample settings:
t3 { shelf-N slot-N N }
physical-address* = { shelf-N slot-N N }
enabled = yes
application = m13
line-length = 1-255
Call-Route profile
At the same time that it creates a T3 profile, the TAOS unit creates one default Call-Route
profile that routes outbound trunk calls to any line on the card. You can display the Call-Route
profile as shown in the following example:
admin> dir call-r
9 02/28/1997 10:54:38 { { { any-shelf any-slot 0 } 0 } 0 }
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 11-3
Configuring T3 Cards
Assigning a name to a T3 profile
13 02/28/1997 10:54:49 { { { shelf-1 slot-8 0 } 0 } 0 }
13 02/28/1997 10:54:49 { { { shelf-1 slot-11 0 } 0 } 0 }
13 02/28/1997 10:54:49 { { { shelf-1 slot-16 0 } 0 } 0 }
13 02/28/1997 10:54:49 { { { shelf-1 slot-13 0 } 0 } 0 }
13 03/21/1997 10:18:40 { { { shelf-1 slot-7 0 } 0 } 0 }
T1 profiles
The TAOS unit also creates 28 T1 profiles for the T3 interface. You use these profiles to
configure parameters for each of the DS1s that make up the T3.
The following example shows the parameters in a T1 profile, with sample settings:
T1 { shelf-N slot-N N }
physical-address* = { shelf-N slot-N N }
enabled = no
frame-type = d4
encoding = ami
clock-source = eligible
clock-priority = middle-priority
signaling-mode = inband
robbed-bit-mode = wink-start
default-call-type = digital
switch-type = att-pri
nfas-id = 0
call-by-call = 0
data-sense = normal
idle-mode = flag-idle
FDL = none
front-end-type = dsx
DSX-line-length = 1-133
CSU-build-out = 0-db
maintenance-state = no
channel-config N
channel-usage = switched-channel
trunk-group = 9
phone-number = ""
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
nailed-group = 0
These T1 profiles are identical to those created for the DS1s on an eight-port T1 card.
Assigning a name to a T3 profile
In a T3 profile, the Name parameter enables you to assign the profile a name of up to
16 characters. It is displayed after the line’s physical address in the Dir command output. For
11-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T3 Cards
Enabling a line
admin> read t3 {1 12 0}
admin> set name = T3 Trunk
admin> write
T3/{ shelf-1 slot-12 0 } written
admin> dir T3
17 04/17/1997 19:00:02 { shelf-1 slot-12 0 } "T3 Trunk"
For T3 lines, the Line Status window displays the first eight characters of the name if one has
been assigned. For example:
"T3 Trunk" 1/15/00 LA la la la la la la la
If the name is longer than eight characters, the last character displayed is a plus sign (+).
Enabling a line
By default each DS3 line is disabled. When the DS3 interface is disabled, it transmits the DS3
Idle Signal to the far end.
To enable a T3 line, read its profile to make it the working profile, then set the Line-Interface
subprofile’s Enabled parameter to Yes, as in the following example:
admin> read t3 {1 2 1}
T3/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
admin> set enabled = yes
admin> write
T3/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } written
Configuring the T3 physical link
You must specify a frame type and the length of the lines that connect the TAOS unit T3 slot
card to the DSX-3 cross-connect. The line length must reflect the longest line length you
expect to encounter in your installation. For a direct connection, double the value.
To configure the T3 card’s physical link, read its profile into the edit buffer, and enter the
following commands:
admin> set frame-type = [m13|c-bit-parity]
admin> set line-length = [0-225|226-450]
admin> write
Configuring clocking
For DS1 transmission, the T3 slot card uses the same system-wide PLL synchronous clock
source used by the eight-port T1 cards. Any of the T3 card’s T1 lines can serve as the clock
source for the TAOS unit system.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 11-5
Configuring Serial WAN (SWAN) Cards
Introduction to SWAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1
Overview of SWAN configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1
Understanding SWAN card configuration requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
Making a profile the working profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3
Assigning a name to a SWAN profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
Enabling a line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
Specifying a nailed group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
Specifying the SWAN internal clock speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-5
Frame Relay configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-6
Introduction to SWAN
The Serial WAN (SWAN) card, has four V.35 serial ports, which can be used for nailed Frame
Relay connections. This card can support up to 120 Frame Relay virtual circuits. A serial WAN
port provides a V.35/RS-449 WAN interface that is typically used for connecting to a Frame
Relay switch. The clock speed received from the link determines the serial WAN data rate. The
maximum acceptable speed is 8 Mbps. The clock speed at the serial WAN port has no effect on
the bandwidth of other WAN interfaces in the MAX TNT or DSLTNT unit.
Overview of SWAN configuration
Table 12-1 lists the sections describing common tasks you might have to perform to configure
a SWAN line. The table includes a brief description of each task and lists the parameters you
will use.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 12-1
Configuring Serial WAN (SWAN) Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Understanding SWAN card configuration requirements
For complete information about the associated parameters, see the APX 8000/MAX
TNT/DSLTNT Reference.
Table 12-1. SWAN-card configuration tasks
Description of task
Associated parameters
“Understanding SWAN card
configuration requirements” on
Explains important configuration information N/A
you should understand before you configure
the SWAN card.
Before you can edit a profile, you must make N/A
it the working profile.
Assign a name to the SWAN profile.
Make a line available for use.
The nailed group is used to assign a Frame
Relay connection to a SWAN line.
The SWAN slot card can generate a transmit
internal clock based on the clock speed of its
Serial Communication Adapter (SCA) chips.
Understanding SWAN card configuration requirements
Table 12-2 provides important configuration information you might need before configuring
your SWAN card.
Table 12-2. SWAN card configuration
The SWAN card currently supports only nailed Frame
Relay connections.
Call routing information
Trunk groups
Call routing information for the SWAN card is
currently ignored.
Trunk groups are not currently implemented for the
SWAN card.
12-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Serial WAN (SWAN) Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Making a profile the working profile
Table 12-2. SWAN card configuration (continued)
The Activation parameter tells the MAX which signals
control the data flow through the serial WAN port. The
DCE to which the serial WAN port is connected (for
example, a Frame Relay switch) determines how to set
the serial WAN port Activation value. Flow control is
always handled by the Clear To Send (CTS) signal.
Currently, the Activation parameter supports only one
value: Static.
Making a profile the working profile
When the TAOS unit detects that a SWAN card has been installed, it creates a default SWAN
profile for each of the lines on the card.
In the following example, the Dir command displays default SWAN line profiles created for a
card installed in slot 2:
admin> dir SWAN
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 1 }
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 2 }
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 3 }
305 12/11/1996 15:58:20 { shelf-1 slot-2 4 }
By default, the line is not enabled, which means that it is not available for use. Its default
signaling method is inband, typically used for channelized connections.
To list the parameters in a SWAN profile, use the List command, as in the following example:
admin> list
name = ""
physical-address* = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
enabled = no
line-config = { 0 0 static { any-shelf any-slot 0 } }
Following is an example of a SWAN profile, with its parameters set to sample values:
SWAN { shelf-N slot-N N }
name = 1:14:2
physical-address* = { shelf-1 slot-14 2 }
enabled = no
trunk-group = 0
nailed-group = 2
activation = static
shelf = any-shelf
slot = any-slot
item-number = 0
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 12-3
Configuring Serial WAN (SWAN) Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Assigning a name to a SWAN profile
clock-mode = external-clock
divider = 1
exp = 2
Assigning a name to a SWAN profile
In a SWAN profile, the Name parameter enables you to assign the profile a name of up to 16
characters. By default, the name displays the address of the card as shelf:slot:item. Note that
the TAOS unit uses only the physical address to identify the SWAN line.
The name is displayed after the line’s physical address in the Dir command output. For
admin> read SWAN {1 12 0}
admin> set name = SWAN1
admin> write
SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-12 0 } written
admin> dir SWAN
17 04/17/1997 19:00:02 { shelf-1 slot-12 0 } "SWAN1"
For SWAN lines, the Line Status window displays the first eight characters of the name if one
has been assigned. If the name is longer than eight characters, the last character displayed is a
plus sign (+).
Enabling a line
By default each SWAN line is disabled. To enable a SWAN line, read its profile to make it the
working profile, then set Enabled to Yes, as in the following example:
admin> read SWAN {1 2 1}
SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
admin> set enabled = yes
admin> write
SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } written
Specifying a nailed group
The Nailed-Group parameter assigns a nailed group number to the SWAN line. The setting,
which must also be specified in a Frame-Relay profile, directs the Frame Relay connection to
use this line.
To specify a nailed group, proceed as in the following example:
admin> read SWAN {1 2 1}
SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
admin> set line nailed-group= 5
admin> write
SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } written
12-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Serial WAN (SWAN) Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Specifying the SWAN internal clock speed
Specifying the SWAN internal clock speed
The SWAN slot card can generate a transmit or receive internal clock based on the clock speed
of its Serial Communication Adapter (SCA) chips. The maximum clock speed is 5.55 MHz.
To generate an internal clock for a SWAN line, you configure the following parameters:
Specifies whether the SWAN card generates an internal clock.
External-Clock (the default) specifies the SWAN line receives clock
from an external source. Internal-Clock specifies the SWAN line
generates its own clock. If set to External-Clock, none of the other
parameters in the Clocking profile apply.
The number by which the SCA internal clock speed, 16.667 MHz, is
divided to calculate the internal clock speed. Valid values are from 1
to 256.
The exponent which is used to calculate the internal clock speed. Valid
values are from 0 to 9.
The SWAN card uses the following formula to generate its internal clock:
clock speed (MHz) = ( 16.667 / divider) / ( 2 to the exppower )
The following example shows how to configure an internally generated clock speed:
Read the SWAN profile:
admin>read swan {1 13 2}
SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-13 2 } read
List the profile:
[in SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-13 2 }]
name = 1:13:2
physical-address* = { shelf-1 slot-13 2 }
enabled = yes
line-config = { 0 61 static { any-shelf any-slot 0 } { exte +
List the Line-Config profile
admin>list line-config
[in SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-13 2 }:line-config]
trunk-group = 0
nailed-group = 61
activation = static
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
clocking = { external-clock 1 2 }
List the Clocking subprofile:
admin>list clocking
[in SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-13 2 }:line-config:clocking]
clock-mode = external-clock
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 12-5
Configuring Serial WAN (SWAN) Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Frame Relay configuration
divider = 1
exp = 2
Specify the Divider and exponent to use for calculating the clock speed:
admin>set divider=4
admin>set exp=2
Write the profile:
This example sets the internally generated clock to 1.042 Mhz—that is, (16.667/4)/22=1.042.
Frame Relay configuration
Complete details about Frame Relay configuration can be found in the APX 8000/MAX
TNT/DSLTNT Frame Relay Configuration Guide.
12-6 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
ConfiguringUnchannelized DS3 Cards
Introduction to unchannelized DS3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1
Supported features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1
Overview of unchannelized DS3 configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
Using the UDS3 profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
Configuring the UDS3 physical link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
Introduction to unchannelized DS3
The unchannelized DS3 slot card (UDS3), supported on the MAX TNT and the DSLTNT, is a
44.736Mbps communications circuit that can be used to concentrate incoming traffic on the
unit and direct it to a Frame Relay switch. Figure 9-1 shows an example of an unchannelized
DS3 slot card application.
Figure 13-1. Example of unchannelized DS3 slot card application
UDS3 line
Frame Relay
Supported features
The unchannelized DS3 slot card (UDS3) provides support for the following:
One Frame Relay link per line, possibly containing multiple DLCIs
IP and IPX routing
Layer 2 frame relay switching
The DS3 MIB (RFC 1407)
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Unchannelized DS3 Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Overview of unchannelized DS3 configuration
Overview of unchannelized DS3 configuration
Table 9-1 lists the sections describing common tasks you might have to perform to configure
an unchannelized DS3 line. The table includes a brief description of each task, and lists the
parameters you will use.
For complete information about the associated parameters, see the APX 8000/MAX
TNT/DSLTNT Reference.
Table 13-1. Unchannelized DS3 line configuration tasks
Associated parameters
The unit creates a single unchannelized DS3
profile when you install the unchannelized
DS3 slot card, which you use to configure the
Assign a name and enable the unchannelized
DS3 line.
Using the UDS3 profile
When the unit first detects the presence of an unchannelized DS3 slot card, it creates a default
(UDS3) profile for the card. For example, after installing an unchannelized DS3 slot card in
slot 7, you can verify the creation of a UDS3 profile as follows:
admin> dir uds3
7 03/21/1997 21:12:03 { shelf-1 slot-7 0 }
The following example shows the parameters in a UDS3 profile, with sample settings:
admin> read uds3 { 1 7 1}
UDS3/{ shelf-1 slot-7 1 } read
admin> list
name = 1:7:1
physical-address* = { shelf-1 slot-7 1 }
enabled = yes
line-config = { 0 131 static { any-shelf any-slot 0 } c-bit-parity+
trunk-group = 0
nailed-group = 131
activation = static
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
line-type = c-bit-parity
line-coding = b3zs
loopback = no-loopback
Configuring the UDS3 physical link
In an unchannelized DS3 (UDS3) profile, the Name parameter enables you to assign the
profile a name of up to 16 characters. It is displayed after the line’s physical address in the Dir
command output.
13-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Unchannelized DS3 Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Configuring the UDS3 physical link
By default, each unchannelized DS3 line is disabled. When the DS3 interface is disabled, it
transmits the DS3 Idle Signal to the far end.
To assign the line a name and enable it, proceed as in the following example:
admin> read uds3 {1 2 1}
UDS3/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
admin> set name = uds3-LA
admin> set enabled = yes
admin> write
UDS3/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } written
The default settings for the line-typeand line-codingparameters are used because the
unchannelized DS3 slot card (UDS3) supports only C-bit-parity framing and B3ZS encoding.
Consult the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Frame Relay Configuration Guide for detailed
information about configuring the Frame Relay portion of the connection.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 13-3
Configuring DS3-ATM Cards
Introduction DS3-ATM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1
Overview of DS3-ATM settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1
Examples of DS3-ATM configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-3
Introduction DS3-ATM
The DS3-ATM cards (DS3-ATM and DS3-ATM2) support one 44.736Mbps interface for
connecting to one ATM switch. At a minimum, you must enable the line and specify a nailed
group. TAOS units use the nailed group to direct traffic to the interface.
Note: The DS3-ATM card is supported on the MAX TNT and DSLTNT platforms only. The
DS3-ATM2 card is supported on the APX 8000, MAX TNT, and DSLTNT platforms. Both
cards use the same configuration profiles, but at the time of this writing, the DS3-ATM2 card
does not support ATM-Frame Relay circuit configurations. Maximum performance with the
DS3-ATM2 card is achieved using RFC 1483 ATM-AAL5-CPCS-PDU encapsulation.
This chapter refers to both the DS3-ATM and DS3-ATM2 cards as DS3-ATM cards.
Figure 14-1. DS3-ATM interface to ATM network
ATM network
Overview of DS3-ATM settings
A TAOS unit creates a DS3-ATM profile for each DS3-ATM interface detected in the system.
Following are the relevant parameters, shown with default values:
[in DS3-ATM/{ any-shelf any-slot 0 }]
name = ""
physical-address* = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
enabled = no
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DS3-ATM Cards
Overview of DS3-ATM settings
[in DS3-ATM/{ any-shelf any-slot 0 }:line-config]
trunk-group = 9
nailed-group = 1
activation = static
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
loopback = no-loopback
high-tx-output = no
framer-mode = C-BIT-PLCP
vpi-vci-range = 0-15/32-4095
traffic-shapers = [ { no 1000 1000 2 no 0 } { no 1000 1000 2 no 1 } {+
cell-payload-scramble = yes
Name of the interface. The default value is the interface address in
shelf:slot:item format (for example, 1:2:3), but you can assign
a text string of up to 16 characters.
Physical address of the DS3-ATM port in the TAOS unit.
Enable/disable the DS3-ATM interface. (Disabled by default.)
When the interface is disabled, it transmits the DS3 Idle Signal to
the far end.
Not currently used. Leave the default value (9).
Nailed-group number for the DS3-ATM physical interface. A Con-
nection or RADIUS profile specifies this number to make use of
the interface. Each interface must be assigned a number from 1 to
1024 that is unique within the system.
Line activation mode. Only the staticsetting is currently sup-
Not currently used. Leave the default value (the zero address).
Enable/disable loopback for diagnosing connectivity or possible
equipment problems. Loopback is disabled by default, which is
Enable/disable high transmit output. The default is no, which is
correct for DS3-ATM cables that are less than 255 feet (78m) long.
For cables longer than 255 feet, set this parameter to yes.
DS3-ATM framer mode.Valid values are C-bit-ADMand C-
BIT-PLCP(the default). You can specify C-bit Physical Layer
Convergence Protocol (PLCP) or C-bit ATM Direct Mapping
(ADM) framing format for a DS3-ATM interface. Both sides of a
DS3-ATM link must agree about the framing format.
The PLCP format incurs some overhead for framing. ADM format
does not. When ADM framing is used, the entire DS3 payload is
used for ATM cells.
Valid range of VCI numbers to be used with specified VPIs for vir-
tual channel connections (VCCs). For details about setting the
VPI-VCI range, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT ATM Con-
figuration Guide.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DS3-ATM Cards
Examples of DS3-ATM configurations
Settings for shaping traffic on the interface. For details, see the
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT ATM Configuration Guide.
Cell-Payload-Scramble Enable/disable scrambling and descrambling of the 48-byte ATM
cell payload. This function is enabled by default. Disable it only if
the far-end switch has disabled the corresponding functions.
Examples of DS3-ATM configurations
The following set of commands enables a DS3-ATM interface in slot 12 and assigns the nailed
group number 111.
admin> read ds3-atm {1 12 1}
DS3-ATM/{ shelf-1 12 1 } read
admin> set enabled = yes
admin> set line-config nailed-group = 111
admin> write
DS3-ATM/{ shelf-1 12 1 } written
Configuring redundant cards
When you are using two cards in a redundant configuration (as described in the hardware
installation guide for your unit), both cards must use the same nailed group number to enable
profiles to transparently use either card. After installing and cabling redundant cards, configure
the primary card. For example:
admin> read ds3-atm {1 2 1}
DS3-ATM/{ shelf-1 2 1 } read
admin> set enabled = yes
admin> set line-config nailed-group = 100
admin> write
DS3-ATM/{ shelf-1 2 1 } written
Next, configure the secondary card with the same nailed group. For
admin> read ds3-atm {1 3 1}
DS3-ATM/{ shelf-1 3 1 } read
admin> set enabled = yes
admin> set line-config nailed-group = 100
admin> write
DS3-ATM/{ shelf-1 3 1 } written
If the primary card goes down, the TAOS unit switches over to the secondary card and
reestablishes the link.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DS3-ATM Cards
Examples of DS3-ATM configurations
Looping back the line
To diagnose possible line problems, you can loop back the DS3-ATM interface by using the
Loopback parameter in the line profile. While the interface is looped back, normal data traffic
is interrupted. The Loopback parameter in the DS3-ATM profile supports the following
No-Loopback. The default, specifies that the line is operating normally.
Facility-Loopback. During a facility loopback, the card returns the signal it receives on the
line. The remote end receives back the signal it transmitted.
Local-Loopback. During a local loopback, the receive path is connected to the transmit
path at the DS3 multiplexer, enabling the slot card to receive what it transmitted.
For example, the following commands activate a local loopback:
admin> read ds3-atm {1 3 1}
DS3-ATM/{ shelf-1 slot-3 1 } read
admin> set line loopback= local-loopback
admin> write
DS3-ATM/{ shelf-1 slot-3 1 } written
To end the loopback, set the Loopback parameter to No-Loopback. For example:
admin> set line loopback = no-loopback
admin> write
DS3-ATM/{ shelf-1 slot-3 1 } written
For more details about checking line status and performing line checks, see the APX
8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Administration Guide.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring OC3-ATM Cards
Introduction to OC3-ATM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1
Overview of OC3-ATM settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1
Using OC3-ATM ports as a clock source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3
Example of an OC3-ATM configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-4
Introduction to OC3-ATM
An OC3-ATM card provides one 155.52Mbps interface for connecting to an ATM switch. At a
minimum, you must enable the line and specify a nailed group. MAX TNT and DSLTNT units
use the nailed group to direct traffic to the interface.
Figure 15-1. OC3-ATM interface to ATM network
ATM network
Overview of OC3-ATM settings
A MAX TNT or DSLTNT unit creates an OC3-ATM profile for each OC3-ATM interface
detected in the system. Following are the relevant parameters, shown with default values:
[in OC3-ATM/{ any-shelf any-slot 0 } (new)]
name = ""
physical-address* = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
enabled = no
[in OC3-ATM/{ any-shelf any-slot 0 }:line-config (new)]
trunk-group = 0
nailed-group = 1
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
loopback = no-loopback
framer-mode = sdh
framer-rate = STS-3c
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 15-1
Configuring OC3-ATM Cards (MAX TNT/DSLTNT)
Overview of OC3-ATM settings
rx-descramble-disabled = no
tx-scramble-disabled = no
rx-cell-payload-descramble-disabled = no
tx-cell-payload-scramble-disabled = no
loop-timing = yes
vpi-vci-range = 0-15/32-4095
clock-source = not-eligible
clock-priority = middle-priority
traffic-shapers = [ { no 1000 1000 2 no 0 } { no 1000 1000 2 no 1 } {+
Name of the interface. The default value is the interface address in
shelf:slot:item format (for example, 1:2:3), but you can assign
a text string of up to 16 characters.
Physical address of the OC3-ATM port in the TAOS unit unit.
Enable/disable the OC3-ATM interface. (Disabled by default.)
When the OC3-ATM interface is disabled, it transmits the
OC3-ATM Idle Signal to the far end.
Not currently used. Leave the default value (zero).
Nailed-group number for the OC3-ATM physical interface. A
Connection or RADIUS profile specifies this number to make use
of the interface. Each interface must be assigned a number from 1
to 1024 that is unique within the system.
Not currently used. Leave the default value (the zero address).
Enable/disable loopback for diagnosing connectivity or possible
equipment problems. Loopback is disabled by default, which is
required for normal operations.
Frame format for data transmitted on the interface. Valid settings
are sdh(the default) and sonet, which represent the
synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) and synchronous optical
network (SONET) frame formats, respectively.
Framing operations. Only the default STS-3Csetting is used,
which represents both the 155.52Mbps interface in the U.S. and
the equivalent European 155.52Mbps interface (STM-1).
Rx-Descramble-Disabled Enable/disable descrambling of the entire receive stream. This
function is enabled by default. Disable it by setting this parameter
to yesonly if the far-end switch has disabled the corresponding
Enable/disable scrambling of the entire transmit stream. This
function is enabled by default. Disable it by setting this parameter
to yesonly if the far-end switch has disabled the corresponding
Enable/disable descrambling of the 48-byte ATM cell payload in
received cells. This function is enabled by default. Disable it by
setting this parameter to yesonly if the far-end switch has
disabled the corresponding functions.
15-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring OC3-ATM Cards (MAX TNT/DSLTNT)
Using OC3-ATM ports as a clock source
Enable/disable scrambling of the 48-byte ATM cell payload in
transmitted cells. This function is enabled by default. Disable it by
setting this parameter to yesonly if the far-end switch has
disabled the corresponding functions.
Enable/disable derivation of transmission timing from receiver
inputs. Loop timing is enabled by default. If the parameter is set to
No, transmission timing is derived from the reference clock
Valid range of VCI numbers to be used with specified VPIs for
virtual channel connections (VCCs). For details about setting the
VPI-VCI range, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT ATM
Configuration Guide.
Enable/disable obtaining the system clock signal from the port. By
default, ports are not eligible clock sources. For information about
using an OC3-ATM line as the source for the system clock, see
Priority of the interface as the system’s clock source: high, middle,
or low priority. Once the TAOS unit unit chooses a clock source, it
uses that source until the interface becomes unavailable or a
higher-priority source becomes available.
Settings for shaping traffic on the interface. For details, see the
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT ATM Configuration Guide.
Enable/disable scrambling and descrambling of the entire transmit
and receive stream. This function is enabled by default. Disable it
only if the far-end switch has disabled the corresponding
Enable/disable scrambling and descrambling of the 48-byte ATM
cell payload in transmitted and received cells. This function is
enabled by default. Disable it only if the far end switch has
disabled the corresponding functions.
Using OC3-ATM ports as a clock source
OC3-ATM profiles support Clock-Source and Clock-Priority parameters for specifying
whether the port can be used to source the ATM network clock signal and feed it to the shelf
controller as the master clock for the unit. Each OC3-ATM port can be configured as eligible
or ineligible for this use, and can be assigned a high, middle, or low priority for being elected
as the clock source.
If more than one line is eligible to be the clock source, the system chooses the one with the
highest priority, as specified by the Clock-Priority setting. If multiple sources of equal priority
are present, the system selects the first valid clock source. (A clock source is valid if the
Clock-Source parameter is set to eligibleand the OC3-ATM interface is synchronized.)
Once it has selected a clock source, the system uses that source until the source becomes
unavailable or a higher-priority source becomes available. If no eligible external sources are
available, the system uses an internal clock generated by the shelf controller.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 15-3
Configuring OC3-ATM Cards (MAX TNT/DSLTNT)
Example of an OC3-ATM configuration
For example, the following commands configure an OC3-ATM port as an eligible clock
source. If this port becomes unavailable and is not backed up, the unit begins using the built-in
clock on the shelf controller.
admin> read oc3-atm { 1 7 1 }
OC3-ATM/{ shelf-1 slot-7 1 } read
admin> set line-config clock-source = eligible
admin> set line-config clock-priority = high
admin> write
OC3-ATM/{ shelf-1 slot-7 1 } written
Example of an OC3-ATM configuration
In this example, the administrator enables an OC3-ATM interface in slot 7, assigns the nailed
group number 222 to the interface, and sets the VPI-VCI range to allow an 8-bit VPI number:
admin> read oc3-atm {1 7 1}
OC3-ATM/{ shelf-1 slot-7 1 } read
admin> set enabled = yes
admin> set line-config nailed-group = 222
admin> set line-config vpi-vci-range = 0-255/32-255
admin> write
OC3-ATM/{ shelf-1 slot-7 1 } writtens
Note: For details about configuring ATM features and connections, see the APX 8000/MAX
TNT/DSLTNT ATM Configuration Guide.
15-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring STM-0 Cards
Introduction to STM-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1
Using STM and T1 profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2
Sample STM-0 configurations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2
Introduction to STM-0
The Synchronous Transport Module (STM)-0 card is an optical 51.85Mbps communication
circuit designed to be used with an approved signaling gateway. Each of its 28 T1 lines can be
configured as Signaling System 7 (SS7) data trunks. When configured as an SS7 data trunk,
the signaling gateway takes control of the data trunks, instructing the TAOS unit when to bring
calls up or down.
Note that the STM-0 card does not support Call-Routing profiles, PRI signaling, or inband
Figure 16-1. Example STM-0 configuration
Ingress CO
SS7 Network
signaling gateway
STM-0 data
Frame Relay,
ATM, or IP
TAOS unit
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 16-1
Configuring STM-0 Cards
Using STM and T1 profiles
Using STM and T1 profiles
When the TAOS unit first detects the presence of an STM-0 card, it creates a default STM
profile for the card as well as 28 T1 profiles for each component T1 line.
The following example shows the parameters in a STM profile, with the example settings:
admin> read stm { 1 7 1}
STM/{ shelf-1 slot-7 1 } read
name = ""
physical-address* = { shelf-1 slot-7 0 }
loop-timing = yes
A profile name of up to 16 characters. The name is displayed after
the line’s physical address in the Dir command output.
Location of the card in the system.
Clock source for the line. By default, an STM-0 line uses
loop-timing, which means the line derives its timing from the input
clock. When loop-timing is set to No, the line derives its timing
from the TAOS unit’s internal clock. Lucent recommends that you
use the default Loop-Timing setting.
Sample STM-0 configurations
To configure the STM-0 card, you must configure each component T1 profile. In most cases,
you do not need to modify the default configuration of the STM-0 card.
Example of configuring an STM profile
Note: Use of the internal clock is generally not recommended.
To configure the lines of a STM-0 card to use its own internal clock for the timing of the line:
admin> read stm {1 1 1}
STM/{ shelf-1 slot-1 1 } read
admin> set loop-timing = no
admin> write
STM/{ shelf-1 slot-1 1 } written
After configuring the STM-0 line, configure the individual T1 lines that constitute the STM-0
line as explained in the next section.
16-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring STM-0 Cards
Sample STM-0 configurations
Example of configuring a T1 data trunk
The following commands configure a T1 line as an SS7 data trunk, enabling the signaling
gateway to control the line:
admin> read t1 {1 1 7}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 7 } read
admin> set line-interface enabled = yes
admin> set line-interface signaling-mode = ss7-data-trunk
admin> set line-interface incoming-call-handling = internal-pro-
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 7 } written
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 16-3
Configuring DSL Connections
Introduction to DSL technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-1
DSL configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4
Configuring switched connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4
Configuring nailed connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-5
Configuring data transfer rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-6
Configuring DSLPipe Plug and Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-12
Configuring IDSL voice connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-17
Sample DSL configurations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-22
Introduction to DSL technologies
Three types of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) cards are available for the DSLTNT. These cards
support either Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), ISDN Digital Subscriber Line
(IDSL) or Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL). A summary of each protocol follows.
IDSL overview
IDSL is part of a broad range of MultiDSL™ offerings that let you implement DSL
technologies immediately. Because IDSL uses the same 2B1Q signaling used by ISDN,
existing ISDN U-interface devices—such as terminal adapters (TAs) or Lucent
Pipelines® products—can connect to a DSLTNT with an IDSL line card without modification.
IDSL supports high-bandwidth applications such as remote access, Internet or intranet access,
and telecommuting. This integrated solution provides centralized line terminations to
single-pair copper wires for transmission of full-duplex data at 128 Kbps and at distances of up
to 18,000 feet (5.5km).
The IDSL DSLTNT provides a separate network that does not congest the “voice network”
with data traffic. In this way, the DSLTNT replaces a switch for data traffic. The IDSL line
card also provides some of the functionality of a switch for monitoring line quality and
troubleshooting the line. As subscriber requirements change, you can use the same platform to
add other MultiDSL technologies such as SDSL and ADSL.
By installing the IDSL line card into the DSLTNT, you can cost-effectively support a wide
range of analog, ISDN, Frame Relay and IDSL services on a single, manageable platform.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-1
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Introduction to DSL technologies
The IDSL line card provides the following features:
ISDN BRI (2B1Q) signaling
Two DB37 connectors, each providing 16 IDSL sessions for a total of 32 sessions
128Kbps user bit rate over a two-wire subscriber loop
Line Termination (LT) mode
No switch required
Point-to-point connectivity
Support for both switched channels and nailed channels (including Lucent’s SuperDigital
Support for maintenance functions including BRI-U interface monitoring commands,
loopback, and out-of-band management
IDSL supports many of the same configuration options as other types of connections, such as
nailed and switched sessions, PPP, MP and MPP encapsulation, and incoming and outgoing
voice calls.
ADSL overview
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) supports high-bandwidth applications such as
remote access, Internet or intranet access, and telecommuting. The DSLTNT supports both
Carrierless Amplitude Modulation (CAP) and Discrete Multitone (DMT) standards. Both
standards support rate adaption, which enables the DSLTNT to detect the noise level on the
line and automatically adjust the data transfer rate for optimum performance.
The DSLTNT ADSL cards also support the MultiDSL voice splitter. The voice splitter solution
works in conjunction with Lucent DSLPipe™ products to integrate Plain Old Telephone
Service (POTS) with ADSL data.
The ADSL-CAP card supports the following asymmetric transfer rates:
Upstream rate
544 Kbps
Downstream rate
640 Kbps
17,000 feet (5.18 km)
12,000 feet (3.66 km)
10,000 feet (3.05 km)
1.088 Mbps
1.088 Mbps
2.560 Mbps
7.168 Mbps
The ADSL-DMT card supports the following maximum asymmetric transfer rates:
Wire gauge
Upstream rate
Downstream rate
704 Kbps
192 Kbps
3040 Kbps
512 Kbps
17,000 feet (5.18 km)
17,000 feet (5.18 km)
896 Kbps
640 Kbps
7584 Kbps
3904 Kbps
12,000 feet (3.66 km)
12,000 feet (3.66 km)
17-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Introduction to DSL technologies
Wire gauge
Upstream rate
Downstream rate
928 Kbps
736 Kbps
9248 Kbps
6976 Kbps
10,000 feet (3.05 km)
10,000 feet (3.05 km)
SDSL overview
The SDSL card supports symmetric data transfer rates of 768 Kbps for a distance of up to
12,000 feet (3.7 km) over a single pair of copper wires.
The SDSL-HS data card expands on features offered in the 16-port SDSL card. The SDSL-HS
data card provides high port density, with 24 SDSL lines per card. The card supports
high-speed symmetric data transfer, with rates up to 1.5 Mbps and distances to 14,000 feet
(4.3km), through a single pair of copper wires. At reduced data transfer rates, the card supports
distances over 18,000 feet (5.5km). The SDSL-HS data card has an SDSL chip and board
layout that differ from the 16-port SDSL card and that provide high speed, multirate
capabilities. The 16-port SDSL card cannot be upgraded to the SDSL-HS technology.
The SDSL-HS card is compatible with the DSLPipe products but must be set to 768 Kbps to
work properly with the DSLPipe-S, or to 400, 784 or 1168 Kbps to work with the DSLPipe-2S.
SDSL supports Frame Relay and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). You configure Frame Relay or
PPP connections on an SDSL connection in the same way you configure them on a T1 or serial
WAN (SWAN) interface.
The SDSL-HS card supports the following symmetric transfer rates:
Wire gauge (AWG)
Data transfer rate
400 Kbps
18,000 feet (5.5 km)
14,500 feet (4.4 km)
400 Kbps
784 Kbps
784 Kbps
18,000 feet (5.5 km)
13,000 feet (3.96 km)
1.168 Mbps
1.168 Mbps
16,000 feet (4.88 km)
11,000 feet (3.35 km)
1.5 Mbps
1.5 Mbps
13,000 feet (3.96 km)
10,000 feet (3.05 km)
Note: The data transfer rates presented in the table above are approximations. Actual data
transfer rates depend on line loop quality and can vary.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-3
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
DSL configuration
For complete details of configuring authentication or Frame Relay and PPP connections on
your DSLTNT, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT WAN, Routing and Tunneling
Configuration Guide and the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Frame Relay Configuration
DSL configuration
You configure DSL connections in much the same way you configure ISDN or modem
connections. DSL connections can be configured as switched or nailed PPP, MP, or MPP, or as
Frame Relay-encapsulated connections. You can also use your existing authentication
methods, such as RADIUS, to authenticate DSL users, by using PPP protocols in conjunction
with PAP or CHAP. You can do this either when the units are first turned on or by setting an
inactivity timer.
Any ISDN TA or router (such as a Lucent Pipeline) that supports ISDN BRI (2B1Q) signaling
can be connected over an IDSL connection. ADSL and SDSL connections require Ascend
DSLPipe units on the remote end.
DSL connections require the following general configuration on the DSLTNT:
The DSL port in the line profile
A Connection profile for the remote device
For Frame Relay connections, a Frame Relay profile
In addition to standard routing connections, you can configure the following DSL-specific
DSLPipe plug and play
IDSL voice support
Note: For better system performance, Lucent recommends that you enable only DSL ports
that are in use, (By default, DSL ports are disabled.)
Configuring switched connections
A DSL physical link is always up, but a PPP session can be established and terminated based
on data activity, just as it is for ISDN or PSTN calls. Each PPP session initiates negotiations,
followed by authentication and accounting. Switched connections can provide per session
authentication as well as accounting information typically used for client billing.
From the service provider perspective, a DSL connection is handled exactly like an ISDN or
PSTN call. The DSLTNT checks the Answer-Defaults profile, applies authentication methods,
and establishes the PPP session. After some inactivity, the PPP session is dropped, again
generating accounting information. DSLPipe units initiate all switched ADSL and SDSL
connections, and the DSLTNT handles them as regular incoming PPP calls. Note that Frame
Relay connections must be nailed.
You configure the DSLPipe for a switched connection in a similar way to other Pipeline
switched connections, with the following important differences:
Set the Chan Usage parameter in the Configure profile to Switch/Unused (for ADSL or
SDSL connections) or Switch/Switch (for IDSL connections).
17-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring nailed connections
Set the Dial # parameter in the Configure profile to the DSL port number, which in the
case of a single DSLPipe is always 1.
To configure a switched connection on the DSLTNT for an incoming connection from a
DSLPipe, you must set the Call-Type parameter to Off in the Connection profile for the
DSLPipe. For example:
admin> read connection dslpipe-1
CONNECTION/dslpipe-1 read
admin> set telco call-type = off
admin> write
CONNECTION/dslpipe-1 read
Configuring nailed connections
In a nailed connection, the DSLTNT and the remote unit always assume that the connection is
up and do not attempt to verify that the line is operational.
A nailed connection does not record accounting or authentication information after the session
is established and therefore cannot be used to bill for DSL service as if it were a call on an
ISDN network or the PSTN.
Nailed connections are typically used for Frame Relay connections, but PPP can also be used.
Voice calls are not supported over a nailed connection.
You specify whether an ADSL or SDSL connection is nailed by doing the following:
Specifying a nailed group number in the ADSL or SDSL profile
Setting Call-Type to FT1 in the Connection profile for the nailed connection
You specify whether an IDSL connection is nailed by doing the followings:
Specifying a nailed group number in the IDSL profile
Setting Channel-Usage to Nailed-64-Channel in the IDSL profile
Setting Call-Type to FT1 in the Connection profile for the nailed connection
You configure the DSLPipe for a nailed connection in a similar way to other Pipeline nailed
In the Configure profile, set Chan Usage to Leased/Unused.
In the Connection profile for the DSLTNT, set Call Type to Nailed in the Telco Options
In the Connection profile for the DSLTNT, specify a Group number in the Telco Options
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-5
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring data transfer rates
Configuring data transfer rates
You can configure DSL upstream and downstream rates in the line profiles for each card, and
in Connection or RADIUS profiles. The data transfer rates in the line profiles apply to the port.
The data rate limits in Connection or RADIUS profiles apply only to sessions using that
particular profile.
Configuring session rate limits enables you allocate portions of a DSL connection’s bandwidth
Table 17-1 describes the parameters that determine the data transfer rates on the DSLTNT. For
detailed information about these parameters, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Reference.
Table 17-1.DSL data rate configuration parameters
Cards it applies to
SDSL line profile
24 port SDSL only
ADSL-CAP or ADSL-DMT line profile
Connection profile > Session-Options
Configuring data transfer rates for ADSL lines
The Max-Down-Stream-Rate parameter in the ADSL-DMT and ADSL-CAP line profiles
specifies the maximum downstream rate that the transceiver supports. If loop quality is poor,
the transceiver chooses the lower rates, and good loop quality causes the transceiver to choose
the higher rates. If the loop quality is very poor, the transceiver will not train at all, and will be
unable to connect to the remote side. In that case, you must specify a lower maximum
downstream rate, because the transceiver does not cross rate boundaries.
17-6 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring data transfer rates
For example, if the transceiver is configured for 1088000bps and the loop quality is so poor
that the transceiver will not connect to the remote side, the transceiver does not automatically
adjust the down-rate into the 952000bps range. The administrator needs to configure the
Max-Down-Stream-Rate to the lower rate.
Note: For more information about the Max-Downstream-Rate parameter, see the APX
8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Reference. Note that although the Max-Upstream-Rate parameter
appears in the ADSL-CAP and ADSL-DMT profiles, it is not currently supported.
To configure the maximum data rate for an ADSL connection, proceed as in the following
Read in the ADSL-CAP or ADSL-DMT profile:
admin> read adsl-cap {2 3 2}
ADSL-CAP/{ shelf-2 slot-3 2 } read
Enable the line:
admin> set enabled=yes
List the Line-Config profile:
admin> list line-config
[in ADSL-CAP/{ shelf-2 slot-3 2 }:line-config]
trunk-group = 0
nailed-group = 1
activation = static
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
data-rate-mode = autobaud
max-up-stream-rate = 1088000
max-down-stream-rate = 2560000
Specify a maximum downstream rate:
admin> set max-down-stream-rate=5120000
Write the profile:
admin> write
Configuring data transfer rates for SDSL lines
The 16-port SDSL card only supports a maximum symmetric data transfer rate of 784Kbps.
You can, however, configure the 24-port SDSL-HP card maximum data rate using the
Max-Rate parameter in the SDSL line profile. The Max-Rate parameter supports the following
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-7
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring data transfer rates
To configure the maximum transfer rate for the 24-port SDSL card:
Open the SDSL profile:
admin>read sdsl {2 1 7}
SDSL/{ shelf-2 slot-1 7 } read
Enable the line:
admin>set enabled=yes
List the Line-Config profile:
admin> list line-config
[in SDSL/{ shelf-2 slot-1 7 }:line-config]
trunk-group = 0
nailed-group = 1
activation = static
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
data-rate-mode = singlebaud
max-rate = 784000
unit-type = coe
Specify a maximum rate:
admin> set max-rate=1552000
Write the profile:
admin> write
Configuring per-session data transfer rates
The DSL cards support configuring per-session data transfer rates for individual DSLPipe
customer premises equipment (CPE) user sessions.
You can use two different methods to configure the per-session data transfer rates for DSL
connections: modem rate control and data-rate limits.
In modem rate control, the DSLTNT initially establishes a CPE session at the maximum
available data rate. If the CPE specifies a lower data rate, the DSLTNT terminates the session,
then reestablishes it at the rate specified by the CPE . The next time the CPE initiates a
connection, the DSLTNT does not retrain if the initial rate is the same or lower than the rate
used previously for that CPE.
In data-rate limit, you specify transmit and receive data rate limits that apply to logical sessions
on the DSL line. Data-rate limits enable multiple individual sessions on each DSL line.
Following are the Connection profile parameters for configuring per-session data rates:
Parameter/RADIUS attribute
Ascend-Dsl-Rate-Type (92)
Type of DSL connection to rate control. Disabled (the
default) means that modem rate control is not active
for the connection. Currently, Disabled and
ADSL-CAP settings are the only supported options.
17-8 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring data transfer rates
Parameter/RADIUS attribute
Ascend-Dsl-Rate-Mode (97)
Per-session DSL data rate mode. The default setting,
Autobaud, specifies that the DSLTNT must train up
to a set data rate. If a DSL modem cannot train to this
data rate, it will connect at the closest rate to which it
can train (the modem’s ceiling rate). Currently
Autobaud is the only supported option.
Per-session ADSL-CAP upstream data rate. Not
Ascend-DSL-Upstream-Limit (98)
currently supported.
Ses-ADSL-CAP- Down-Rate/
Per-session ADSL-CAP downstream data rate. The
Ascend-DSL-Downstream-Limit (99) following rates (in bits per second) are supported:
7168000 (the default), 6272000, 5120000, 4480000,
3200000, 2688000, 2560000, 2240000, 1920000,
1600000, 1280000, 960000, 640000.
Not currently supported.
Not currently supported.
Ses-ADSL-DMT- Down-Rate/
Maximum data rate (in kilobits per second) to be
received across the connection. The default 0 (zero)
disables the data rate limit feature. The valid range is
from 0 to 64000. If the specified number is larger
than the actual bandwidth provided by the line, the
connection behaves as if the data rate limit were
disabled, except that additional computations are
performed unnecessarily.
Maximum data rate in kilobits per second to be
transmitted across the connection. The default 0
(zero) disables the data rate limit feature. The valid
range is from 0 to 64000. If the specified number is
larger than the actual bandwidth provided by the line,
the connection behaves as if the data rate limit were
disabled, except that additional computations are
performed unnecessarily.
For more information about these parameters, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT
Configuring per-session data rates using modem rate control
In the following example, the CPE session will be initially established at the maximum line
rate configured in the ADSL-CAP profile. After the session has been established, the DSLTNT
determines that this session has a maximum downstream rate of 7168000. It then re-establishes
the connection using the specified rate.
admin> read conn adslpipe-1
CONNECTION/adslpipe-1 read
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-9
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring data transfer rates
admin> set session ses-rate-type = adsl-cap
admin> set session ses-adsl-cap-down-rate = 7168000
admin> write
CONNECTION/adslpipe-1 written
Following is a comparable RADIUS profile:
adslpipe-1 Password = "pipepw", User-Service = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Framed-Address =,
Framed-Netmask =,
Ascend-Dsl-Rate-Type = Rate-Type-AdslCap,
Ascend-Dsl-Rate-Mode = Rate-Mode-AutoBaud,
Ascend-Dsl-Downstream-Limit = adslcap-dn-7168000
Configuring per-session data rate limits
You can configure transmit and receive data rate limits for individual connections that use the
CAP-ADSL, SDSL, and unchannelized DS3 cards. ISPs can use these configuration
parameters to limit bandwidth for a connection according to the rate charged for the account.
Note: If the parameters are set for a connection that does not use these cards, the system
ignores the settings.
To configure an SDSL per-session data rate, proceed as in the following example:
Read in a Connection profile
admin> read connection sdsl-1
CONNECTION/sdsl-1 read
List the Session-Options profile:
admin> list session-options
[in CONNECTION/sdsl-1:session-options]
rx-data-rate-limit = 0
tx-data-rate-limit = 0
Specify a maximum receive rate:
admin> set rx-data-rate-limit=64000
Specify a maximum transmit rate:
admin> set tx-data-rate-limit=64000
Write the profile:
admin> write
Sample log session showing rate control negotiation
The following log messages show an incoming call from the user named adslpipe-1. The
connection is authenticated via RADIUS. After establishing the LAN session, the DSLTNT
reads the data rates:
17-10 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring data transfer rates
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time: 16:47:11--
[1/7/1/1] Incoming Call [MBID 18]
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time: 16:47:11--
[1/7/1/0] Assigned to port [MBID 18]
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time: 16:47:11--
[1/7/1/1] Call Connected [MBID 18]
LOG info, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time: 16:47:14--
[1/7/1/0] LAN session up: <adslpipe-1> [MBID 18]
LOG notice, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time: 16:47:14--
Line 1 (radius) profile adslpipe-1
from <autobaud,1088000,2560000>
to <autobaud,952000,7168000>
LOG notice, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time: 16:47:14--
Line 1 (radius) profile adslpipe-1 operation rates
The DSLTNT then terminates the call and re-establishes it using the configured data rates:
LOG notice, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time: 16:47:14--
Reconfigure Line 1 (radius) profile adslpipe-1 .....
LOG notice, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time: 16:47:14--
Line 1 OOS
LOG warning, Shelf 1, Controller, Time: 16:47:14--
[1/7/1/1] Call Disconnected [MBID 18]
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time: 16:47:14--
[1/7/1/0] Call Terminated [MBID 18]
LOG notice, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time: 16:47:14--
Line 1 INS
LOG info, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time: 16:47:14--
[1/7/1/0] LAN session down: <adslpipe-1> [MBID 18]
LOG warning, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time: 16:47:14--
[1/7/1/0] STOP: ’adslpipe-1’; cause 185.; progress 60.;
host [MBID 18] [adslpipe-1]
LOG notice, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time: 16:47:30--
Line 1 up
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time: 16:47:34--
[1/7/1/1] Incoming Call [MBID 19]
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-11
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring DSLPipe Plug and Play
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time: 16:47:34--
[1/7/1/0] Assigned to port [MBID 19]
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time: 16:47:34--
[1/7/1/1] Call Connected [MBID 19]
LOG info, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time: 16:47:39--
[1/7/1/0] LAN session up: <adslpipe-1> [MBID 19]
LOG notice, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time: 16:47:39--
Line 1 (radius) profile adslpipe-1
from <autobaud,1088000,2560000>
to <autobaud,952000,7168000>
LOG notice, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time: 16:47:39--
Line 1 (radius) profile adslpipe-1 successfully retrained
Configuring DSLPipe Plug and Play
The Plug and Play feature enables a DSLPipe to obtain its configuration through the DSLTNT
by using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Trivial File Transfer Protocol
(TFTP). The DSLPipe ships with the Plug and Play feature enabled, so it requires no
configuration if the DSLTNT and servers have been configured properly.
How Plug and Play works
When the DSLPipe unit initially comes up, it uses factory default settings that enable it to
forward a DHCP request to a DSLNT, which sends the request to a DHCP server. The
connection between the DSLTNT and the DSLPipe is a nailed Frame Relay-encapsulated
connection configured for bridging.
The DHCP server returns an IP address, netmask, the path to a more detailed configuration
file, and a TFTP server hostname. The DSLTNT forwards the DHCP response to the requesting
DHCP client.
Figure 17-1 illustrates the Plug and Play feature.
17-12 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring DSLPipe Plug and Play
Figure 17-1. DSLPipe unit obtaining its configuration (Plug and Play)
DHCP server
DSL cards
DSLPipe unit
TFTP session
TFTP server
The DSLPipe unit uses the minimal configuration it obtains via DHCP to access the specified
TFTP server and a configuration file, which is identified by a filename that matches the unit’s
serial number. After downloading the file, the DSLPipe begins using the configuration.
For this feature to work, the network administrator must set up the DHCP and TFTP servers, as
described in the next sections. In addition, the DHCP server must be configured to access
DNS, so the client can access the specified TFTP server by name.
DHCP server requirements
The following sample configuration shows required DHCP settings for a Pipeline 130 unit
acting as a DHCP server. Other DHCP server implementations might have additional
requirements. This example shows only the DHCP-related settings in the Ethernet Mod Config
20-B00 Mod Config
DHCP Spoofing...
DHCP Spoofing=Yes
DHCP PNP Enabled=Yes
Renewal Time=10
Become Def. Router=No
Dial if Link Down=No
Always Spoof=Yes
Validate IP=No
Maximum no reply wait=10
IP Group 1=
Group 1 count=10
IP group 2=
Group 2 count=0
Host 1 IP=
Host 1 Enet=000000000000
Host 2 IP=
Host 2 Enet=000000000000
Host 3 IP=
Host 3 Enet=000000000000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-13
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring DSLPipe Plug and Play
TFTP Host Name=host-1.abc.com
Boot File Path=/tftpboot/config
For a Pipeline unit to operate as a DHCP server, DHCP Spoofing and Always Spoof must be
set to Yes. To enable the server to return an IP address, netmask, path to a more detailed
configuration file, and TFTP server name, configure the following parameters:
Set the IP Group 1 parameter and Group 1 Count parameters to represent a valid IP
address pool.
Set the TFTP Host Name parameter to the hostname of the TFTP server on which the
DSLPipe configurations reside.
Set the Boot File Path parameter to the directory on the TFTP server that contains the
DSLPipe configurations.
For details on the other settings, see the documentation for the Pipeline unit.
TFTP server requirements
In this sample configuration, the TFTP server uses the /tftpboot/configdirectory to
store configuration files. This is consistent with the DHCP configuration shown in the
preceding section, which passes the following pathname to the DSLPipe client:
The filename of a DSLPipe configuration file must match the unit’s serial number. DSLPipe
serial numbers are located on a label on the bottom of the unit and in the 00-100 status window.
DSLPipe default configuration
In its default configuration, the DSLPipe is configured as follows:
In this menu:
These are the defaults:
My Name=DSLPipe
Ethernet > Connections
Ethernet > Connections > Encaps Options
Ethernet > Frame Relay
FR Prof = DSLframe
Link Mgmt=T1.617D
17-14 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring DSLPipe Plug and Play
Configuring the DSLTNT
DSLPipe Plug and Play support requires the following configuration on the DSLTNT:
BOOTP Relay enabled
A nailed DSL connection to the DSLPipe
A Frame Relay profile that makes use of the DSL line
A Connection profile for each DSLPipe unit
This section does not include the DSLTNT IP and DNS configurations, which are required for
Plug and Play to work. For details about configuring IP routing and DNS, see the
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT WAN, Routing and Tunneling Configuration Guide.
Configuring BOOTP Relay
The DSLTNT must be set up for BOOTP Relay to support Plug and Play in DSLPipe units.
When you enable BOOTP Relay, the DSLTNT can forward DHCP request packets to a DHCP
server and forward DHCP responses back to the requesting client.
If more you specify more than one DHCP server, the DSLTNT uses the first server until it
becomes unavailable. Once it starts using the second DHCP server, it continues using that
server until it becomes unavailable, at which time it switches back to using the first server
To enable BOOTP Relay, proceed as in the following example:
Read the IP-Global profile:
admin> read ip-global
List the BOOTP-Relay profile:
admin> list bootp-relay
[in IP-GLOBAL:bootp-relay]
active = no
bootp-servers = [ ]
Activate BOOTP Relay:
admin> set active=yes
Specify a DHCP server using the BOOTP-Servers setting. For example:
admin> set bootp-servers 1 =
If necessary, specify a second DHCP server. For example:
admin> set bootp-servers 2 =
Write the IP-Global profile to save your changes:
admin> write
IP-GLOBAL written
Configuring the SDSL profile
In the following example procedure, the network administrator configures an SDSL line in
slot 3 of the DSLTNT:
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-15
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring DSLPipe Plug and Play
Read in the SDSL profile. For example, if the SDSL card is installed in shelf 1, slot 11,
and the remote DSLPipe is connected to port 1:
admin> read sdsl {1 3 1}
SDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-3 1 } read
List the profile:
admin> list
[in SDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-3 1 }]
name = ""
physical-address* = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
enabled = no
line-config = { 0 1 static { any-shelf any-slot 0 } 144000 coe }
Enable the port:
admin> set enabled=yes
Assign this port to a nailed group:
admin> set line-config nailed-group=101
The Frame Relay profile you create next locates this port by the nailed group number. The
nailed group must be unique for each active WAN interface.
Write the profile:
admin> write
SDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-3 1 } written
Configuring a Frame Relay profile
In the following example, the administrator creates a Frame Relay profile to be used by the
Connection profile to connect to the DSLPipe:
See the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Frame Relay Configuration Guide for more details and
To configure the Frame Relay profile:
Create a new Frame Relay profile:
admin> new frame-relay fr
Enable the profile:
admin> set active=yes
Assign the Frame Relay profile to a nailed-up group:
admin> set nailed-up-group=101
This must be the same as the SDSL nailed group number you configured in the SDSL
profile. The nailed group must be unique for each active WAN interface.
Specify the type of link management used for the connection:
admin> set link-mgmt = ansi-t1.617d
This is the default for the DSLPipe.
Specify the type of link:
admin> set link-type = dce
17-16 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring IDSL voice connections
Write the profile:
admin> write
FRAME-RELAY/fr written
Configuring a Connection profile
This example Connection profile uses the Frame Relay profile configured in the previous
section to reach the DSLPipe.
Create a new Connection profile:
admin> new connection dslpipe
CONNECTION/dsl-pipe read
Activate the profile:
admin> set active = yes
Specify Frame Relay as the encapsulation used on the link:
admin> set encapsulation-protocol = frame-relay
Specify the IP address that will be assigned to the DSLPipe unit:
admin> set ip-options remote-address =
Specify that only nailed channels are used on this link:
admin> set telco-options call-type = ft1
Specify the name of the Frame Relay profile the Connection profile must use:
admin> set fr-options frame-relay-profile = fr
Specify the Frame Relay DLCI used for the connection:
admin> set fr-options dlci = 16
This is the DSLPipe unit’s DLCI and the DSLTNT default.
Write the profile:
admin> write
CONNECTION/dslpipe read
Configuring IDSL voice connections
incoming and outgoing voice calls. The connection is a switched 128Kbps MP+ connection
that allows the Pipeline to drop a data channel when it receives an incoming voice call, and
bring the second data channel up again when the voice call is over. Voice calls are not
supported over nailed connections.
This example uses a Lucent Pipeline, but you can configure any ISDN U-interface device, such
as a terminal adapter (TA), similarly.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-17
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring IDSL voice connections
Figure 17-2. Incoming and outgoing voice calls
channelized T1 or PRI
Incoming calls
Incoming IDSL voice calls require that the Central Office (CO) switch support Dialed Number
Identification Service (DNIS). DNIS allows the DSLTNT to route incoming calls to the
Pipeline or IDSN TA. The DSLTNT does this by comparing the DNIS number it receives to
Answer-Number settings in IDSL profiles. When the Pipeline receives this incoming call, it
routes the call to a particular phone on the basis of its own port assignments.
Outgoing calls
Outgoing calls require that you configure the DSLTNT to use trunk groups and that the ISDN
TA or remote router (such as a Pipeline 75) support en-bloc sending.
Trunk groups assign DSLTNT T1 or E1 channels to groups that are identified by a number.
When a user on the IDSL line prefaces the telephone number dialed with the trunk group
number, the DSLTNT sends the call out on a channel in the trunk group.
With en-bloc sending, the Setup message that the DSLTNT forwards to the PSTN switch
contains all information required to process the call, including the dialed number.
When a user dials out from an analog device connected to the analog port of the Pipeline or an
ISDN TA, the user must use the trunk group number as the first digit of the telephone number.
(This method is similar to dialing from locations where you must dial with an initial digit to get
an outside line before entering the phone number.)
In addition, the user must terminate the telephone number with the pound (#) key. The Pipeline
then sends a Q.931 En-Bloc Setup packet to the DSLTNT. The DSLTNT forwards the Setup
message to the PSTN switch, which sets up the call.
Configuring the DSLTNT
To configure the DSLTNT for incoming and outoging voice calls, you must configure the
An IDSL profile
A Connection profile for the remote device
Trunk groups so the DSLTNT can send outgoing calls to the PSTN
Configuring the IDSL profile
To configure the DSLTNT IDSL profile, proceed as in the following example:
17-18 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring IDSL voice connections
Read the IDSL profile the remote user is connected to. For example:
admin> read idsl {1 7 29}
IDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-7 29 } read
List the IDSL profile:
admin> list
name = 1:7:29
line-interface = { no [ { switched-channel 1 } { switched-channel +
physical-address* = { shelf-1 slot-7 29 }
List the Line-Interface profile:
admin> list line-interface
[in IDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-7 29 }:line-interface]
enabled = no
channel-config = [ { switched-channel 1 } { switched-channel 1 } ]
answer-number-1 = ""
answer-number-2 = ""
clock-source = eligible
Enable the line:
admin> set enabled = yes
Specify the unique portion of the telephone number for the analog device attached to the
Pipeline. The DSLTNT routes all calls it receives with this number to the device. For
example, if a phone connected to a Pipeline unit has the number 510-555-1234, set the
Answer-Number-1 parameter to the following value:
admin> set answer-number-1=5105551234
If two analog devices are attached to the Pipeline, configure the second IDSL channel with
the appropriate phone number. For example:
admin> set answer-number-2=5105551235
Write the profile to save your changes:
admin> write
IDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-7 29 } written
Configuring a Connection profile for the remote device
To configure a Connection profile for the Pipeline:
Create a new Connection profile for the Pipeline:
admin> new connection pipeline
Activate the profile:
admin> set active=yes
Set the encapsulation to MP+ to allow the Pipeline to drop a data channel when it receives
a voice call:
admin> set encapsulation-protocol=mpp
List the IP-Options profile:
admin> list ip-options
[in CONNECTION/pipeline:ip-options (new)]
ip-routing-enabled = yes
vj-header-prediction = yes
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-19
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring IDSL voice connections
remote-address =
local-address =
Specify the Pipeline IP address:
admin> set remote-address=
List the Telco-Options profile:
admin> list.. telco-options
[in CONNECTION/pipeline:telco-options (new)]
answer-originate = ans-and-orig
callback = no
call-type = off
nailed-groups = 1
ft1-caller = no
force-56kbps = no
data-service = 56k-clear
Specify that the connection does not use nailed channels:
admin> set call-type=off
Set the data service:
admin> set data-service=64K-clear
Write the Connection profile:
admin> write
Configuring trunk groups
To enable the DSLTNT to recognize outgoing voice traffic and route it appropriately, you must
use trunk groups. Note that when you enable trunk groups, you must configure every channel
on the DSLTNT that will be used for outgoing calls with a trunk group.
To create trunk groups on the DSLTNT for IDSL outgoing calls:
Read the System profile:
admin> read system
Enable trunk groups:
admin> set use-trunk-groups = yes
Write the profile:
admin> write
SYSTEM written
Next, assign trunk groups to the lines used for placing outgoing calls. For example, to use
T1 lines for outgoing calls, first read in the T1 profile:
admin> read t1 {1 1 1}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 1 } read
List the Channel-Config subprofile :
17-20 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring IDSL voice connections
techpubs-lab-25> list line-interface channel-config
[in T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 1 }:line-interface:channel-config]
channel-config[1] = { switched-channel 9 "" { any-shelf any-slot +
channel-config[2] = { switched-channel 9 "" { any-shelf any-slot +
channel-config[3] = { switched-channel 9 "" { any-shelf any-slot +
channel-config[4] = { switched-channel 9 "" { any-shelf any-slot +
channel-config[5] = { switched-channel 9 "" { any-shelf any-slot +
Assign each T1 channel to a trunk group. For example:
admin> set 1 trunk = 5
admin> set 2 trunk = 5
admin> set 3 trunk = 5
admin> set 4 trunk = 5
admin> set 5 trunk = 5
admin> set 6 trunk = 5
admin> set 7 trunk = 5
admin> set 8 trunk = 5
admin> set 9 trunk = 5
admin> set 10 trunk = 5
This trunk group number must be prepended to the number dialed by users dialing out
from the Pipeline.
Write the T1 profile:
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 1 } written
Configuring the Pipeline
When configuring a remote ISDN device to attach to the IDSL line card, always select ATT
5ESS Point-to-Point as the switch type. The IDSL line card can only emulate the ATT 5ESS
Point-to-Point switch. (If you are connecting using a Pipeline, you can specify an IDSLswitch
type. This selection emulates an ATT 5ESS Point-to-Point switch with en-bloc dialing support,
which is required for IDSL voice calls.)
Before you configure the Pipeline, make sure the PC connected to the Pipeline has an IP
address on the same subnet as the Pipeline, and that the IP address of the Pipeline is configured
as the default gateway for the PC.
Configuring the Configure profile
The Pipeline Configure profile allows you to set up the basic parameters for a connection. To
configure the Pipeline Configure profile:
From the Main Edit menu, select Configure.
Specify the following values:
– Switch Type=IDSL
– Chan Usage=Switch/Switch
– My Num A=55105554444
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-21
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
– My Name=buffer
– My Addr=
– Rem Name=bufferstnt
– Rem Addr=
– Route=IP
Exit and save the Configure profile.
Open Ethernet > Connections > bufferstnt
Set the encapsulation to MP+:
MP+ enables the Pipeline to drops one channel of a data call to answer the voice call
instead of sending a busy signal. See the Pipeline documentation for details.
Exit and save the Connection profile.
Sample DSL configurations
This section provides the following example DSL configurations:
An IDSL Frame Relay connection
An ADSL nailed PPP connection
An SDSL Frame Relay configuration using interface-based routing
An SDSL Frame Relay configuration using system-based routing
Sample Frame Relay IDSL configuration
As Figure 17-3 illustrates, a Pipeline connects a single user to a DSLTNT over a 128Kbps
nailed Frame Relay connection. It uses system-based routing. This example uses a Pipeline,
but you can configure any ISDN U-interface device, such as a terminal adapter (TA), similarly.
You must also assign that channel a group number using the Nailed-Group parameter. The
Connection profile for the remote device then refers to the assigned group number in its
Nailed-Group setting to direct the connection to use the IDSL nailed channel.
Note: This configuration does not support voice calls. For information on configuring an
Figure 17-3. IDSL connection with a Pipeline
MAX TNT system IP adress
Pipeline address
Frame Relay
CPE (Pipeline)
17-22 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
Configuring the DSLTNT
This example assumes the DSLTNT has already been configured with the following
IP address of 192.1.1 4/24
System name of idsltnt
To configure the DSLTNT for this example you must configure the following:
A Connection profile for the remote device
An IDSL profile
A Frame Relay profile
A static route to the gateway
Configuring a Connection profile for the remote device
To configure a Connection profile for the remote device:
Create a Connection profile for the Pipeline:
admin> new connection pipeline
Activate the profile:
admin> set active=yes
Set the encapsulation:
admin> set encapsulation-protocol=frame-relay
List the IP-Options profile:
admin> list ip-options
Enable IP routing for this Connection profile:
admin> set ip-routing-enabled=yes
Specify the Pipeline IP address:
admin> set remote-address=
List the FR-Options profile:
admin> list .. fr-options
Specify the name of the Frame Relay profile:
admin> set frame-relay-profile=idsltnt-fr
Specify the Frame Relay DLCI:
admin> set dlci=16
10 List the Telco options profile:
admin> list .. telco-options
11 Set the data service:
admin> set data-service=64K-clear
12 Specify that the connection uses nailed channels:
admin> set call-type=ft1
13 Write the Connection profile:
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-23
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
admin> write
Configuring the IDSL profile
To configure the DSLTNT IDSL profile, proceed as in the following example:
Read the IDSL profile that the remote user is connected to. For example:
admin> read idsl {1 7 18}
IDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-7 18 } read
Enable the line:
admin> set line enabled = yes
List the configuration for the first channel:
admin> list line channel 1
[in IDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-7 18 }:line-interface:channel-con +
channel-usage = switched-channel
nailed-group = 0
Specify that the connection is nailed:
admin> set channel-usage = nailed-64-channel
Specify the nailed group. This group is referred to in the Connection profile for the remote
device so the DSLTNT can determine which interface to use for the connection:
admin> set nailed-group = 10
Configure the second channel as nailed and assign it the same group number. For example:
admin> list .. 2
[in IDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-7 18 }:line-interface:channel-con +
channel-usage = switched-channel
nailed-group = 0
admin> set channel-usage = nailed-64-channel
admin> set nailed-group = 10
Write the profile to save your changes:
admin> write
IDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-7 18 } written
Configuring the Frame Relay profile
To configure the Frame Relay profile:
Create a new Frame Relay profile:
admin> new frame-relay idsltnt-fr
Enable the profile:
admin> set active=yes
Assign the Frame Relay profile to a nailed-up group:
admin> set line nailed-up-group=10
This value must be the same as the IDSL nailed group number you configured in the IDSL
profile. The nailed group must be unique for each active WAN interface.
Write the profile:
17-24 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
admin> write
Configuring a static route to the gateway
To configure a static route to the gateway:
Read in the IP-Route Default profile:
admin> read ip-route default
Enter the address of the Gateway on the local LAN to the remote network.
set gateway-address =
Write the profile:
admin> write
Configuring the Pipeline
Note: When configuring a remote ISDN device to attach to the IDSL line card, always select
ATT 5ESS Point-to-Point as the switch type. The IDSL line card can only emulate the ATT
5ESS Point-to-Point switch. (On a Pipeline, you can specify an IDSLswitch type. This
selection emulates an ATT 5ESS Point-to-Point switch with en-bloc dialing support, which can
be used for IDSL voice calls.)
Before you configure the Pipeline, make sure the PC connected to the Pipeline has an IP
address on the same subnet as the Pipeline, and that the IP address of the Pipeline is configured
as the default gateway for the PC.
Configuring the Configure profile
The Pipeline Configure profile allows you to set up the basic parameters for a connection. To
configure the Pipeline Configure profile:
From the Main Edit menu, select Configure.
Specify the following values:
– Switch Type=IDSL
– Chan Usage=Leased/Unused
– My Name=pipeline
– My Addr=
– Rem Name=idsltnt
– Rem Addr=
– Route=IP
Exit and save the Configure profile.
Configuring the Frame Relay profile
The Frame Relay profile defines the physical link used by the Connection profile to connect to
the DSLTNT. To configure the Frame Relay profile:
Open the Ethernet > Frame Relay > any profile
Specify the following values:
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-25
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
Call Type=Nailed
Nailed Grp=1
Exit the Frame Relay profile and save your changes.
Note that the Pipeline uses the following nailed group numbers:
1 is the first B channel
2 is the second B channel
Configuring the Connection profile
You must configure other, specialized options in the Connection profile for the DSLTNT,
including the name of the Frame Relay profile and the nailed group assigned to it. To do this,
proceed as in the following example:
Open Ethernet > Connections > idsltnt
Specify Frame Relay encapsulation:
Open the Encaps Options submenu.
Specify name of the Frame Relay profile used by this connection and a DLCI.
– FR Prof=idsl-fr
Exit and save the Connection profile.
Sample ADSL nailed PPP connection
The ADSL card is in slot 7, and the DSLPipe is connected to port 3 of the ADSL card. The
DSLPipe IP address is The DSLTNT IP address is This
example uses ADSL, but you can configure an SDSL connection similarly.
Figure 17-4. Sample ADSL PPP connection
MAX TNT system IP adress
Nailed PPP
17-26 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
Configuring the ADSL profile
To configure the ADSL profile in this example:
Read in the ADSL profile:
admin> read adsl-cap {1 7 3}
Enable the port:
admin> set enabled=yes
List the contents of the Line-Config profile:
admin> list line-config
[in ADSL-CAP/{ shelf-1 slot-7 3 }:line-config]
trunk-group = 0
nailed-group = 0
activation = static
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
max-down-stream-rate = 7168000
Assign this port to a nailed group:
admin> set nailed-group=73
This nailed group points to the Connection profile you will create later. The nailed group
must be unique for each active WAN interface.
Specify the maximum downstream rate:
admin> set max-down-stream-rate=7168000
Write the profile:
admin> write
Configuring the Connection profile
To configure the Connection profile in this example:
Create a new Connection profile:
admin> new connection dslpipe
Enable the profile:
admin> set active=yes
Set the encapsulation type to PPP:
admin> set encapsulation-protocol=ppp
List the IP-Options submenu:
admin> list ip-options
[in CONNECTION/dslpipe:ip-options]
ip-routing-enabled = yes
vj-header-prediction = yes
remote-address =
local-address =
Set the IP address of the DSLPipe connecting to the DSLTNT:
admin> set remote-address=
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-27
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
Verify that IP routing is enabled (the default) for this Connection profile:
admin> set ip-routing-enabled = yes
Verify that VJ header prediction is not enabled for this Connection profile:
admin> set vj-header-prediction = no
List the PPP-Options submenu:
admin> list .. ppp-options
[in CONNECTION/dslpipe:ppp-options]
send-auth-mode = no-ppp-auth
send-password = ""
recv-password = ""
link-compression = stac
mru = 1524
lqm = no
lqm-minimum-period = 600
lqm-maximum-period = 600
split-code-dot-user-enabled = no
Specify the authentication mode that the DSLTNT requests for the outgoing call:
admin> set send-auth-mode = pap-ppp-auth
10 Specify the password that the DSLTNT sends to the DSLPipe:
admin> set send-password = pap
11 Specify the password that the DSLTNT expects to receive from the DSLPipe:
admin> set recv-password = pap
12 List the Telco-Options submenu:
admin> list .. telco-options
[in CONNECTION/dslpipe:telco-options]
answer-originate = ans-and-orig
callback = no
call-type = off
nailed-groups = 1
ft1-caller = no
force-56kbps = no
data-service = 56k-clear
13 Specify the call type:
admin> set call-type= ft1
14 Specify the nailed group to use for this Connection profile:
admin>set nailed-groups = 73
15 Write the profile:
admin> write
Configuring the DSLPipe
To configure the DSLPipe in this example:
From the Main Edit menu, select Configure.
17-28 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
Specify the following values:
– Chan Usage=Leased/Unused
– My Name=dslpipe
– My Addr=
– Rem Name=max-tnt
– Rem Addr=
– Route=IP
– Bridge=No
From the Main Edit menu, select Ethernet > Connections > max-tnt.
Specify the following values:
– Active=Yes
– Encaps=PPP
– Bridge=No
– Route IP=Yes
Open the Encaps Options submenu.
Specify the following values:
– Send Auth=PAP
– Send PW=PAP
– Recv PW=PAP
– Link Comp=None
– VJ Comp=No
Open the Telco Options submenu.
Specify the following values:
– Call Type=Nailed
– Group=1
Exit the Connection profile and save your changes.
Sample SDSL Frame Relay configuration using numbered interfaces
This section describes a common SDSL application. In this example, the SDSL line is a leased
connection over a single pair of wires, using Frame Relay as the transport protocol (see
Figure 17-5). The example uses interface-based routing on a point-to-point link. Each side of
the connection is assigned a unique address that applies only to the connection.
This example uses SDSL, but you can configure an ADSL connection similarly.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-29
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
Figure 17-5. Example SDSL setup with interface-based routing
SDSL port address
DSLPipe address
local loop (SDSL)
LAN Adrs=
WAN Alias=
IF Adrs=
Configuring an SDSL connection requires the following general steps:
Configuring the Connection profile
Configuring an IP-Route profile
Configuring the SDSL profile
Configuring the Frame-Relay profile
Configuring the DSLPipe-S
Configuring the Connection profile
To configure the Connection profile:
Create a new Connection profile:
admin> new connection sdsl-pipeline
Enable the profile:
admin> set active=yes
Specify the encapsulation type as Frame Relay:
admin> set encapsulation-protocol=frame-relay
List the IP-Options submenu:
admin> list ip-options
[in CONNECTION/sdsl-pipeline:ip-options]
ip-routing-enabled = yes
vj-header-prediction = yes
remote-address =
local-address =
Set the IP address of the DSLPipe-S connecting to the DSLTNT:
admin> set remote-address=
Set the IP address of the DSLTNT SDSL port:
17-30 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
admin> set local-address=
List the submenu for Frame Relay options:
admin> list .. fr-options
[in CONNECTION/sdsl-pipeline:fr-options]
frame-relay-profile = ""
dlci = 16
circuit-name = ""
fr-direct-enabled = no
fr-direct-profile = ""
fr-direct-dlci = 16
Link this Connection profile to the Frame-Relay profile you will create in the next section:
admin> set frame-relay-profile=fr-prof-1
Set the DLCI to the same value as the DSLPipe-S:
admin> set dlci=16
10 Open the Telco-Options subprofile:
admin> list .. telco-options
[in CONNECTION/sdsl-pipeline:telco-options]
answer-originate = ans-and-orig
callback = no
call-type = off
nailed-groups = 1
ft1-caller = no
force-56kbps = no
data-service = 56k-clear
11 Specify that the that the connection only uses nailed channels by setting Call-Type to FT1
(fractional T1):
admin> set call-type=ft1
12 Write the profile:
admin> write
Configuring the IP-Route profile
Next, to properly route traffic to machines on the DSLPipe unit’s LAN:
Create a new IP Routing profile:
admin> new ip-route sdsl-pipeline
Set the address to route equal to the Pipeline's LAN address:
admin> set dest-address=
Set the gateway to the interface address assigned to the DSLPipe:
admin> set gateway-address=
Write the profile:
admin> write
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-31
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
Configuring the SDSL profile
To configure the SDSL profile:
Read in the SDSL profile. For example, if the SDSL card is installed in slot 11 of shelf 1
and the remote DSLPipe-S is connected to port 1:
admin> read sdsl {1 11 1}
Enable the port:
admin> set enabled=yes
List the contents of the Line-Config profile:
admin> list line-config
[in SDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-11 1 }:line-config]
trunk-group = 0
nailed-group = 1
activation = static
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
max-rate = 144000
unit-type = coe
Assign this port to a nailed group:
admin> set nailed-group=1
This nailed group points to the Frame-Relay profile you will create later. The nailed group
must be unique for each active WAN interface.
Write the profile:
admin> write
Configuring the Frame-Relay profile
See the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Frame Relay Configuration Guide for more
information and examples.
To configure the Frame-Relay profile:
Create a new Frame-Relay profile:
admin> new frame-relay fr-prof-1
Enable the profile:
admin> set active=yes
Assign the Frame-Relay profile to a nailed-up group:
admin> set nailed-up-group=1
This value must be the same as the SDSL nailed group number you configured in the
SDSL profile. The nailed group must be unique for each active WAN interface.
Write the profile:
admin> write
17-32 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
Configuring the DSLPipe-S
This section provides an example of configuring the SDSL Pipeline (DSLPipe-S). For
complete information about configuring the DSLPipe-S, see the documentation that came with
your Pipeline unit.
Before you configure the Pipeline, make sure of the following:
The PC connected to the Pipeline has an IP address on the same subnet as the Pipeline.
The IP address of the Pipeline is configured as the default gateway for the PC.
To configure the Pipeline:
From the Main Edit menu, select Configure.
Specify the following values:
– Chan Usage=Leased/Unused
– My Name=sdsl-pipeline
– My Addr=
– Rem Name=max-tnt
– Rem Addr=
– Route=IP
Exit and save the Configure profile.
From the Main Edit menu, select Ethernet > Connections > max-tnt.
Specify the following values:
– Active=Yes
– Encaps=FR
– Route IP=Yes
Open the Encaps Options submenu.
Specify the following values:
– FR Prof=Frame Relay
– DLCI=16
Open the IP options submenu.
Specify the following values:
– LAN Adrs=
– WAN Alias=
– IF Adrs=
10 Exit the Connection profile and save your changes.
Next, set up the Frame-Relay profile.
Open the Ethernet > Frame Relay > Frame Relay profile.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-33
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
Specify the following values:
– Name=Frame Relay
– Active=Yes
– Call Type=Nailed
If your Pipeline supports it, set LinkUp to Yes:
– LinkUp=Yes
Note that this parameter does not appear in recent versions of Pipeline software.
Exit the Frame-Relay profile and save your changes.
Sample SDSL Frame Relay configuration using system-based routing
This section describes a common SDSL application. In this example, the SDSL line is a leased
connection over a single pair of wires, using Frame Relay as the transport protocol (see
Figure 17-6). The example uses system-based routing. In system-based routing each system
has an IP address. The system routes traffic based on the destination address in packets and the
next-hop system.
This example uses SDSL, but you can configure an ADSL connection similarly.
Figure 17-6. Example SDSL setup with system-based routing
MAX TNT system IP adress
DSLPipe address
local loop (SDSL)
Configuring an SDSL connection requires the following general steps:
Configuring the Connection profile
Configuring the SDSL profile
Configuring the Frame-Relay profile
Configuring the DSLPipe-S
Configuring the Connection profile
To configure the Connection profile:
Create a new Connection profile:
admin> new connection sdsl-pipeline
Enable the profile:
admin> set active=yes
17-34 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
Specify the encapsulation type as Frame Relay:
admin> set encapsulation-protocol=frame-relay
List the IP-Options submenu:
admin> list ip-options
[in CONNECTION/sdsl-pipeline:ip-options]
ip-routing-enabled = yes
vj-header-prediction = yes
remote-address =
local-address =
Set the IP address of the DSLPipe-S connecting to the DSLTNT:
admin> set remote-address=
List the submenu for Frame Relay options:
admin> list .. fr-options
[in CONNECTION/sdsl-pipeline:fr-options]
frame-relay-profile = ""
dlci = 16
circuit-name = ""
fr-direct-enabled = no
fr-direct-profile = ""
fr-direct-dlci = 16
Link this Connection profile to the Frame-Relay profile you will create in the next section:
admin> set frame-relay-profile=fr-prof-1
Set the DLCI to the same value as the DSLPipe-S:
admin> set dlci=16
Open the Telco-Options subprofile:
admin> list .. telco-options
[in CONNECTION/sdsl-pipeline:telco-options]
answer-originate = ans-and-orig
callback = no
call-type = off
nailed-groups = 1
ft1-caller = no
force-56kbps = no
data-service = 56k-clear
10 Specify that the connection only uses nailed channels by setting Call-Type to FT1
(fractional T1):
admin> set call-type=ft1
11 Write the profile:
admin> write
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-35
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
Configuring the SDSL profile
To configure the SDSL profile:
Read in the SDSL profile. For example, if the SDSL card is installed in slot 11 of shelf 1
and the remote DSLPipe-S is connected to port 1:
admin> read sdsl {1 11 1}
Enable the port:
admin> set enabled=yes
List the contents of the Line-Config profile:
admin> list line-config
[in SDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-11 1 }:line-config]
trunk-group = 0
nailed-group = 1
activation = static
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
max-rate = 144000
unit-type = coe
Assign this port to a nailed group:
admin> set nailed-group=1
This nailed group points to the Frame-Relay profile you will create later. The nailed group
must be unique for each active WAN interface.
Write the profile:
admin> write
Configuring the Frame-Relay profile
To configure the Frame-Relay profile:
Create a new Frame-Relay profile:
admin> new frame-relay fr-prof-1
Enable the profile:
admin> set active=yes
Assign the Frame-Relay profile to a nailed-up group:
admin> set nailed-up-group=1
This must be the same as the SDSL nailed group number you configured in the SDSL
profile. The nailed group must be unique for each active WAN interface.
Write the profile:
admin> write
Configuring the DSLPipe-S
This section provides an example of configuring the SDSL Pipeline (DSLPipe-S). For
complete information about configuring the DSLPipe-S, see the documentation that came with
your Pipeline unit.
17-36 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
Before you configure the Pipeline, make sure of the following:
The PC connected to the Pipeline has an IP address on the same subnet as the Pipeline.
The IP address of the Pipeline is configured as the default gateway for the PC.
To configure the Pipeline:
From the Main Edit menu, select Configure.
Specify the following values:
– Chan Usage=Leased/Unused
– My Name=sdsl-pipeline
– My Addr=
– Rem Name=max-tnt
– Rem Addr=
– Route=IP
Exit and save the Configure profile.
From the Main Edit menu, select Ethernet > Connections > max-tnt.
Specify the following values:
– Active=Yes
– Encaps=FR
– Route IP=Yes
Open the Encaps Options submenu.
Specify the following values:
– FR Prof=Frame Relay
– DLCI=16
Exit the Connection profile and save your changes.
Next, set up the Frame-Relay profile.
Open the Ethernet > Frame Relay > Frame Relay profile.
Specify the following values:
– Name=Frame Relay
– Active=Yes
– Call Type=Nailed
If your Pipeline supports it, set LinkUp to Yes:
– LinkUp=Yes
Note that this parameter does not appear in recent versions of Pipeline software.
Exit the Frame-Relay profile and save your changes.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-37
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Introduction to SS7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-1
System requirements for SS7 operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-4
Cause codes for SS7 ASGCP calls to the TAOS unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19
SNMP support for SS7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-23
Introduction to SS7
Signaling System 7 (SS7) is an internationally standardized general-purpose common-channel
signaling system designed for use over a variety of digital circuit-switched networks. At the
physical layer, it uses T1, T3, or E1 for data traffic and separate time-division multiplexing
(TDM) circuits for signaling information.
The following two methods of integration with an SS7 network are supported, each of which
requires a separate software license:
Access SS7 Gateway Control Protocol (ASGCP). This method of integration enables the
TAOS unit to terminate data calls in an SS7 network. The signaling gateway must be ICD
for softswitch (formerly ASG). ICD stands for Internet Call Diversion.
IP Device Control (IPDC). IPDC is a third-party proprietary protocol. This method of
integration enables the TAOS unit to terminate both voice and data calls. The signaling
gateway can be ICD for softswitch or Lucent Softswitch.
Table 18-1 shows the protocols supported by these signaling gateway platforms.
Table 18-1. Signaling gateway platforms and protocol support
IPDC 0.12
ASGCP (Q.931+)
ICD for softswitch (formerly ASG)
Lucent Softswitch
Not supported
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 18-1
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
System requirements for SS7 operations
System requirements for SS7 operations
A TAOS unit configured for SS7 in communication with an SS7 signaling gateway is a service
switching point (SSP). To operate in this capacity, the TAOS unit must have the following
equipment and licenses:
SS7 software license, either for ASGCP or IPDC
Sufficient T1, T3, or E1 trunks
Sufficient modem or Hybrid Access (HDLC) cards (or both) to terminate data calls
One or more Ethernet cards (recommended to offload the shelf controller)
If the system is a MAX TNT unit and will operate as a MultiVoice gateway in an SS7
environment, a MultiVoice software license must also be enabled and one or more MultiDSP
cards must be installed to enable the system to terminate voice calls. For details about
MultiVoice, see the MultiVoice for MAX TNT Configuration Guide.
TAOS unit as terminator of data calls in an SS7 network
With the ASGCP license, TAOS units can decrease congestion on the Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN) caused by users connecting to the Internet. An example of a
Figure 18-1. TAOS terminating data calls in an SS7 network
Data path without ASGCP
Egress CO
Tandem CO
Ingress CO
SS7 Network
IMT data
signaling gateway
Frame Relay,
ATM, or IP
Data path with ASGCP
The TAOS unit is connected to the entry (ingress) central office (CO) switch via intermachine
trunks (IMTs) and to a signaling gateway by means of dual-link (primary and secondary)
TCP/IP links. Each CO switch is a service switching point (SSP). The combination of a TAOS
unit and signaling gateway is also an SSP. The signaling gateway is connected to the SS7
network by access links (A-links). The signaling gateway and the TAOS unit together act as a
switch that routes calls intended for ISPs directly to the TAOS unit, thus avoiding the PSTN
tandem or transit switches and interoffice trunks.
18-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
System requirements for SS7 operations
TAOS unit as terminator of voice and data calls in an SS7 network
With the IPDC license, the TAOS unit can communicate with the signaling gateway by means
of IPDC. IPDC enables the TAOS unit to terminate voice or data calls. An example of TAOS
units being used both for Internet call diversion (data) and Voice over IP (VoIP) is shown in
Figure 18-2. TAOS unit terminating voice and data calls in an SS7 network
Data and voice path without IPDC
Egress CO
Tandem CO
Ingress CO
SS7 Network
IMT data
gateway 1
Frame Relay,
ATM, or IP
Data path with IPDC
Voice path with IPDC
gateway 2
Signaling gateway
Connection to the SS7 network is achieved through a signaling gateway. This gateway
provides a bridge to the SS7 network and performs service switching point functions such as
initiating and managing call setup and release, and executing call routing. IPDC must be
supported by both the signaling gateway and the TAOS unit.
The signaling gateway uses the IPDC protocol to convert the SS7 signaling information and
call data from the PSTN into IPDC packets, which are sent to the TAOS unit. In addition, the
gateway uses IPDC to convert IPDC packets received from a TAOS unit into SS7 format
before sending the call to the PSTN.
Before sending call data across the IP network, the TAOS unit uses IPDC to extract TDM and
IP routing instructions from the IPDC packets received from the signaling gateway. The
far-end TAOS unit then forwards IPDC packets to a signaling gateway, which converts them
back into SS7 messages before the call is connected.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 18-3
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
See MultiVoice for MAX TNT Configuration Guide for a more detailed description of how
VoIP calls are processed by IPDC.
Interface between a signaling gateway and TAOS unit
TCP/IP is the transport service used to carry control messages between a signaling gateway
and the TAOS unit. The data delivery layer (DDL) uses a TCP/IP socket on both the signaling
gateway and TAOS unit. On the signaling gateway side, the DDL is the server that listens for
the socket connection and keeps track of the mapping between a TAOS unit and its socket. On
the TAOS unit side, the DDL is the client that initiates a socket connection and handles
connection establishment, connection recovery, and link selection.
Incoming calls
the called number, then identifies the TAOS unit as the destination for the call. The SS7
network sends an initial address message (IAM) to the signaling gateway. The signaling
gateway informs the TAOS unit that a call will be coming in on one of the IMT channels from
the CO switch. The message from the CO switch contains the calling and called party number,
the circuit identification code (CIC), and the destination point code (DPC). The signaling
gateway sends an address complete message (ACM) to the SS7 network acknowledging that it
has received the relevant information to route the call.
The signaling gateway then sends a call origination message to the TAOS unit to establish a
path between the ingress switch and the TAOS unit. The TAOS unit sets up the path and then
sends an answer message to the signaling gateway so that the signaling gateway can make the
proper updates to its resource management database. For a T1 or T3 network, the signaling
gateway then sends an answer message to the SS7 network.
Once the path is set up, the TAOS unit accepts the call, off-loading the Internet call from the
PSTN to the data network. The data network used to off-load the call can be a Frame Relay,
ATM, or IP network.
Continuity tests
A continuity test can be performed at the time of call setup or during testing to verify that the
physical link between the CO switch and the TAOS unit is available. The CO switch informs
the signaling gateway, which then informs the TAOS unit that it will conduct a continuity test
on the circuit. During a call continuity test, the CO switch sends a tone through the physical
path to the TAOS unit and receives a tone back from the TAOS unit indicating the continuity of
the path.
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
The signaling gateway and TAOS unit communicate over a TCP/IP link. The signaling
interface can be a single or dual TCP connection between the TAOS unit and signaling
gateway. When the interface initializes, it opens TCP connections to the specified addresses
and ports of the signaling gateway. The TAOS unit keeps the TCP connections open as long as
the unit is operating and the signaling interface is enabled.
18-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
Settings in the SS7-Gateway profile configure the signaling interface. The TAOS unit resets
the signaling link whenever changes are written to the profile.
Following are the parameters (shown with default settings) for configuring the signaling
enabled = no
control-protocol = asgcp
primary-ip-address =
primary-tcp-port = 0
secondary-ip-address =
secondary-tcp-port = 0
bay-id = ""
system-type = IASCTNT1B
transport-options = { 0 1000 3000 30000 7 6 no }
use-system-ip-address-as-source = yes
Enable/disable the interface. When this parameter is set to no(the
default), the interface is disabled. When it is set to yes, the
interface is enabled if the Primary-IP-Address and
Primary-TCP-Port also have valid values. Changing the setting
from yesto nocloses the signaling links but does not disconnect
active SS7 calls.
Control protocol. The asgcpsetting enables the unit to terminate
data calls by using ASGCP. The ipdc-0.x(XCOM/Level 3
IPDC) setting enables the unit to terminate voice and data using
IPDC. If only one SS7 license is enabled, the parameter defaults to
that control protocol (asgcpor ipdc-0.x) and cannot be
modified. If both licenses are enabled, the parameter defaults to
for more information about this parameter.
IP address and TCP port to use for communication with the
primary signaling gateway. These settings are required for SS7
IP address and TCP port to use for communication with a
secondary signaling gateway. These settings are optional. If
specified, the secondary signaling gateway is used only when the
primary gateway is unavailable. The primary and secondary
address and port configurations can point to two Ethernet
interfaces of the same signaling gateway.
This parameter does not apply when Control-Protocol is set to
asgcp. When Control-Protocol is set to ipdc-0.x, the system
sends its value as an ASCII string to the media gateway controller
in the device registration message. The TAOS unit does not
interpret the value. Interpretation on the signaling gateway is
gateway dependent.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 18-5
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
This parameter does not apply when Control-Protocol is set to
asgcp. When Control-Protocol is set to ipdc-0.x, the system
sends its value as an ASCII string to the media gateway controller
in the device registration message. The TAOS unit does not
interpret the value. Interpretation on the signaling gateway is
gateway dependent.
The Transport-Options subprofile contains settings for changing
Use-System-IP-Address- Enable/disable use of the system address as the source address for
Specifying the SS7 control protocol
With the appropriate software license, TAOS supports either ASGCP and IPDC 0.12 control
protocol. If only one of the possible control protocols (asgcpor ipdc-0.X) is licensed on
the TAOS unit, the Control-Protocol parameter defaults to the licensed protocol and cannot be
modified. However, if both protocols are licensed, the parameter defaults to asgcp. Because
of this default and because the TAOS unit does not store unmodified profile items in NVRAM,
the setting can be modified unintentionally when you upgrade to new software or enable a new
license to support a second control protocol. For this reason, Lucent recommends that you
verify the setting after upgrading. If the proper protocol is not specified, change the setting and
then reset the unit.
Although the control protocol is configurable in real time, you must reset the system to begin
using the new protocol. After the TAOS unit is reset, it establishes a new TCP link to the
signaling gateway and begins communicating with it using the specified control protocol.
Configuring transport-layer options
Administrators occasionally need to change the duration of various SS7 DDL timers to
fine-tune a signaling link. For example, you might want to change timeouts when integrating a
TAOS unit with existing signaling gateways. The following parameters, shown with default
values, are used to set TAOS time intervals for waiting and responding to the various signaling
link processes:
[in SS7-GATEWAY:transport-options]
device-id = 0
t1-duration = 1000
t2-duration = 3000
t3-duration = 30000
window-size = 7
ack-threshold = 6
heart-beat = no
18-6 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
Logical SS7 command control device where these values apply.
Currently, the settings in this profile apply only to the TAOS unit’s
operations. This parameter is currently not used.
Value of the acknowledgement (ACK) delay timer in
milliseconds. This timer specifies the maximum delay for an
acknowledgement when an information frame (I-frame) is
received. The default value is 1000(1 second). The value must
be less than the T2 duration timer specified on the signaling
gateway. Valid values range from 0to 2147483647.
Value of the transmission time-out timer in milliseconds. This
timer specifies how long this endpoint must wait for an
acknowledgement to a heartbeat frame. The default value is 3000
(3 seconds). The value must be greater than the T1 duration timer
on the signaling gateway. Valid values range from 0to
Value of the persistent error timer in milliseconds. This timer
specifies the maximum duration of attempts to reestablish a link
before the transport layer flushes the data queues and sends an
error indication up. Default value is 30000(30 seconds). Valid
values range from 0to 2147483647.
Maximum number of sequentially numbered data packets that can
be sent while pending acknowledgement at any given time.
Default value is 7. Valid values range from 1to 63.
Threshold for triggering an acknowledgement (ACK) while
receiving data packets. As soon as the specified number of
packets is received, the TAOS unit sends an ACK back regardless
of the value of its T1 timer. The value of this parameter must not
be greater than the window size. Default value is 6. Valid values
range from 1to 63.
Enable/disable detection of a physical link failure, such as
disconnection of a cable or failure of the signaling gateway. When
the parameter is set to yes, the TAOS unit periodically sends out
heartbeat frames to the signaling gateway and waits for an
acknowledgement. If it does not receive an acknowledgement
within the number of milliseconds specified in its T2-Duration
timer, the TAOS unit resets the signaling link.
System IP address considerations
The System-IP-Addr parameter of the IP-Global profile specifies the source address of all
packets generated by the system, such as the connection request packets sent to a signaling
gateway to establish communication. When the Use-System-IP-Address-As-Source parameter
is set to yes(the default), the TAOS unit uses the system address as its source address in the
packets it sends to the signaling gateway.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 18-7
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
For some sites, administrative policy or other constraints introduce a requirement to use the
system address for some purposes, but to use a separate source address for communication
with the signaling gateway. For example, although a site might require a certain system address
for compatibility with other routers, this requirement might cause an address space conflict, or
might cause delays and time-outs in the receipt of acknowledgements from signaling
gateways. Or, a site might decide to separate the signaling control network from the Internet
for security purposes.
To enable sites to integrate TAOS units into their infrastructure and at the same time
communicate efficiently with signaling gateways, the following parameter (shown with its
default value) was introduced:
use-system-ip-address-as-source = yes
When this parameter is set to no, the TAOS unit does not use the system address as its source
address for signaling packets. Instead, it uses the IP address of the Ethernet interface on which
the signaling packets are sent. When the parameter is set to yes, the TAOS unit uses the same
system address for signaling packets as for all other packets generated by the system.
Example of a basic configuration
The following commands configure an SS7-Gateway profile for a single TCP connection to a
signaling gateway running IPDC:
admin> read ss7-gateway
admin> set enabled = yes
admin> set primary-ip-address =
admin> set primary-tcp-port = 5000
admin> write
SS7-GATEWAY written
Note: For the link to become active, the signaling gateway must have a matching entry for the
TAOS unit. For information about configuring the signaling gateway, see the documentation
that came with the unit.
T1 lines as SS7 data trunks
T1 lines:signaling system 7 (SS7) data trunks;To configure T1 lines for SS7, you must set the
following parameters, shown with sample settings:
[in T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 7 }:line-interface]
signaling-mode = ss7-data-trunk
incoming-call-handling = internal-processing
18-8 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
[in T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 7 }:line-interface:channel-config:24]
channel-usage = switched-channel
Usage for SS7 data trunks
For an SS7 data trunk, which carries no signaling, this parameter
can be set to either of the following values. The setting registers
the line with the signaling gateway and allows the gateway to take
control of the line and its calls.
ss7-data-trunkcauses the unit to provide clear 64Kbps SS7
data trunk support. If any of the PSTN switches you are using is a
1AESS switch, which uses robbed-bit signaling, this setting can
sometimes cause that switch to receive fluctuating A/B bit status.
This condition might ultimately force the line out of service,
unless you disable robbed-bit signaling on the 1AESS switch.
ss7-robbed-bitcauses the TAOS unit to send a steady A/B
bit status on the SS7 data trunk, which eliminates the need to
disable robbed-bit signaling on the 1AESS switch.
Specifies how the TAOS unit processes incoming calls on this line.
For SS7 data trunks, the parameter must be set to
internal-processingin this release. The
ss7-gateway-processingsetting for passing incoming call
requests to an external signaling gateway is currently not
T1 lines typically use channel 24 for signaling. For SS7 data
trunks, the Channel-Usage setting for channel 24 must be
Example of configuring a T3 card for SS7 data
To configure lines of a T3 card as SS7 data trunks, you must first configure the T3 profile as in
the following example:
admin> read t3 {1 1 1}
T3/{ shelf-1 slot-1 1 } read
admin> set enabled = yes
admin> set frame-type = m13
admin> set line-length = 0-225
admin> write
T3/{ shelf-1 slot-1 1 } written
After configuring the T3 line, configure the individual T1 lines that constitute the T3 line as
explained in the next section.
Example of configuring a T1 data trunk
The following commands configure a T1 line as an SS7 data trunk, enabling the signaling
gateway to control the line:
admin> read t1 {1 1 7}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 7 } read
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 18-9
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
admin> set line-interface enabled = yes
admin> set line-interface signaling-mode = ss7-data-trunk
admin> set line-interface incoming-call-handling = inter-
admin> set line-interface channel-config 24 channel-usage =
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 7 } written
E1 lines as SS7 data trunks
Configuring the E1 SS7 data trunks is very similar to configuring T1 data trunks. To configure
E1 lines for SS7, you must set the following parameters in an E1 profile, shown with sample
[in E1/{ shelf-1 slot-10 1 }:line-interface]
signaling-mode = ss7-data-trunk
incoming-call-handling = internal-processing
[in E1/{ shelf-1 slot-10 1 }:line-interface:channel-config[17]]
channel-usage = switched-channel]
Usage for SS7 data trunks
For an SS7 data trunk, which carries no signaling, this parameter
can be set to either of the following values. The setting registers
the line with the signaling gateway and allows the gateway to take
control of the line and its calls.
ss7-data-trunkcauses the TAOS unit to provide clear
64Kbps SS7 data trunk support. If any of the PSTN switches you
are using is a 1AESS switch, which uses robbed-bit signaling, this
setting can sometimes cause that switch to receive fluctuating A/B
bit status. This condition might ultimately force the line out of
service, unless you disable robbed-bit signaling on the 1AESS
ss7-robbed-bitcauses the TAOS unit to send a steady A/B
bit status on the SS7 data trunk, which eliminates the need to
disable robbed-bit signaling on the 1AESS switch.
Specifies how the TAOS unit processes incoming calls on this line.
For SS7 data trunks, the parameter must be set to
internal-processingin this release. The
ss7-gateway-processingsetting for passing incoming call
requests to an external signaling gateway is currently not
In the TAOS unit, the channel-config index begins with 1 (not 0),
so E1 lines typically use channel 17 for signaling. For SS7 data
trunks, change the default Channel-Usage setting for channel 17
from d-channelto switched-channel.
18-10 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
For example, the following commands configure an E1 line as an SS7 data trunk, enabling the
signaling gateway to control the line:
admin> read e1 {1 10 1}
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-10 1 } read
admin> set line-interface enabled = yes
admin> set line-interface signaling-mode = ss7-data-trunk
admin> set line-interface incoming-call-handling = inter-
admin> set line-interface channel-config 17 channel-usage =
admin> write
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-10 1 } written
V.110 bearer capability for SS7 calls using IPDC
TAOS supports V.110 bearer capability for SS7 calls using IPDC. This feature enables SS7 call
routing across V.110 interfaces in the TAOS unit. Use of this capability is controlled via IPDC
messages from the signaling gateway.
SS7 link establishment timer
TAOS supports a T5 timer that automatically enables link connection and reconnection
requests to the signaling gateway to occur at random intervals. The timer can help prevent the
signaling gateway from receiving many link connect requests within a short period of time,
especially when the signaling gateway is connected with many TAOS units.
After its link to the gateway is disconnected, the TAOS unit initializes the T5 timer with a
random value between 0 and 6 seconds and attempts a connection when the timer expires.
After each failed connection attempt, the TAOS unit increases the T5 time-out value by 1
second until it reaches 20 seconds. The timer remains at 20 seconds for subsequent connection
The TAOS unit resets the T5 timer as soon as the link is active.
Two-wire continuity check on T1 and E1 lines
TAOS units support a 4-wire-only continuity check as defined in Q.724 Sections 7 and 8,
ANSI T1.113.4 Annex B, GR-246-CORE Annex B on both T1 and E1 lines. The 4-wire
continuity check requires one end of a line to place a channel into loopback state while the
other end sends a tone. The check concludes successfully if the tone sent on the outgoing path
is received on the return path within acceptable transmission and timing limits. The 4-wire
check procedure cannot detect potential inadvertent loops in the line path or in line facilities,
and cannot be used when the other exchange is analog. For these reasons, the procedure known
as 2-wire continuity check is recommended by the International Telecommunications Union
Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), which carries out the operations of the
former Consultative Committee for International Telephone and Telegraph (CCITT).
TAOS supports both incoming and outgoing 2-wire continuity checks
for T1 lines only. You can select the type of check to perform on a
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 18-11
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
per-line basis. Both the native 2-wire continuity check
(GR-246-CORE Section B.2) and 4-wire-to-2-wire emulation
(GR-246-CORE Section B.3) are supported.
Note: Outgoing continuity tests are supported only on T1 and T3 cards. E1 cards support
receipt of 4-wire continuity check requests only, and cannot originate continuity tests.
The SS7-Continuity subprofile in the T1 profile allows you to specify the type of incoming and
outgoing continuity checks to perform for all channels on a line. Both ends of the connection
must agree on the continuity check to be used for the line. Following are the relevant
parameters, shown with default values:
[in T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 1 }:line-interface:ss7-continuity]
incoming-procedure = loopback
outgoing-procedure = single-tone-2010
Loopback or transponder test mode. The loopback setting (the
default) places the channel into loopback mode during the
continuity test. This mode must be used if the line is provisioned
for an incoming 4-wire continuity test. The transponder
setting places the channel into Tone Transponder mode during the
continuity test. In this mode, the channel can detect two tones:
2010Hz and 1780Hz. When either tone is detected, the other one is
returned. This mode should be used for lines provisioned for
incoming 2-wire and 4-wire-to-2-wire continuity checks.
Type of continuity check. With the single-tone-2010setting
(the default), the TAOS unit sends a 2010Hz tone and expects to
receive a 2010Hz tone in return. This procedure is generally
known as a 4-wire continuity check.
With the send-2010-expect-1780setting, the TAOS unit
sends a 2010Hz tone and expects to receive 1780Hz tone in return.
This procedure is generally known as a 2-wire continuity check.
With the send-1780-expect-2010setting, the TAOS unit
sends a 1780Hz tone and expects to receive a 2010Hz tone in
return. This procedure is generally known as a 4-wire to 2-wire
continuity check.
If you change the type of a continuity check, the new type is used
for new continuity check requests on the line as soon as the line
profile is saved. Existing check-loops that are already active on the
line are not modified or canceled when the profile is saved.
The type of the continuity check procedure to be used is determined by line provisioning and is
agreed upon by the connecting exchanges. SS7 signaling procedures used for continuity check
(Q.764 Section G.3, ANSI T1.113.4 Section 2.1.6) are the same for both 4-wire and 2-wire
circuits, but the behavior of trunk termination devices is different.
The native 2-wire continuity check procedure requires that the loopback be replaced by a
transponder and that a 1780Hz ± 20Hz tone be used in the return direction.
18-12 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
TAOS also supports the 4-wire-to-2-wire continuity check, with the following requirements:
The exchange that terminates 4 wires must use a transmitting frequency of 1780 ± 20Hz and a
receiving frequency 2010 ± 30Hz. The exchange that terminates the 2 wires must use a
transmitting frequency of 2010 ± 8Hz and a receiving frequency of 1780 ± 30Hz.
Outgoing continuity tests on T1 and T3
TAOS units support incoming continuity tests on both T1 and E1 lines. During these tests, the
telephone switch requests that the TAOS unit put a DS0 channel into a loopback and then
generates a 2010Hz tone. If the switch receives the tone in return, the continuity test is
TAOS also supports outgoing call continuity tests on T1 and T3 cards. For outgoing continuity,
the switch puts a DS0 into a loopback and the TAOS unit generates a 2010Hz tone. If the
TAOS unit receives the tone in return, the continuity test is successful. Note that all the setup
and signaling required to coordinate a continuity test is handled by the signaling gateway via
Note: Outgoing continuity tests are supported only on T1 and T3 cards. E1 cards support
receipt of 4-wire continuity check requests only, and cannot originate continuity tests.
Digital milliwatt tone support on T1 and T3
T1 and T3 cards generate the 1000Hz digital milliwatt (DMW) tone. The SS7 switch sends a
digital milliwatt tone request to the TAOS unit over IPDC and uses the tone that the TAOS unit
generates in special test calls to measure the line distortion and attenuation in the telephone
Analog milliwatt tone and variable tone support
IPDC Tone-Type and Tone-Sting tags enable the IPDC Specify Tone (STN) message to
generate the analog milliwatt tones. When the TAOS unit receives a message from the
signaling gateway specifying these tags, it responds with the appropriate tone type or tone
string. When the signaling gateway specifies a variable tone, it details the tone in the IPDC
Tone-String message tag, which uses the following format:
"frequency1, frequency2, amplitude, duration"
First frequency of the dual tone. This value can range from 1 to
3999 and has an accuracy of ± 1Hz.
The second frequency of the dual tone. This value can range from
0 for single tones to 3999 and has an accuracy of ± 1Hz.
Amplitude of the tone. If this value is in the range of 4 through
32767, it is an absolute value. A value in the range from -49
through 2 is a decibel level. The following relationship exists
between decibel levels and absolute values:
dBm0 = 20 * log10 (absolute value / 22748.4)
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 18-13
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
Duration of the tone in milliseconds. This value can range from 0
to 2631. If the duration is 0, a tone will be played continuously
until it is stopped by a second STN command.
For example, the following string defines a 1004hz tone at 22748 amplitude for 1 second:
"1004, 0, 22748, 1000"
The following string defines a dual tone with frequency 697Hz and 1477Hz at 14567
amplitude for 2 seconds:
"697, 1477, 14567, 2000"
The following string defines a 2050, -3dBm0 tone played continuously until stopped by a
second STNmessage:
"2050, 0, -3, 0"
Reporting VoIP call statistics
A TAOS unit operating as a network access server (NAS) with a signaling gateway can report
VoIP call statistics in the output of the NAS messaging interface. IPDC VoIP call statistics are
reported once a call is cleared. The source that originates call clearing can be either the
signaling gateway or the TAOS unit.
When the unit reports VoIP statistics
IPDC 0.12 statistics tags are reported when the signaling gateway or the TAOS unit clears calls
under the following conditions:
When the access server initiates a call teardown using an RCR message.
For packet-based calls when the access server acknowledges a call teardown using an
ACR message
The TAOS unit reports the following VoIP statistics, as defined by IPDC 0.12:
Number of Real-Time Protocol (RTP) audio packets sent and received by the TAOS unit.
Number of RTP audio packets that failed to reach the TAOS unit as determined by missed
sequence numbers.
Number of audio bytes in the RTP payload sent by the TAOS unit.
Number of audio bytes received in the RTP payload that failed to reach the TAOS unit.
Because the number of bytes per packet is variable, this value can only be estimated,
based upon an average packet size multiplied by the number of nonreceived packets. This
value can also be estimated by the control server with the information supplied.
Number of RTP audio packets received.
Number of audio bytes received in the RTP payload.
Estimated interarrival jitter (in milliseconds) Interarrival jitter is an estimate of the
statistical variance among the arrival times of RTP packets, which is equivalent to the
difference in their relative transit times. Relative transit time is the difference between a
packet’s RTP timestamp at the sender and the receiver’s clock at the time of arrival.
18-14 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
ss7nmi debug-level command
The TAOS unit reports the VoIP call statistics in the output of the ss7nmidebug-level
command. When the command is entered with the -soption, the results displayed include the
number of release channel request (RCR) and release channel completed (ACR) messages sent
with and without VoIP call statistics, and the number of unknown SS7 VoIP messages. In the
following example, new statistics reported for IPDC VoIP calls are shown in bold type:
admin> ss7nmi -s
SS7 NAS Messaging Interface (NMI) statistics:
Initialized successfully:
Total number of internal errors:
Level of diagnostics:
Signaling Layer:
Current link state:
Last generated transaction ID:
Timer T305 (RST1):
1000 ticks - idle
Number of protocol version errors:
Number of ’message reject’ received:
Number of bad packets received:
Number of unknown messages:
Number of unknown SS7Voip messages:
Number of resource conflicts:
Number of release race conditions:
Number of RCR with stats sent:
Number of RCR without stats sent:
Number of ACR with stats sent:
Number of ACR without stats sent:
Data Transport Layer:
Number of link fail-overs:
Number of persistent errors:
Last error:
No Error
Last error timestamp:
[01/01/1990 00:00:00]
Statistics and error reporting on SS7 connections
The ss7asg-scommand provides detailed interface information about statistics and error
conditions on SS7 connections. The output differs depending on whether errors are detected.
Note: The ss7asg-rcommand resets all the signaling layer statistics to 0 and updates the
timestamp to the time the counters were reset.
Command output when no errors are detected
The following sample output indicates that no errors were detected in SS7 connections:
admin> ss7asg -s
SS7 Signaling Gateway interface statistics:
Initialized successfully:
Interface state:
Diagnostic level:
Signaling Layer:
Number of SETUP requests from:
L2: 0
CC: 0
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 18-15
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
Number of CONNECT to ASG:
Number of CONNECT_ACK from ASG:
Number of SETUP rejected from:
Number of DISCONNECT requests from:
Number of DL_REL_IND from L2:
Number of DL_EST_IND from L2:
Number of T303 expiry events:
Number of T305 expiry events:
Number of T308 expiry events:
Last L3 counters reset timestamp:
L3: 0
L2: 0
CC: 0
CC: 0
[02/08/1999 18:47:41]
Data Transport Layer:
Number of link fail-overs:
Number of persistent errors:
Last error:
Persistent Error
[02/08/1999 18:47:41]
Last error status change timestamp:
When the command reports no errors, the output contains the following fields:
Output field
Initialized successfully
Indicates whether the SS7 layer between the TAOS unit
and the signaling gateway has been successfully
Interface state
State of the SS7 interface. A value of Enabled/Up
indicates that the Enabled parameter in the SS7-Gateway
profile is set to yes. A value of Enabled/Down indicates
that the Enabled parameter in the SS7-Gateway profile is
set to yes, but the TCP link to the signaling gateway is
down. A value of Disabled indicates that the Enabled
parameter in the SS7-Gateway profile is set to no.
Diagnostic level
The diagnostic level as specified with the -toption.
Values can be one of the following:
0: Disable diagnostic output.
1: Show errors only.
2: Trace L3 events and states.
3: Trace Call Control events.
4: Show all task events.
5: Dump L3 packets.
6: Dump Call Control primitives.
Number of SETUP requests
L2: Number of setup requests from the signaling
gateway (SS7 network) or from incoming calls.
CC: Number of times the TAOS unit tried to make an
outgoing call to the signaling gateway (the SS7
network). Note that outgoing calls are not currently
18-16 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
Output field
Number of CONNECT to ASG
Total number of active connections to the signaling
gateway since it was last reset.
from ASG
Number of connection acknowledgements the TAOS
unit has received from the signaling gateway.
Number of SETUP rejected
Number of setup requests rejected by layer 3 and the
signaling gateway call control.
Setups rejected by L3 indicate a packet decode error
on the incoming setup request.
Setups rejected by CC can mean that no route or
resource exists, or that authentication failed for the
incoming call.
requests from:
Number of disconnection requests from layer 2 and the
signaling gateway call control.
Disconnection requests from layer 2 are initiated by
the signaling gateway.
Disconnection requests from CC are initiated by the
TAOS unit.
Number of registration requests the TAOS unit has sent
to the signaling gateway.
Number of
Number of registration acknowledgments the TAOS unit
has received from the signaling gateway.
Number of DL_REL_IND from
Number of Data Link Release Indication messages
received from layer 2. Layer 2 sends these messages to
layer 3 to inform it about the status of the link. Data Link
Release Indication messages mean that the link between
the TAOS unit and the signaling gateway is down and
communication is not possible.
Number of DL_EST_IND from
Number of Data Link Establish Indication messages
received from layer 2.
Layer 2 sends these messages to layer 3 to inform it
about the status of the link. Data Link Establish
Indication messages mean that the link between the
TAOS unit and the signaling gateway has been
reestablished and communication is possible.
Number of T303 expiry
Number of times the T303 timer expired.
Number of times the T305 timer expired.
Number of times the T308 timer expired.
Number of T305 expiry
Number of T308 expiry
Last L3 counters reset
Time the signaling layer timers were last reset using the
ss7asg -rcommand.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 18-17
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
Output field
Number of link fail-overs
In a dual LAN configuration, the number of times the
TAOS unit switched from one TCP/IP messaging link to
another due to the failure of the link.
Number of persistent
Number of times the TAOS unit tried to reestablish a
layer 2 link.
Last error
Type of last error. Possible values are:
No Error: L2 is operating normally.
Link Loss: Link down.
Persistent Error: Link down.
Link Shutdown: Link disabled.
Link Fail-over: Switched to secondary LAN
Last error status change
Time the last error occurred.
Command output showing errors
The following sample indicates that errors were detected in SS7 connections:
admin> ss7asg -s
SS7 Signaling Gateway interface statistics:
Initialized successfully:
Interface state:
Diagnostic level:
Number of memory allocation failures:
Number of errors in profile operations:
Number of invalid memory pointers:
Number of internal errors:
Initialization Errors:
Number of errors in initialization:
Memory pools:
Signaling Layer:
Number of SETUP requests from:
Number of CONNECT to ASG:
L2: 0
CC: 0
Number of CONNECT_ACK from ASG:
Number of SETUP rejected from:
Number of DISCONNECT requests from:
Number of DL_REL_IND from L2:
Number of DL_EST_IND from L2:
Number of T303 expiry events:
Number of T305 expiry events:
L3: 0
CC: 0
CC: 0
L2: 0
18-18 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Cause codes for SS7 ASGCP calls to the TAOS unit
Number of T308 expiry events:
Last L3 counters reset timestamp:
[02/16/1999 10:33:31]
Data Transport Layer:
Number of link fail-overs:
Number of persistent errors:
Last error:
No Error
Last error status change timestamp:
[01/01/1990 00:00:00]
When errors are detected, the command output displays the fields explained in the previous
section plus the following additional information:
Output field
Number of memory
allocation failures
Number of times the TAOS unit could not allocate
memory for packets traveling between call control and
layer 3.
These errors might occur if the TAOS unit does not have
a 32-MB DRAM card installed.
Number of errors in
profile operations
Number of times the TAOS unit could not register the
SS7-Gateway profile or read or update a T1 profile.
Number of invalid memory
Number of empty packets received by IPDC layer 3.
Used for IPDC only.
Number of internal errors
Number of internal errors.
Number of errors in
Number of errors that occurred during the initialization
of the SS7 ASG interface.
Memory pools
Number of buffer pool allocations that failed.
Number of failures that occurred during the creation or
operation of the mailboxes used for interlayer
Cause codes for SS7 ASGCP calls to the TAOS unit
The TAOS unit reports cause codes to the signaling gateway via ASGCP when it initiates a call
clearing. The following ASGCP messages carry cause code information.
Release Complete
Restart Acknowledgement (cause optional)
The TAOS unit currently reports the cause codes defined by ITU-T Recommendation Q.850.
For definitions of the individual cause values, refer to Q.850. Note the following:
The TAOS unit reports Normal call clearing (16) if a TAOS unit modem times out on a
modem call.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 18-19
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Cause codes for SS7 ASGCP calls to the TAOS unit
The TAOS unit reports User busy (17) if it cannot find a route, or if no resource is
available for the call.
SS7 IPDC support for call ID and disconnect cause codes
The TAOS unit reports a globally unique call identifier to call-logging servers for SS7 data or
VoIP calls. This feature enables the NavisAccess software to associate call statistics
information generated by the signaling gateway and by the TAOS unit.
A similar mechanism is supported in the H.323 VoIP context, where a well-defined globally
unique call ID is set by the originating endpoint. This call ID is used to associate remote access
server (RAS) signaling with the modified Q.931 call control signaling used in H.225.0 call
setup. In an H.323 VoIP environment, the TAOS unit reports the call ID to call-logging servers
when a call is connected, maintained, and terminated. (H.323, Q.931, and H.225.0 are ITU-T
recommendations for voice communication over networks.) For more information about H.323
VoIP see the MultiVoice for MAX TNT Configuration Guide.
To support this functionality in the SS7 IPDC context, the following changes were made:
IPDC now generates a globally unique call ID for SS7 VoIP and data calls.
IPDC now includes the globally unique call ID in IPDC messages.
The TAOS unit now reports the call ID to call-logging servers.
IPDC generation of a globally unique call ID
IPDC uses the same definition and algorithm for generating a globally unique call Identifier as
H.225.0. The ID consists of a record of 16 octets. For details, refer to H.225.0, Version 2, pages
44 to 47. The signaling gateway creates the call ID in the following cases:
Request inbound call setup (RCSI) message
Request pass-through call setup for TDM connection between two channels (RCST)
Request packet pass-through call (RCCP) message
The TAOS unit creates a call ID for a request outbound call setup (RCSO) message. Note that
the TAOS unit does not currently report the call ID of outbound calls to call-logging servers.
Global-Call-ID parameter
The Global-Call-ID parameter in the Call-Info profile reports the global call ID and is shown
with a sample setting in the following example:
[in CALL-INFO/{ 3 }]
mbid* = { 3 }
call-service = switched
called-number-type = 2
nailed-up-group = 1
call-by-call = 0
phone-number = ""
transit-number = ""
billing-number = ""
switched-call-type = 67
18-20 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Cause codes for SS7 ASGCP calls to the TAOS unit
ft1-caller = 0
calling-number = { "" unknown unknown unspecified unspecified }
force-56kbps = 0
redirect-number = ""
call-direction = 0
global-call-id = 03040506-0102-0900-0807-010203040506
Start and Stop records
The Ascend_Global_Call_Id attribute in the Start and Stop records for SS7 VoIP and data calls
is for call-logging only, not RADIUS, and is reported only when the global call ID is available.
The TAOS unit sends Stop records for SS7 calls that are cleared or rejected at the SS7 IPDC
layer. Those calls do not have Start records, because they are never routed to host cards.
Disconnect cause codes
The following set of disconnect cause codes reports the cause of termination for calls that are
cleared or rejected at the SS7 IPDC layer. These codes are based on the cause codes defined by
ITU-T Recommendation Q.850, Usage of Cause and Location in the Digital Subscriber
Signaling System No. 1 and the Signaling System No. 7 ISDN User Part. This group of cause
codes begins at offset 800.
Q.850 Definition
Unallocated (unassigned) number
No route to specified transit network
No route to destination
Channel unacceptable
Normal call clearing
User busy
No user responding
No answer from user (user alerted)
Call rejected
Number changed
Destination out of order
Invalid number format (address
Facility rejected
Unspecified normal event
No circuit or channel available
Network out of order
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 18-21
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Cause codes for SS7 ASGCP calls to the TAOS unit
Q.850 Definition
Temporary failure
Switching equipment congestion
Access information discarded
Requested circuit or channel not
Call preempted
Resource unavailable
Requested facility not subscribed
Outgoing calls barred within the
Incoming calls barred within the
Bearer capability not presently
Service or option not available,
Bearer capability not implemented
Channel type not implemented
Requested facility not implemented
Invalid call reference value
Identified channel does not exist
Incompatible destination
Mandatory information element
Message type nonexistent or not
Message not compatible with call
state, or message type nonexistent or
not implemented
Information element or parameter
nonexistent or not implemented
Invalid information element
Message not compatible with call
Recovery on timer expiration
Parameter that was nonexistent or
not implemented was passed on
18-22 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
SNMP support for SS7
Q.850 Definition
Message with unrecognized
parameter was discarded
Unspecified internetworking event
SNMP support for SS7
The SS7 MIB (mgstat.mib)is implemented as a branch object with the main object,
mgGroup, linked into the Ascend enterprise MIB. For definitions and descriptions of objects,
see the mgstat.mibfile distributed with TAOS 8.0.2 software.
An SNMP trap is supported for reporting the status of the link between SS7 media gateways
and the TAOS unit. The trap can be configured when an SS7 license is enabled. For a trap to be
generated when the trap condition occurs, SNMP traps must be enabled and the setting for the
trap condition must be enabled. For details about enabling traps, see the APX 8000/MAX
TNT/DSLTNT Administration Guide.
The following trap has been added to the Ascend enterprise traps:
megacoLinkStatusTrap TRAP-TYPE
{ mgLinkName, mgOperStatus }
"This trap indicates that operational status
of a media gateway control link has changed."
::= 42
Following is the relevant parameter in the Trap profile, shown with its default value, for
enabling the trap:
[in TRAP/""]
megaco-link-status-enabled = no
Enable/disable trap generation of communication link status
between the SS7 media gateway and the TAOS unit. This trap
indicates that operational status of a media gateway control link
has changed from any state to the Up state or from Up state to any
other state. Changes to this parameter become effective when you
write the Trap profile.
The trap contains the name of the link, which is currently always
reported as default, and the new operational status.
For example, the following commands enable the SS7 link-state trap:
admin> read trap example
TRAP/example read
admin> set megaco-link-status-enabled = yes
admin> write
TRAP/example written
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 18-23
Configuring Call Routing
Network, host, and dual-purpose devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-1
Understanding the call-routing database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-2
Working with Call-Route profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-5
Another way to route incoming calls (deprecated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-9
Call routing algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-10
The TAOS unit uses a set of call-routing algorithms to route inbound and outbound calls to
devices that handle the appropriate call type. For example, the unit routes an inbound
voice-service call to a modem and an inbound digital-service call to an HDLC channel.
Note: For the APX 8000, slots are divided into four quadrants of 10 slots each to increase the
efficiency of routing among shelves. To maintain maximum call capacity and efficient use of
resources, you must balance the network-side and host-side resources in each quadrant, as
described in the APX 8000 Hardware Installation Guide.
The TAOS unit creates Call-Route profiles that specify generalized routes to its devices. The
generalized routes, which typically route on the basis of call type, make up a default
call-routing database. The default database is just a starting point, representing the unit’s best
guesses for appropriate call handling. You can create additional Call-Route profiles that
override or complement the default call routes.
Note: The system does not route calls to a device that has no applicable entry in the
call-routing database, so be careful not to delete default entries without providing a
Network, host, and dual-purpose devices
Slot cards that are used to establish and maintain the physical connection for a call are network
cards. Network cards do not support protocol stacks such as PPP or Frame Relay. Instead, they
rely on another card, such as a Hybrid Access card, to remove link encapsulation and process
the call’s protocol information and thereby terminate the call in the system.
Series56 II and Series III cards, MultiDSP cards, Hybrid Access (HDLC) cards, modem cards,
and some other cards that terminate inbound calls are referred to as host cards. An individual
channel or modem on a host card is referred to as a host device.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 19-1
Configuring Call Routing
Understanding the call-routing database
Some slot cards act in a dual capacity, performing both network and host functions. Some
dual-purpose cards provide their own HDLC resources. For example, T1 and E1 FrameLine
cards have HDLC channels integrated into the card and support Frame Relay protocols.
Other cards establish the physical connection and terminate calls. Calls on these cards do not
require additional HDLC processing.
The following table shows a representative listing of cards in each category:
Network slot cards
Host slot cards
Dual-purpose slot cards
Unchannelized DS3
T1 FrameLine
Series56 II Digital Modem
Series56 III Digital Modem
Hybrid Access
E1 FrameLine
Understanding the call-routing database
The Callroute command displays entries in the call-routing database. You can display entries
for network, host, or dual-purpose devices, or list entries by device. For example, the Callroute
command with the -adflag displays database entries for dual-purpose devices:
admin> callroute -ad
# source
tg sa phone
0 0
1:16:01/0 0 0:00:00/0 digital-call-type
2:14:01/0 0 0:00:00/0 digital-call-type
1:15:01/0 0 0:00:00/0 any-call-type
2:04:01/0 0 0:00:00/0 any-call-type
2:04:02/0 0 0:00:00/0 any-call-type
2:04:03/0 0 0:00:00/0 any-call-type
2:04:04/0 0 0:00:00/0 any-call-type
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Table 19-1 describes the information contained in each field.
Table 19-1. Fields in a call-routing database entry
The address of a device installed in the system to which calls
matching the entry will be routed. The address has the following
For example, shelf 1, slot 2, line 1, channel 24 is addressed as
The call-routing entry number. For default entries (entries
created by the system for a device) the value is always zero. For
entries created by Call-Route profiles, the number must be
unique for each entry that has the same Device address. For
19-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Call Routing
Understanding the call-routing database
Table 19-1. Fields in a call-routing database entry (continued)
The address of a device that receives calls The address has the
same format as the Device field.
The call-routing type. For default entries (entries created by the
system) the value depends on the type of installed device. For
entries created by user-specified Call-Route profiles, see
A trunk group number. The default is zero.
An ISDN subaddress number. The default is zero.
A telephone number.
How call routes affect device usage
The system sorts its call-routing database entries after a reset. During active use, the system
applies operational criteria, such as availability and frequency of use, to the order in which it
uses devices.
By default, entries for modem devices are sorted to load-balance calls across the modem cards
in a quadrant, and entries for HDLC channels are sorted to group the channels of a multilink
call on a single card when possible. For both types of calls, cards in lower-numbered slots
precede those in higher-numbered slots.
Entries for trunk lines are initially sorted in the order in which the lines are installed in the
system, with lines in lower-numbered slots preceding those in higher-numbered slots.
Modem usage and database sort order
The default sort order for modems is determined by the following parameter, shown with its
default settings:
call-routing-sort-method = item-first
In a device address, the item number represents a particular device on a slot card. An item
number of 0 (zero) denotes the whole slot, and the numbering begins with the leftmost device
on the card. The Item-First sort method means the system sorts the components of device
addresses in the following order:
For example, if two modem cards are supported, one in shelf 1, slot 2 and the other in shelf 1,
slot 4, the initial modem usage order looks like this:
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 19-3
Configuring Call Routing
Understanding the call-routing database
The system uses the first modem on the lower-numbered card, then the first modem on the next
card. It then uses the second modem on each of the cards, and so forth. This sort order causes
the channels of different cards to be interspersed, resulting in load balancing across all cards
that match a call’s parameters, even after a system reset.
HDLC channel usage and database sort order
The default sort order for HDLC channels is determined by the following parameter, shown
with its default settings:
digital-call-routing-sort-method = slot-first
The Slot-First sort method means the system sorts the components of device addresses in the
following order:
shelf:slot:item:logical item
For example, if two Hybrid Access (HDLC) cards are supported, one in shelf 1, slot 14 and the
other in shelf 1, slot 16, the initial HDLC channel usage order looks like this:
With the Slot-First sort order, the system starts with the card in the lowest-numbered slot, and
moves on to the next slot card only when all of the devices on the first card have been used.
Once a device has been used, it is placed at the end of the sorted list.
Slot-First is the default for digital calls because performance is improved when all channels of
a multilink call are on the same card. For example, suppose the system establishes the base
channel of an MP+ call on a Hybrid Access card in slot 4. When the connection requires
additional bandwidth, the Slot-First sort order gives the TAOS unit a good chance of adding
the new channels on slot 4 as well, which results in greater efficiency in handling the call.
However, suppose slot 3 contains a Series56 II card (which provides 48 HDLC channels but
does not support Frame Relay connections), slot 4 contains a Hybrid Access card, and the
system supports Frame Relay datalinks on T1. Because T1 is a network device, it requires
HDLC processing by a host card. In this case, the Slot-First algorithm causes the system to
attempt to use each one of the Series56 II card’s HDLC channels before moving on to the
Hybrid Access card. This behavior can result in up to 48 call rejects before the connection is
successfully established. (No system messages are reported during the interval.) To prevent
this situation, you can either remove the default Call-Route profile that enables the Series56 II
card to handle digital calls, or install the Series56 II card in a higher-numbered slot than the
19-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Call Routing
Working with Call-Route profiles
related information.
Trunk line usage and sort order
Trunk lines are sorted in the order in which they are installed in the system, with lines in
lower-numbered slots preceding those in higher-numbered slots. For example, if more than
one E1 card is installed, the system uses the card in the lower-numbered slot first, and begins to
use the second E1 card only when the first one is fully utilized.
Note: This method of trunk line usage introduces a requirement for explicit Call-Route
profiles when more than one trunk group is configured for the system. For details, see
Working with Call-Route profiles
Administrators create Call-Route profiles to control device usage. While there are many
reasons for creating Call-Route profiles, explicit Call-Route profiles are strongly
recommended or required in the following cases:
When trunk groups are in use
To bundle Multilink PPP calls efficiently
To reserve HDLC devices for multilink Frame Relay connections
Call-Route profile settings
Following are the parameters in a Call-Route profile, shown with default settings:
[in CALL-ROUTE/{ { any-shelf any-slot 0 } 0 } 0 }]
index* = { { { any-shelf any-slot 0 } 0 } 0 }
trunk-group = 0
phone-number = ""
preferred-source = { { any-shelf any-slot 0 } 0 }
call-route-type = any-call-type
Destination of the call route. A device address is followed by a
call-routing database entry number (starting with zero) in the
following format:
{ { shelf slot item } logical-item } entry }
If you create more than one call route for the same destination, the
entry numbers must be unique for each Call-Route profile. Entry
numbers do not have to be sequential.
Trunk group number. Enables the system to route calls to the
specified destination on the basis of trunk-group information
provided by a call.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 19-5
Configuring Call Routing
Working with Call-Route profiles
Telephone number assigned to TAOS unit network lines. For lines
that use ISDN service, the telephone number can contain a
Source of a call. The address of a device in the system.
Type of call to be routed to the device. Valid settings include the
Any-Call-Type (any of the types listed below).
Voice-Call-Type (voice bearer calls, which do not include
3.1KHz audio call types or VoIP calls).
Digital-Call-Type (general digital calls, including 3.1KHz
audio bearer channel calls, routed to a host device).
Trunk-Call-Type (digital calls sent to a trunk device). The
Trunk-Call-Type setting is used for outbound call routing for
trunk calls and trunk-to-trunk switching.
PHS-Call-Type (Personal Handyphone System calls).
VoIP-Call-Type (Voice-over-IP calls).
V110-Call-Type (digital calls recognized as containing V.110
rate-adapted bearer channels).
Outbound call routing by trunk group
If no explicit call routes are defined, the TAOS unit always routes a call to the first entry in its
database that matches the call’s parameters and is in the same quadrant. Because default entries
do not include trunk group specifications, this behavior can cause a call to fail when multiple
T1 or E1 cards are installed and each card supports different trunk groups. The system always
tries the first installed card, and does not proceed to the second card without an explicit call
route instructing it to do so.
Note: When configuring trunk groups for the purpose of outbound call routing, you must
specify the trunk groups both in the Call-Route profiles and in each channel subprofile of each
network line profile.
channel subprofiles of the E1 lines on the first card specify trunk groups 4, 5, 6, and 7. All
channels on all of the E1 lines on the second card specify trunk group 8.
Figure 19-1. Trunk group 8 connecting to a TAOS unit
E1 { shelf-1 slot-5 0 }
trunk groups 4, 5, 6, 7
E1 { shelf-1 slot-16 0 }
trunk group 8
19-6 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Call Routing
Working with Call-Route profiles
Without an explicit call route for trunk group 8, the system always tries the first E1 card, finds
that it does not use trunk group 8, and then drops the call.
The following commands create an explicit call route for trunk group 8:
admin> new call-route { { { 1 16 0 } 0} 0}
CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-16 0 } 0 } 0 } read
admin> set trunk-group = 8
admin> write
CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-16 0 } 0 } 0 } written
This profile creates a call-routing database entry such as the following:
# source
tg sa phone
8 0
1:16:01/1 0 0:00:00/0 trunk-call-type
When the system attempts to bring up a call to the remote TAOS unit on trunk group 8, it
matches the trunk-group field in its database and directs the call to the E1 card in slot 16.
Multilink Frame Relay requirements with Hybrid Access
To implement a Multilink Frame Relay (MFR) bundle using a T1, E1, or T3 card with a Hybrid
Access card, you must ensure that the aggregate bandwidth is bound to the channels of a single
Hybrid Access card. So, if more than one Hybrid Access card is installed, you must define
Call-Route profiles to map the bandwidth of the MFR bundle to the same Hybrid Access card.
Note: Because one Hybrid Access card can provide 186 channels (31 x 6) for MFR, one
Hybrid Access card can support up to six Call-Route profiles binding its channels to up to six
back-to-back E1 ports. This places a six-line limitation on the size of the MFR bundle when
you are using an Hybrid Access card.
Example with two E1 lines in an MFR bundle
In the following example, the administrator creates two Call-Route profiles for the Hybrid
Access card in slot 3, with each profile binding 31 HDLC channels to a single E1 line on the
card in slot 2. The default Call-Route profile for the Hybrid Access card must be left
unmodified, or can be deleted, but should not be modified to specify an explicit route.
For example, the following commands create a Call-Route profile for the Hybrid Access card
in slot 3 and set the preferred source to the first E1 interface in slot 2:
admin> new call-route { { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 } 1 }
CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 } 1 } read
admin> set preferred-source = { { 1 2 1 } 0 }
admin> list
[in CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 } 1 } (new) (changed)]
index* = { { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 } 1 }
trunk-group = 0
phone-number = ""
preferred-source = { { shelf-1 slot-2 1 } 0 }
call-route-type = digital-call-type
admin> write
CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 } 1 } written
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 19-7
Configuring Call Routing
Working with Call-Route profiles
The next set of commands creates another Call-Route profile for the Hybrid Access card and
sets the preferred source to the second E1 interface in slot 2:
admin> new call-route { { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 } 2 }
CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 } 1 } read
admin> set preferred-source = { { 1 2 2 } 0 }
admin> write
CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 } 2 } written
Note that the default Call-Route profile for the Hybrid Access card was not modified. It still
specifies a general route for the card as a whole, as shown in the following listing:
admin> get call-route { { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 }0}
[in CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 } 0 }]
index* = { { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 } 0 }
trunk-group = 0
phone-number = ""
preferred-source = { { any-shelf any-slot 0 } 0 }
call-route-type = digital-call-type
Example with six E1 lines in an MFR bundle
If the MFR bundle aggregates enough bandwidth to utilize all of the channels on a Hybrid
Access card (up to 186, or six E1 lines), you can create a single Call-Route profile mapping the
E1 card to the Hybrid Access card. Only six of the E1 lines are usable for MFR, however.
For example, the following commands modify the default Call-Route profile to specify the E1
card in slot 2 as the preferred source for the card:
admin> read call-route { { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 } 0 }
CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 } 0 } read
admin> set preferred-source = { { 1 16 0 } 0 }
admin> list
[in CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 } 0 } (changed)]
index* = { { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 } 0 }
trunk-group = 0
phone-number = ""
preferred-source = { { shelf-1 slot-16 0 } 0 }
call-route-type = digital-call-type
admin> write
CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-3 0 } 0 } 0 } written
Concentrating multilink calls on one Hybrid Access card
Multilink calls that add channels dynamically might inadvertently use channels distributed
across multiple Hybrid Access cards, which causes a performance penalty for those calls. You
can use Call-Route profiles to direct the system to route calls received on a particular trunk to a
single Hybrid Access card.
In this example, the system has three T1 cards installed in slots 1, 2, and 3. Slot 1 uses trunk
groups 4 and 5, slot 2 uses trunk groups 6 and 7, and slot 3 uses trunk groups 8 and 9. The
system also has three Hybrid Access cards, in slots 4, 5, and 6.
19-8 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Call Routing
Another way to route incoming calls (deprecated)
The following commands create a Call-Route profile to route calls received on trunk group 4 to
the Hybrid Access card in slot 4:
admin> new call-route { { { 1 4 0 } 0} 0}
CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-4 0 } 0 } 0 } read
admin> set trunk-group = 4
admin> write
CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-4 0 } 0 } 0 } written
This profile creates a call-routing database entry such as the following:
# source
tg sa phone
4 0
1:04:01/1 0 0:00:00/0 digital-call-type
When the system receives an add-channel request from the caller, it searches the call-routing
database for available HDLC channels. This entry ensure that when the add-on request is made
on trunk group 4, the HDLC channels will reside on the card in slot 4.
Dedicating Series56 cards to modem processing
The Series56 II and Series56 III cards handle both modem and digital calls. The TAOS unit
automatically creates two Call-Route profiles when you first install one of the cards: one
profile for voice call type (a modem call) and one for digital calls. For more information, see
If you want the card to answer only modem calls, delete the Digital-Call-Type profile.
Enabling Series56 cards to handle HDLC processing
If you want Series56 II and Series56 III cards to answer HDLC calls, then no matter where you
install the card, you might experience delays as it tries to answer single channel nailed Frame
Relay calls.
To reduce such delays, install a Hybrid Access (HDLC) card in a lower-numbered slot than any
Series56 II or Series56 III card. This arrangement enables the Hybrid Access card to answer
the Frame Relay call first. However, if all the channels in the Hybrid Access card are in use, or
have been used before, the TAOS unit looks for the next available channel, which might be an
HDLC channel in the Series56 II or Series56 III card.
Another way to route incoming calls (deprecated)
Many network line profiles provide a parameter for directing incoming calls to a particular
host interface. Following are the relevant parameters, shown with default settings:
[in T1/{ any-shelf any-slot 0 }:line-interface:channel[1]]
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
[in E1/{ any-shelf any-slot 0 }:line-interface:channel[1]]
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 19-9
Configuring Call Routing
Call routing algorithms
Address of an interface to which a call can be routed, using the
following format:
{ shelf slot item }
The default value is nonspecific, with zero values in each field.
This parameter is deprecated. Use of Call-Route profiles is
preferred. However, if you specify both methods, the
Call-Route-Info setting takes precedence. For more information,
For example, the following commands specify that calls received on the tenth T1 channel on
line 1 of a card installed in shelf 1, slot 22 is always routed to the specified host device:
admin> read t1 {1 2 1}
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-22 1 } read
admin> set line channel 10 call-route-info = { 1 7 12 }
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-22 1 } written
Call routing algorithms
The call-routing database starts with a list of all possible destinations in the system. During
active use, the TAOS unit keeps track of the devices that are currently in use and does not
consider those devices as possible destinations for a call. After removing entries for devices
that are in use, the system sorts the list of remaining devices in the following order:
Trunk group number (sorted in descending order; for example, 9–4)
Subaddress number (sorted in descending order; for example, 9–1)
Telephone number (empty telephone numbers last)
Destination device address (zero components sorted after nonzero components)
Source device address (zero components sorted after nonzero components)
Routing type (Any-Call-Type last)
After sorting the database in this order, the TAOS unit sorts again, this time placing devices
that have been used less frequently ahead of those that have been used more frequently.
Localization of call routes within a quadrant
The TAOS unit uses the same call-routing algorithms as similar devices that have a lower port
density, such as the MAX TNT, except that it searches first for available devices within the
same quadrant as the source of the call. For example, when a call arrives on a network line, the
TAOS unit searches first for host-side devices within the quadrant. If no devices are available
within the quadrant, the system searches the other quadrants looking for a free entry. To take
advantage of this algorithm, you must balance the number of network and host devices within
each quadrant.
19-10 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Call Routing
Call routing algorithms
How the system finds a route
After sorting the call-routing database, the TAOS unit compares the information it has gathered
about a call to the values in the database, looking for a match. Values are compared in the
sorted order.
After each comparison, profiles that do not contain zero or a matching value in that compared
field are dropped from consideration, so after each pass the list is narrowed considerably. The
TAOS unit routes the call to the best match, which is the device that matches the greatest
number of components without the use of zero fields. If more than one device matches the
call’s parameters equally, the system routes the call to the first matching entry.
were created by Call-Route profiles.
Figure 19-2. Matching call information to a database entry
Network device:
Host device
LAN or
Information gathered
from call:
Trunk group 7
Dial number 1212
Line 3 channel 10
# source
tg sa phone
1:10:01/0 0 1:01:01/0
1:10:02/0 0 1:01:03/0
1:10:03/0 0 1:01:03/10
0 2345
0 1234
0 1212
In the first entry, the preferred source is set to the first T1 line in slot 1, and the dial number is
2345. This entry passes the trunk group and subaddress comparisons, because both fields
specify 0. It fails on the telephone number comparison and is dropped from the list.
The second entry sets the preferred source to any channel on the third T1 line in slot 1. It
specifies trunk group 7 and dial number 1234. This entry passes the trunk group and
subaddress comparisons, because the trunk group matches and the subaddress is 0. It fails on
the telephone number comparison and is dropped from the list.
The third entry sets the preferred source to channel 10 on the third T1 line in slot 1. It specifies
trunk group 7 and dial number 1212. This entry matches the call information, so the call is
routed to the third modem in slot 6.
Note: If the list of remaining devices becomes empty at any point, the TAOS unit drops the
call. Depending on the type of call, the signaling being used, and the configuration of the
central office (CO) switch, dropping the call might result in the switch returning a busy
indication to the caller. If the caller receives a busy indication on a voice line, the indication
originates from the central office switch equipment, not from the TAOS unit.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 19-11
Configuring Call Routing
Call routing algorithms
Details of how a route is chosen
The system compares call information to its database entries. The entries are accessed in the
order in which they are sorted, with devices that are used less frequently preceding those that
have been used recently, and the following sort orders:
Trunk group number (sorted in descending order; for example, 9–4)
Subaddress number (sorted in descending order; for example, 9–1)
Telephone number (empty telephone numbers last)
Destination device address (zero components sorted after nonzero components)
Source device address (zero components sorted after nonzero components)
Routing type (Any-Call-Type last)
First pass: trunk group number
The first pass through the database compares trunk-group information gathered from the call to
the trunk-group numbers in entries. Entries with a matching trunk-group number or a trunk
group of zero remain in the list for the next comparison pass. Entries with a different
trunk-group number are dropped for the next pass. For example, if the input trunk group is 9,
profiles with a trunk group of 0 or 9 remain in the list.
Second pass: ISDN subaddresses
If an ISDN subaddress is configured on a line, callers must include the number in the dial
number. For example, the caller dials 510-555-1212, 3 where 3 is the subaddress number.
Specifying a subaddress as part of the telephone number makes the telephone number much
more specific. Only calls that specify the subaddress will match this parameter.
If an inbound call contains an ISDN subaddress as part of the telephone number (for example,
the 3 in 510-555-1212, 3), the TAOS unit compares that subaddress to the Phone-Number
parameters in its call routing database and rejects entries that specify a different subaddress.
Only profiles that specify the same subaddress as the one presented by the call remain in the
list, unless the TAOS unit finds no profiles with a matching subaddress. In that case, it keeps
profiles with no subaddress specification in the list and uses them in the next comparison pass.
For example, if the input subaddress is 9, only devices that specify a subaddress of 9 in the
Phone-Number parameter remain in the list. Profiles with specifications such as the following,
for example, remain in the list:
phone-number = 9,
phone-number = 9,555-1212
If no devices specify the subaddress 9, only devices with no subaddress specification remain in
the list. For example:
phone-number = 555-1212
phone-number = 777-9898
Third pass: telephone numbers
The TAOS unit compares the telephone number on which the call was received to the
Phone-Number values in its call-routing database and rejects all entries with nonmatching
numbers. To match the telephone number, an entry’s telephone number must be smaller than or
19-12 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Call Routing
Call routing algorithms
equal to the input number, and its digits must match the add-on digits of the input number. For
example, suppose the calling switch sent the following number to the TAOS unit:
Profiles with the following telephone numbers (for example) would remain in the list:
phone-number = 1212
phone-number = 555-1212
phone-number = 12
As with subaddress routing, if the TAOS unit finds no matching telephone numbers, it drops
the profiles that have other, nonmatching numbers, but retains the profiles that have a null
Phone-Number specification.
Fourth pass: destination device addresses
The next comparison uses destination-address information specified in the Call-Route-Info
parameter of the channel configuration, if the network port configuration has an assigned value
for that parameter. By default, the Call-Route-Info parameter specifies the system address:
{ any-shelf any-slot 0 }
If a call comes in on a channel that specifies a host device address instead, the TAOS unit
excludes all profiles whose index does not match that address. The TAOS unit uses the most
specific address match. For example, if the channel Call-Route-Info address is { 1 5 1 }, the
TAOS unit uses the entry for { 1 5 1 }, if one exists. If there is no entry for { 1 5 1 }, uses the
entry for { 1 5 0 }. If there is no entry for { 1 5 0 }, it uses the entry for { 1 0 0 }. If it does not
find an entry in the call-routing database for { 1 0 0 }, the TAOS unit uses the default call
route, which has the system address, { 0 0 0 }.
Fifth pass: source device addresses
Next, the TAOS unit compares the device address of the line and channel on which the call was
received to the preferred source addresses in its call-routing database, and rejects all profiles
with nonmatching preferred source addresses. The default preferred-source address { 0 0 0 }
matches all calls.
Last pass: comparison routing type
For all profiles that remain as possible route destinations after the preceding comparison
passes, the TAOS unit compares the type of the incoming call to the Call-Route-Type setting in
its call-routing database.
Call type is information that the TAOS unit can detect about any call it receives. The
information might indicate the bearer capability of the call, or it might be related to
characteristics of the calling device. For example, analog modems place voice-service calls.
ISDN devices generally place data-service (digital) calls, but in some cases can place
data-over-voice calls.
The TAOS unit excludes all profiles whose routing type does not match the characteristics of
the calling device or the bearer capability of the call. For example, if the incoming call uses
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 19-13
Configuring Call Routing
Call routing algorithms
voice service, all profiles that specify Digital-Call-Type are removed from consideration. Only
profiles that specify Voice-Call-Type or Any-Call-Type remain in the list.
Note: For T1 lines that use inband signaling, bearer-capability is not known. The TAOS unit
treats all calls that terminate on a T1 and use inband signaling as digital calls unless the T1
profile sets the default call type to voice.
19-14 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Provisioning the Switch
Provisioning the switch for T1 access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
What you need from your T1 service provider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
What you need from your E1 service provider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
This appendix provides the information necessary for properly provisioning a switch for T1/EI
or T1/E1 PRI access to the WAN.
Provisioning the switch for T1 access
If you use an inband signaling line, the T1 circuit at the Point-of-Presence (POP) must support
Table A-1. T1 access provisioning information
Optional or required
Two-state DTMF (Dual-Tone
Multifrequency) dialing
Required for outdial.
Outgoing wink start
Incoming immediate seizure
Incoming wink start
Incoming digits suppressed
Answer supervision
Switched data
Required for outdial.
Optional for a switch.
Optional for a switch.
No voice/digital loss plan is allowed.
Four-state A-bit signaling, four-state B-bit signaling, and pulse dialing are not supported.
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Preliminary May 9, 2000 A-1
What you need from your T1 service provider
What you need from your T1 service provider
Request the following information about your T1 interface from your WAN provider:
Type of signaling (inband or ISDN D channel)
Type of line encoding (B8ZS or AMI)
Type of framing (ESF or D4)
Each telephone number assigned to the line, on a channel-by-channel or
service-by-service basis
Number of nailed-up channels, if any
Number of unused channels, if any
Types of call-by-call services (also called NSF identifiers) on the switched channels
Type of line provisioning (B channel, H0 channel, H11 channel, or multirate)
D-channel assignment
NFAS ID number (if the T1 PRI line is provisioned for NFAS)
Also, keep in mind the following points:
In general, ESF framing and B8ZS line encoding are both recommended for T1
applications. In addition, channel 24 must be the D channel, except for applications using
non-facility associated signaling (NFAS).
Applications that require NFAS must be connected to an AT&T or Northern Telecom
switch provisioned with NFAS.
The TAOS unit can receive multichannel calls using MP encapsulation only if all channels
of the call share a common telephone number (namely, a hunt group). You can request that
your service provider supply you with a hunt group.
What you need from your E1 service provider
Request the following information about your E1 interface from your WAN provider:
The telephone numbers assigned to your E1 interface, channel by channel
Nailed-up channels (also called private WAN), if any
Unused channels, if any
Switch type (or emulation)—DPNSS only
Configuration for switch layers 2 and 3—DASS 2 and DPNSS only (A/B end, X/Y end)
Rate adaption protocol—DASS 2 and DPNSS only (X.30)
Note: The TAOS unit can receive multichannel calls using MP encapsulation only if all
channels of the call share a common telephone number (namely, a hunt group). You can
request that your service provider supply you with a hunt group.
A-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
add-on numbers
call ID
call routing
ADSL card
Call-Route profile
ASGCP. See Access SS7 Gateway Control Protocol
Automatic Number Identification, R1 signaling and,
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
cause codes
access SS7 gateway control protocol (ASGCP) calls,
disconnect, signaling system 7 (SS7) support for call
CCITT. See Consultative Committee for International
cell payload parameter
channel usage
assigning system IP address for APX 8000, redundant
basic signaling system 7 (SS7)-Gateway profile,
channelized T1
clock source
Physical interface profiles, for shelf-controller
Redundancy profile, for shelf-controller redundancy,
command-line interface, switching primary controller,
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
T1 data trunk for signaling system 7 (SS7) data,
data transfer
T3 card for signaling system 7 (SS7) data, example,
Connection profiles
digital milliwatt (DMW) tone
digital millwatt tone (DMW)
switch type for remote device in IDSL configuration,
control protocol
controller status
DS3-ATM card
D channel
DS3-ATM interface
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
DS3-ATM port
DSL cards
example configurations
DPNSS signaling, 9-12
R2 signaling, 9-11
DSX cross-connect
E1 profile
example configurations
DPNSS signaling, 9-12
E1/PRI, 9-7
E1 channels
example configurations
nailed, 9-16
ISDN service, 9-8
nailed channels, 9-16
phone numbers, 9-14
phone number assignments, 9-14
R2 signaling, 9-11
trunk group assignments, 9-15
using trunk groups, 9-14
E1 FrameLine card
enable/disable parameter
E1 line
enable/disable, OC3-ATM
E1 lines
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Ethernet IP address
Ethernet profiles
fan tray
fan tray operations
fault tolerance
Frame Relay
number of DLCIs supported on E1 FrameLine card,
sample configuration with system-based routing,
sample SDSL configuration with numbered
HDLC cards
FrameLine card
Hybrid Access
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
ITU-T. See International Telecommunications Union
IDSL card
LAN IP interfaces
leased connections
leased line
Line Status
line-side T1
log level
log messages
IP address
loopback parameter
ISDN D channel
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
MP/MP+ calls
multichannel calls
OC3-ATM interface
OC3-ATM physical interface
OC3-ATM port
OC3-ATM profiles
nailed channels
outbound calls
nailed connections
nailed group
configuring E1 lines for signaling system 7 (SS7) data
nailed-group, DS3-ATM physical interface parameter,
NFAS signaling
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
permissions, Allow-Password not enabled by default,
phone numbers
Physical interface profiles
configuration, setting up shelf-controller redundancy,
protocol support
Plug and Play
PPP calls
R1 signaling
R2 signaling
primary controller
Redundancy profile
configuration, setting up shelf-controller redundancy,
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Series56 II and III cards
setting up APX 8000
shelf controller
SDSL card
shelf-controller Ethernet IP address
shelf-controller redundancy
SDSL-HS card
secondary controller
signalihg system 7 (SS7)
serial port
serial WAN card
signaling gateway
signaling gateway platforms
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
cause codes for access SS7 gateway control protoco
Start and Stop records
STM-0 card
SWAN profile
switch type
switched channels
IP device control (IPDC) support for call ID,
signaling system 7 (SS7) network
Signaling System 7 (SS7)-Continuity subprofile
signaling system 7 (SS7)-Gateway profile, example,
slot cards
system IP address
system requirements
soft Ip address
T1 channels
example configurations
nailed, 7-21
phone numbers, 7-19
trunk groups, 7-20
soft IP interface
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
phone number assignments, 7-19
PRI, 7-8
trunk group assignments, 7-20
T3 card
T1 line
T1 lines
PRI, 7-8
T3 network
T3 profile
T5 timer
Thermal status reporting
tone-type and tone-sting
T1 network
example configurations
nailed, 7-21
nailed channels, 7-21
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
transport service
transport-layer options
Trap pfofile
Trap profile
trunk groups
trunk-side T1
UDS3 card
Voice over IP (VoIP)
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
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